Part 28 (1/2)

She started for the door, but Mihaly didn't budge. Renke's hand shot out like a stop sign in front of her. ”No.”

She stared. ”What do you mean, no? You heard him, Meg is in danger. We have to go now now!”

”Not you. My partner said you stay here, and I agree.”

”They asked for me and Drew,” she insisted. ”At least one of us has to show up, or they'll think it's a trap.”

”No. He's right, Lauren.” Mihaly's voice was softer, but no less firm. ”I promised Drew you would be safe.”

”Where is he?” Pierson interrupted. ”He's supposed to be there, too.”

”He and Chapman are checking out a lead, but we can call him. He'll be there,” she a.s.sured him. ”And so will I,” she told Mihaly.

”No, you stay here. I will go. Meg will trust me.”

”And me.” She'd practically forgotten about Gerald, who was apparently as bored with sitting around waiting as she was. ”If I can't go home, then at least I can help.” He stuck his hands on his hips and faced Renke. ”But I won't carry a gun, so don't ask.”

Renke gave him a withering look. ”Never occurred to me. In fact, taking you along never occurred to me, either.”

”Too bad.” Gerald pushed past him. ”You need to create a presence, and they both know and trust me. I'm not doing anyone any good here. Don't just stand there, let's get moving.”

Renke turned a skeptical look on Mihaly, who shrugged. ”He's right. The more of us, the better.”

When Renke's gaze swung to Lauren, Pierson moved to her side. ”I'll stay here with Lauren,” he offered. ”Please, just find Harlan and Meg, and get this whole thing over with.”

”d.a.m.n it,” Renke muttered, looking at his improvised posse. ”Okay, let's go.”

”Hey!” Lauren objected.

The door shut in her face. She kicked it, almost glad of the pain that distracted her from her frustration.

Pierson watched silently out the window as Renke's car drove off, then pulled a cell phone from his pocket. An awkward sense of propriety that Lauren thought she'd overcome compelled her to quote the rules as he dialed a number. ”The Secret Service didn't want us making calls, even on cell phones. The wrong people could listen in.”

He flashed a cool smile, holding the phone to his ear. ”I don't think it matters anymore.” He may have been right, but before she even had a chance to argue he spoke to someone on the other end. ”They're on their way.”

At Lauren's puzzled look, Senator Pierson flipped the phone shut, raked her with a head-to-toe appraisal and held an arm out toward the couch. ”Shall we make ourselves comfortable while we wait? It won't be long.”

Something in his smile made her s.h.i.+ver.

Drew ground his teeth as the desk clerk flicked another piece of lint from his blazer. In about ten seconds Drew was going to leap over the counter, grab a fistful of that nifty red blazer the clerk seemed so fond of, and stuff it down the little twerp's throat.

”Yeah, I remember the badge,” the twerp said. ”It was really cool. Star shaped, just like in the movies, ya know? But I didn't really look at the guy's face.”

Chapman's patience looked to be fraying, too, but it was still more stable than Drew's. ”You must have noticed something because you said he wasn't blond.”

The clerk nodded thoughtfully. ”That's right, I did. And I'm positive about that. So I guess I am kinda observant, huh?” He stood straighter and adjusted the jacket.

Drew's jaw was beginning to hurt from clenching it so hard. The kid at the desk had actually spoken to the man who was their best lead, and he couldn't remember a thing about the guy, except that he wasn't the man in the picture they'd shown him. Drew would have loved to knock the kid's memory back into place, but since Chapman's method was more likely to get results, he ground another millimeter of enamel off his molars and kept quiet.

”Maybe he was older,” Chapman suggested. ”Maybe he had gray hair.”

”Fu... I mean, heck, no. The guy wasn't that old. I woulda noticed that, for sure. Secret Service guys are never old, right? Say, what do they do with you guys when you get too old to take down some bad guy?”

Chapman's eye developed a tic, and he looked like he wanted to demonstrate his proficiency at that skill right now. ”So he didn't have gray hair?”

”No way. Hey, I remembered that! I'm pretty good at this. Ask me another one.”

Drew ma.s.saged the pain between his eyes and resigned himself to a long interview as Chapman ground out, ”Any tattoos?”

”No! That's another one! You and me make a good team, man.”

Tension settled in Drew's neck. Tuning out the kid, he tilted his head upward and to the right until he heard a tiny crack. Much better. Tilting to the left, he repeated the process, concentrating on the stiff spot in his neck as his gaze drifted along the upper corner of the wall. And stopped.

Without moving his head, he tapped a knuckle against Chapman's shoulder until the agent turned with an irritated, ”What?”

Drew pointed. Chapman's gaze followed, then froze at the upper corner of the wall behind the clerk.

”You have a security camera,” he said.

The clerk glanced at the object of their fascination and shrugged. ”Yeah.”

Drew exchanged cautious looks with Chapman before addressing the kid. ”Does it work?”

”Sure. Wouldn't do much good if it didn't.” His expression said they were going to have to be brighter than that if they expected to find their man.

Chapman leaned over the counter and grabbed the kid by his bright red lapel. ”Find the tape from the night before last. Now.”

The clerk's blank, open-mouthed stare gradually took on the glimmer of intelligence. ”Hey, good thinking! The dude is probably on there, isn't he?”

”Let's hope so,” Chapman muttered as he released the kid. ”We deserve a break.”

They got more than they expected. Watching the flickering TV screen in the manager's office, Chapman kept his finger on the remote's fast forward b.u.t.ton until Drew ordered, ”Stop. There he is.”

On the silent, black and white film, a man showed his badge and spoke to the desk clerk.

”Hot d.a.m.n,” Chapman exclaimed, leaning closer to the screen. ”I know this guy. Tough att.i.tude, chip on his shoulder. He got himself messed up pretty bad in a car wreck and was off work for close to a year. He can't have been back more than a few months. If he's been a.s.signed to any of the same officials as Marlow, it should be easy to find out. Someone had to have recruited these guys.”

”The sooner we find out, the better,” Drew said.

Chapman already had his phone in his hands when it rang. Frowning at the readout, he answered with a growled, ”I said no calls. This better be good.”

Drew listened with disinterest until he heard the agent's startled, ”You're where where?”

Curiosity turned to caution as he saw Chapman's posture stiffen. Something had happened. Drew drummed his fingers on the manager's desk until Chapman hung up.

”Your father and his secretary phoned Senator Pierson,” Chapman summarized as he began dialing another number. ”Said they know who the blackmailer is. They're in danger, so Renke and your friends went to get them.” He held his hand up as he snapped out a fax request to someone on the phone, then hung up. ”We'll join them as soon as I get the fax on this guy.”

Drew struggled to absorb the sudden developments. Somehow, his father had figured it out. The case was about to split wide open with his dad caught in the middle, holding the dangerous information that would expose some high-level government official. If the blackmailer knew, he would panic. His dad's life was in danger, along with the lives of anyone with him.

His mind reeling with information, Drew focused on the part that mattered most-Lauren.