Part 7 (1/2)

Tom had always gone in for growing mustard and cress on board, and a bit o' sea-kale in a flower-pot, but the idea struck Jill and me that we might carry garden operations out to even greater perfection, and having asked and obtained permission of Mr Moore, we set to work and soon arranged in different parts of the deck a series of little flower gardens made from orange boxes. And very charming and beautiful they looked.

So that when auntie came with Mattie one summer's morning, they were both astonished at our horticultural skill and contrivances.

Tom and Mr Moore always dressed in their best when the ladies were coming, and a bit of bunting was even hoisted on the top of the mast, and no clothes permitted to be hung up to air or dry for that day.

Auntie used to make a pic-nic of these visits. Mrs Moore had the table-cloth laid with spotless linen and adorned with gay flowers, and Mummy Gray, as Mattie called her foster-mother, invariably brought a basket of such good things, that the very thoughts of them beforehand used to make my mouth water, and of course Jill's as well.

”I'm really delighted, Mr Moore,” said Aunt Serapheema, on the quarter-deck one day, ”to see the boys looking so well and happy. It was really an excellent thought of yours to have them here, and I have not the slightest doubt they will prove a credit to your tuition, and pa.s.s their examination with flying colours.”

”Bravo! Miss,” cried Tom Morley. ”In my time, Miss, I've heard many's the little speech on a quarter-deck, but I declare to you, on the honour of an old sailor, I never heard a neater than that.”

”To my mate Tom, here,” replied Mr Moore, ”belongs the credit more than to me and my wife, of making the young gentlemen what you see them.”

Old Tom Morley sc.r.a.ped and bowed in the most orthodox fas.h.i.+on, and Mr Moore continued:

”He does keep them at it, Miss. Why, it's drill, drill, drill, all day long, and the boys like it, too. Then he reads to them and tells them stories in the evening.”

”Good books, I hope?”

”Not bad 'uns, Miss, I can a.s.sure you. We've d.i.c.kens and Scott, and that lot, but what we're doin' at present is a thorough overhaul o' Marryat. He is the chap, Miss, to give a man, or boy either, a right taste o' the crust o' the service.”

Dear Mattie was listening to all this while she stood close by me, with one wee arm round my wrist, all eyes and smiles.

”What a perfect picture those two little ones look!” said Mrs Moore.

”You are very fond of your little sailor brothers, aren't you, dear?

Which do you like best?”

Mattie's eye wandered from Jill to me, then she dropped her head smiling on my shoulder.

”I love them both,” she said, ”but Jack saved my life.”

That was only Mattie's romantic way of alluding to our introduction, when I punched the rude fisher-boy's head on her account.

But there was never a bit of jealousy about Jill.

There was one other thing that Tom taught us, and it is a branch of such pleasant education that I advise all boys to go in for it, viz, joiner's and carpenter's work. We had a regular bench on board and all sorts of tools, so that we could make almost any sort of article.

We spent the greater part of every evening on board s.h.i.+p, and as Tom was generally on board also, and had a wealth of wonderful tales to tell, the time pa.s.sed very quickly indeed.

We did not forget to read and pray as dear mother told us to, and this we did every night whether sleepy or not. Mind, I am not telling this part of our story for the sake of showing we were good boys. We were no better, perhaps no worse, than other lads of our age, but we had then, as I have had all my life, unbounded faith in prayer, and in the goodness of the Father who made us. Besides, there was so much to thank Him for and to ask Him for, and while on our knees we somehow seemed always close to our absent mother. That alone made prayer _so_ sweet.

Like most boys, we rather liked ghost stories, and though I do not believe it now, we had an idea then, that the old _Thunderbolt_ was haunted. You see so many men had been killed on her battle-decks, and there were so many ugly dark stains about the parts where the guns had been, that it is no wonder lads so full of romance as we were, manufactured a ghost or two.

The decks did seem very gloomy and empty just after nightfall, so much so that, I do not mind confessing, when Jill and I had to go forward, we walked very closely together indeed, and gave many a fearful quick glance round, lest we should see a strange light or something even more startling.

But we never saw anything fearsome, though more than once, after we had been talking about mysterious things just before getting into our cots, we did have ugly dreams, and were glad when we saw daylight s.h.i.+mmering on the water alongside.

Now, all along my influence over Jill had been something quite marvellous. It really was as if his soul and mine were linked together in bonds that nothing could sever. Our very thoughts and imaginings were often precisely similar at the same time or times.