Part 13 (1/2)
”Good, because I need to draw on that favor.” I sat down across from him. ”You know some Welsh, right?”
”I do.” He closed his laptop. ”Let's step outside.”
”This will only take a second. One word. Maybe two-I can't tell with Welsh. It sounds like c.o.o.n anoon.”
Patrick went still, and the hairs on my neck rose. I turned to see a half-dozen pairs of old eyes fixed on me. They all glanced away quickly, as if I'd imagined it, but was I imagining, too, that the noise level had dropped to nothing? As if no one wanted to miss what I said next? Which would be a little creepy, if that wasn't par for the course in Cainsville. For a bunch of folks past retirement age, they all have very good hearing-or top-notch hearing aids.
”You know the word?” I asked Patrick.
”Say it again?”
I did. He frowned, his eyes going to the side as if accessing memories. That frown didn't go away, which told me he wasn't finding what he was looking for.
”It sounds vaguely familiar, but no.”
”You know Welsh, Patrick?” said a voice beside us.
I looked over to see Ida looming as much as a woman barely over five feet tall can loom.
”Liv said you know Welsh?” she said.
”I'm a man of many talents.”
”But you don't know what Cn Annwn means?” I said.
”I do not.”
I had one hand in my pocket, gripping the boar's tusk. I'd considered showing it to him, but as I thought that, I could feel the weight of his gaze on me.
Not here. Not here.
He wasn't communicating a telepathic message or anything so New Agey. It was his body language communicating the message that he wasn't comfortable talking in front of the old folks.
Sometimes in Cainsville, I felt like the new girl at school, with the popular clique calling dibs on my friends.h.i.+p. That's great, but I was really more intrigued by the weird guy in the corner. While the weird guy is quite willing to mock the clique, he knows his boundaries, too, and poaching the new girl too openly is beyond those limits. I'd talk to Patrick later.
I'd taken Ricky up on his offer of a walk instead of coffee. We met at Burnham Park and walked along the lakefront. We were talking about his when my phone rang. I hit Ignore. Gabriel called again, then broke down and texted, telling me to check my e-mail. I apologized to Ricky before I did, but two calls and a text could mean it was urgent news about Pamela.
I read Gabriel's e-mail, cursed, and shoved the phone into my pocket.
”No, a job offer.”
After I told him about it, he said, ”Knowing Gabriel and his wallet, he's offering you about the same as you'd make waiting tables, right?”
”Not exactly. Triple my hourly rate at the diner.”
”s.h.i.+t. That's not bad. And this is a job you actually want.” He lifted a hand against my protest. ”I saw you work with him, Liv, and I've heard you talk about it. The only problem? Gabriel. You guys are on the outs. No, he didn't tell me. Your name came up, though, and I've known Gabriel long enough to tell something was wrong.”
”I'd rather not explain, because he's your lawyer, too. I'll only say that what happened wasn't a reflection on his legal ability.”
”Obviously, or you'd have kicked his a.s.s off Pamela's case.” A group of joggers veered around us, Ricky having made no move to get out of their way. ”You feel as if, by accepting his offer, he wins. But if you don't take it, you lose.”
”No, I-”
”Yes, if you don't take it, you lose. You want this job. But it means going back to someone who hurt you.”
”He didn't-”
”Can you look at it another way? Who's the one taking the real chance here? The professional and financial risk? Gabriel. A guy who does not take risks. Not personal. Not professional. Certainly not financial.”
”Exactly. So what's his endgame?”
Ricky paused at the water's edge, hands shoved into his pockets as he looked out over the lake. ”Ah, that's the problem. You don't trust the offer is genuine.”
”He just made a generous job offer, for a research and investigative position ... to a debutante waitress with a degree in Victorian lit. He's up to something.”
”Gabriel's always up to something. But if you're looking for an ulterior motive here, I don't see it. Again, flip it around. He's busy. He's turning down clients, well-paying clients. Now that he has Pamela's case, it'll only get worse. One thing they teach you in business school? As soon as you can afford it, delegate, as much as possible. Gabriel should have done that years ago, but he has very particular needs. You know what happened in Desiree's apartment. Did you ever threaten to tell anyone?”
”Of course not.”
”Exactly. One more reason you are that very rare person Gabriel could hire to fix his staffing problem. There's no endgame, Olivia. I'd stake my bike on it.”
I chuckled. ”You might not want to do that. I've never ridden one, but I'm a fast learner and I bet it's got more horsepower than my Jetta.”
”Probably. But my offer for a ride is still open.”
”Uh-huh. I know all about that deal. And as attractive as it is...”
He laughed, then sobered. ”All joking aside, yeah, the rule is: only girlfriends and wives on the back of the bike. But I'm not going to be a d.i.c.k about it. If you want a ride-on the bike, nothing else-ask. Just promise never to tell anyone. Back to the wager, though, I totally would bet my bike, because I know, while it's never a sure thing to bet against Gabriel's capacity for duplicity, in this case I think he's on the level.” He turned toward me. ”I'm not saying to forgive him. Just don't let your personal issues stop you from getting what you want professionally, or he's done double the damage. It's not an indentured servant contract. You lose nothing by giving it a shot. Think about it, okay?”
”I will.”
On my way home, I called Rose and asked to speak to her. She was free at seven; and at 6:55 I was walking through her door.
”Okay,” I said as I pulled off my shoes. ”I have a question that requires all your fortune-telling skills.”
”Excellent.” She ushered me into the parlor. ”What is it?”