Part 35 (1/2)
”Hum-m-m. Good!”
Next minute Jeeka had shaken off all concern and religious feeling, and was addressing his men in loud stentorian tones as to the duties of the day before us. For a great hunt was on the tapis.
This was to be a memorable day in the history of our adventures, for troubles began that we did not see the end of for many a long month afterwards.
We were now in a splendid hunting district; herds of guanacos had been seen, with innumerable ostriches, besides animals of various kinds.
We had even noticed some wild horses in the distance, but they had evidently sniffed danger from afar, for they speedily drew off, and disappeared to the nor'ard in a cloud of dust.
Very early in the morning we crossed a river. I am unable at this date to give the name of it, but think it must have been some tributary of the now distant Rio Santa Cruz or of the Chico.
We Englishmen were all tolerably good hors.e.m.e.n now, thanks to Jeeka, who had given us lessons, and thanks to our good steeds themselves. They were wonderfully well trained. Peter and Lawlor were the worst riders, and got many a tumble and shaking; but instead of bolting when their riders fell off, the horses simply stood and looked at them, as much as to say: ”What fun you can find in tumbling off our backs in that higgledy-piggledy way, we utterly fail to discover.”
An accident of this kind caused the greatest merriment among the Indians. They waved their spears in the air, and shouted with laughter.
Even gentle Nadi clapped her hands, and cried ”Engleese! Engleese!”
She meant, of course, that there was nothing too eccentric for an Englishman to do, for the notion that they had fallen off accidentally never for a moment crossed her thoughts.
We got over the river easily enough, only Peter did not gird up his mantle in the true Patagonian fas.h.i.+on, and so when he reached bank he looked more like a half-drowned pole-cat ferret than anything else on earth. Again Nadi must clap her hands and laugh, and cry ”Engleese!
On now over a vast undulating plain, with more bush than we had yet seen, and, wonder of wonders! one single tree, growing at the east side of a rock. I noticed that all the Indians gave the tree a wide birth.
I asked one Indian to come with me towards it; he only answered ”Malo, malo,” and rode away in another direction. So Jill and I went to see it. A more weird-looking tree I never had come near. It was almost dead; just a few green leaves, the rest of its branches bare and blackened, as if by fire. Near it, and half buried in the gravel, were several skulls and bones.
It was a murder tree!
Castizo told us this in the evening. Some Chilians, who were suspected of having proved false to a certain tribe, were taken to this dreary spot at midnight, and quietly ”knifed.”
The story made us shudder, and both Jill and I dreamt about it afterwards.
Preparations were now set about to form a grand battue.
This is a form of hunting which I admit I do not admire, but it is common in nearly every country, Scotland and England not excepted. In this case it was to some extent a necessity. We wanted fresh meat, and the Indians wanted skins and feathers.
To say that we ”youngsters” were not excited from the very commencement, would be to throw doubts upon our very nationality.
We were excited.
So much so, that the preliminaries seemed to us interminably long and dull. First of all a halt was called, and Jeeka held a short palaver with our cacique. As they spoke in Patagonian we could not tell what was said, but from the gestures they made it was evident that Castizo was placing the command of the hunt in the hands of Prince Jeeka.
Now guns and revolvers, la.s.soes and bolas, were seen to. After this, Jeeka disrobed himself, tying his mantle on his saddle, and almost at the same time four Indians followed his example. Off they presently rode in different directions, two bearing away to the right, and three, including Jeeka, to the left. They seemed to make or describe the arc of a circle. After they had been gone some time, a fire was seen in one place on the right, and another to the left. Four more Indians at once divested themselves of the roba, and rode after the others. So gradually they all dispersed. We followed in due time, ”dislocating”
ourselves just as the Indians had done, leaving the women with the spare horses, and one boy to follow slowly along the tract.
We soon sighted the Indians, who were careering to and fro, and gradually closing in. But the portion of country--a wide, rough, rolling, bushy plain--was very extensive, so that the afternoon was well begun before the real sport was.
We soon, however, noticed herds of guanaco here and there, and scared looking, strangely bewildered ostriches. The guanacos stampeded, the birds fled hither and thither, but were turned with yells and shouts wherever they went.