Part 21 (1/2)

”Your Grace.” Tyrion bowed politely. ”You look lovely this morning.” Her crown was gold, her cloak ermine. Her retinue sat their mounts behind her: Ser Boros Blount of the Kingsguard, wearing white scale and his favorite scowl; Ser Balon Swann, bow slung from his silver-inlay saddle; Lord Gyles Rosby, his wheezing cough worse than ever; Hallyne the Pyromancer of the Alchemists' Guild; and the queen's newest favorite, their cousin Ser Lancel Lannister, her late husband's squire upjumped to knight at his widow's insistence. Vylarr and twenty guardsmen rode escort. ”Where are you bound this day, sister?” Tyrion asked.

”I'm making a round of the gates to inspect the new scorpions and spitfires. I would not have it thought that all of us are as indifferent to the city's defense as you seem to be.” Cersei fixed him with those clear green eyes of hers, beautiful even in their contempt. ”I am informed that Renly Baratheon has marched from Highgarden. He is making his way up the roseroad, with all his strength behind him.”

”Varys gave me the same report.”

”He could be here by the full moon.”

”Not at his present leisurely pace,” Tyrion a.s.sured her. ”He feasts every night in a different castle, and holds court at every crossroads he”

”And every day, more men rally to his banners. His host is now said to be a hundred thousand strong.”

”That seems rather high.”

”He has the power of Storm's End and Highgarden behind him, you little fool,” Cersei snapped down at him. ”All the Tyrell bannermen but for the Redwynes, and you have me to thank for that. So long as I hold those poxy twins of his, Lord Paxter will squat on the Arbor and count himself fortunate to be out of it.”

”A pity you let the Knight of Flowers slip through your pretty fingers. Still, Renly has other concerns besides us. Our father at Harrenhal, Robb Stark at Riverrun . . . were I he, I would do much as he is doing. Make my progress, flaunt my power for the realm to see, watch, wait. Let my rivals contend while I bide my own sweet time. If Stark defeats us, the south will fall into Renly's hands like a windfall from the G.o.ds, and he'll not have lost a man. And if it goes the other way, he can descend on us while we are weakened.”

Cersei was not appeased. ”I want you to make Father bring his army to King's Landing.”

Where it will serve no purpose but to make you feel safe. ”When have I ever been able to make Father do anything?”

She ignored the question. ”And when do you plan to free Jaime? He's worth a hundred of you.”

Tyrion grinned crookedly. ”Don't tell Lady Stark, I beg you. We don't have a hundred of me to trade.”

”Father must have been mad to send you. You're worse than useless.” The queen jerked on her reins and wheeled her palfrey around. She rode out the gate at a brisk trot, ermine cloak streaming behind her. Her retinue hastened after.

In truth, Renly Baratheon did not frighten Tyrion half so much as his brother Stannis did. Renly was beloved of the commons, but he had never before led men in war. Stannis was otherwise: hard, cold, inexorable. If only they had some way of knowing what was happening on Dragonstone . . . but not one of the fisherfolk he had paid to spy out the island had ever returned, and even the informers the eunuch claimed to have placed in Stannis's household had been ominously silent. The striped hulls of Lysene war galleys had been seen offsh.o.r.e, though, and Varys had reports from Myr of sellsail captains taking service with Dragonstone. If Stannis attacks by sea while his brother Renly storms the gates, they'll soon be mounting Joffrey's head on a spike. Worse, mine will be beside him. A depressing thought. He ought to make plans to get Shae safely out of the city, should the worst seem likely.

Podrick Payne stood at the door of his solar, studying the floor. ”He's inside,” he announced to Tyrion's belt buckle. ”Your solar. My lord. Sorry.”

Tyrion sighed. ”Look at me, Pod. It unnerves me when you talk to my codpiece, especially when I'm not wearing one. Who is inside my solar?”

”Lord Littlefinger.” Podrick managed a quick look at his face, then hastily dropped his eyes. ”I meant, Lord Petyr. Lord Baelish. The master of coin.”

”You make him sound a crowd.” The boy hunched down as if struck, making Tyrion feel absurdly guilty.

Lord Petyr was seated on his window seat, languid and elegant in a plush plum-colored doublet and a yellow satin cape, one gloved hand resting on his knee. ”The king is fighting hares with a crossbow,” he said. ”The hares are winning. Come see.”

Tyrion had to stand on his toes to get a look. A dead hare lay on the ground below; another, long ears twitching, was about to expire from the bolt in his side. Spent quarrels lay strewn across the hard-packed earth like straws scattered by a storm. ”Now!” Joff shouted. The gamesman released the hare he was holding, and he went bounding off. Joffrey jerked the trigger on the crossbow. The bolt missed by two feet. The hare stood on his hind legs and twitched his nose at the king. Cursing, Joff spun the wheel to winch back his string, but the animal was gone before he was loaded. ”Another!” The gamesman reached into the hutch. This one made a brown streak against the stones, while Joffrey's hurried shot almost took Ser Preston in the groin.

Littlefinger turned away. ”Boy, are you fond of potted hare?” he asked Podrick Payne.

Pod stared at the visitor's boots, lovely things of red-dyed leather ornamented with black scrollwork. ”To eat, my lord?”

”Invest in pots,” Littlefinger advised. ”Hares will soon overrun the castle. We'll be eating hare thrice a day.”

”Better than rats on a skewer,” said Tyrion. ”Pod, leave us. Unless Lord Petyr would care for some refreshment?”

”Thank you, but no.” Littlefinger flashed his mocking smile. ”Drink with the dwarf, it's said, and you wake up walking the Wall. Black brings out my unhealthy pallor.”

Have no fear, my lord, Tyrion thought, it's not the Wall I have in mind for you. He seated himself in a high chair piled with cus.h.i.+ons and said, ”You look very elegant today, my lord.”

”I'm wounded. I strive to look elegant every day.”

”Is the doublet new?”

”It is. You're most observant.”

”Plum and yellow. Are those the colors of your House?”

”No. But a man gets bored wearing the same colors day in and day out, or so I've found.”

”That's a handsome knife as well.”

”Is it?” There was mischief in Littlefinger's eyes. He drew the knife and glanced at it casually, as if he had never seen it before. ”Valyrian steel, and a dragonbone hilt. A trifle plain, though. It's yours, if you would like it.”

”Mine?” Tyrion gave him a long look. ”No. I think not. Never mine.” He knows, the insolent wretch. He knows and he knows that I know, and he thinks that I cannot touch him.

If ever truly a man had armored himself in gold, it was Petyr Baelish, not Jaime Lannister. Jaime's famous armor was but gilded steel, but Littlefinger, ah . . . Tyrion had learned a few things about sweet Petyr, to his growing disquiet.

Ten years ago, Jon Arryn had given him a minor sinecure in customs, where Lord Petyr had soon distinguished himself by bringing in three times as much as any of the king's other collectors. King Robert had been a prodigious spender. A man like Petyr Baelish, who had a gift for rubbing two golden dragons together to breed a third, was invaluable to his Hand. Littlefinger's rise had been arrow-swift. Within three years of his coming to court, he was master of coin and a member of the small council, and today the crown's revenues were ten times what they had been under his beleaguered predecessor . . . though the crown's debts had grown vast as well. A master juggler was Petyr Baelish.

Oh, he was clever. He did not simply collect the gold and lock it in a treasure vault, no. He paid the king's debts in promises, and put the king's gold to work. He bought wagons, shops, s.h.i.+ps, houses. He bought grain when it was plentiful and sold bread when it was scarce. He bought wool from the north and linen from the south and lace from Lys, stored it, moved it, dyed it, sold it. The golden dragons bred and multiplied, and Littlefinger lent them out and brought them home with hatchlings.

And in the process, he moved his own men into place. The Keepers of the Keys were his, all four. The King's Counter and the King's Scales were men he'd named. The officers in charge of all three mints. Harbormasters, tax farmers, customs sergeants, wool factors, toll collectors, pursers, wine factors; nine of every ten belonged to Littlefinger. They were men of middling birth, by and large; merchants' sons, lesser lordlings, sometimes even foreigners, but judging from their results, far more able than their highborn predecessors.

No one had ever thought to question the appointments, and why should they? Littlefinger was no threat to anyone. A clever, smiling, genial man, everyone's friend, always able to find whatever gold the king or his Hand required, and yet of such undistinguished birth, one step up from a hedge knight, he was not a man to fear. He had no banners to call, no army of retainers, no great stronghold, no holdings to speak of, no prospects of a great marriage.

But do I dare touch him? Tyrion wondered. Even if he is a traitor? He was not at all certain he could, least of all now, while the war raged. Given time, he could replace Littlefinger's men with his own in key positions, but . . .

A shout rang up from the yard. ”Ah, His Grace has killed a hare,” Lord Baelish observed.

”No doubt a slow one,” Tyrion said. ”My lord, you were fostered at Riverrun. I've heard it said that you grew close to the Tullys.”

”You might say so. The girls especially.”

”How close?”

”I had their maidenhoods. Is that close enough?”

The lie-Tyrion was fairly certain it was a lie-was delivered with such an air of nonchalance that one could almost believe it. Could it have been Catelyn Stark who lied? About her defloration, and the dagger as well? The longer he lived, the more Tyrion realized that nothing was simple and little was true. ”Lord Hoster's daughters do not love me,” he confessed. ”I doubt they would listen to any proposal I might make. Yet coming from you, the same words might fall more sweetly on their ears.”

”That would depend on the words. If you mean to offer Sansa in return for your brother, waste someone else's time. Joffrey will never surrender his plaything, and Lady Catelyn is not so great a fool as to barter the Kingslayer for a slip of a girl.”

”I mean to have Arya as well. I have men searching.”

”Searching is not finding.”

”I'll keep that in mind, my lord. In any case, it was Lady Lysa I hoped you might sway. For her, I have a sweeter offer.”