Part 19 (1/2)
”You can't.”
”I can.”
”I'm going with you,” he said.
”You're not.”
”I am.”
”You're not.”
I am”.
”You ar-r-re not.”
”I am”.
”You are, ar-r-re not.”
”We'll see whether I will or not in a minute or two,” he said with amus.e.m.e.nt.
”But, Mr Betcham, I object to your company. I am quite capable of taking care of myself; besides, if you come home with me I will not be allowed out alone again--it will be altogether unpleasant for me.”
Mrs Butler now appeared with the mail and some parcels, and Harold stowed them in the buggy.
”You'd better come in an' 'ave a drop of tay-warter, miss, the kittle's bilin'; and I have the table laid out for both of yez.”
”No, thank you, Mrs Butler. I can't possibly stay today, it's getting late. I must hurry off. Good-bye! Good afternoon, Mr Beecham.”
I turned my buggy and pair smartly round and was swooping off. Without a word Harold was at their heads and seized the reins. He seized his horse's bridle, where it was over the paling, and in a moment had him tied on the off-side of Barney, then stepping quietly into the buggy he put me away from the driver's seat as though I were a baby, quietly took the reins and whip, raised his hat to Mrs Butler, who was smiling knowingly, and drove off.
I was highly delighted with his action, as I would have despised him as a had he given in to me, but I did not let my satisfaction appear.
I sat as far away from him as possible, and pretended to be in a great huff. For a while he was too fully occupied in making Barney ”sit up” to notice me, but after a few minutes he looked round, smiling a most annoying and pleasant smile.
”I'd advise you to straighten out your chin. It is too round and soft to look well screwed up that way,” he said provokingly.
I tried to extinguish him with a look, but it had not the desired effect.
”Now you had better be civil, for I have got the big end of the whip,”
he said.
”I reserve to myself the right of behaving as I think fit in my own uncle's buggy. You are an intruder; it is yourself that should be civil.”
I erected my parasol and held it so as to tease Harold. I put it down so that he could not see the horses. He quietly seized my wrist and held it out of his way for a time, and then loosing me said, ”Now, behave.”
I flouted it now, so that his ears and eyes were endangered, and he was forced to hold his hat on.