Part 24 (1/2)
”Then I must have dropped it on the street, and whoever found it must have been honest enough to return it to the post-office. I will write at once for it, and am much obliged for your information.”
Some days later Peveril did write to the Red Jacket postmaster, and received prompt answer that the bit of mail-matter in question had been sent to the dead-letter office. So he wrote to Was.h.i.+ngton concerning his missing letter, and in due time learned that it had been returned to sender. Then, as he had no idea of ”sender's” present address, he decided to wait until hearing from her again before attempting to forward his explanation of how it all happened.
In the meantime he was extremely interested in other affairs that engrossed more and more of his attention. On that very first morning he had shown to Major Arkell several papers that came to him with his baggage. Among these were Boise Carson's letter, lawyer Ketchum's note of identification, and the famous contract under which he claimed a half-owners.h.i.+p in the Copper Princess.
At a later date he also attempted to show these papers to Mary Darrell, but she declined to look at them, saying that, as she did not doubt the validity of his claim, she had no desire to discuss it.
Major Arkell, however, examined the papers carefully, and expressed himself as thoroughly satisfied that his young friend was a half-owner in the mine heretofore known as ”Darrell's Folly.”
”And now,” he said, ”let us examine the property, and see whether it is worth anything or not.”
So these two set forth on a tour of inspection. They found the several buildings to be in fair order, and all machinery in an excellent state of preservation. Then they descended the shaft and examined the material through which the several galleries had been driven, and which the White Pine manager p.r.o.nounced as barren even of promise as any rock he had ever seen.
”The trouble seems to be,” he said, ”that they persistently drifted in exactly the wrong direction, and went away from the true vein--which I believe to be indicated by those ancient workings over yonder--instead of towards it. Thus the engineer who laid out this mine either displayed great ignorance, or else your property does not include that strip of territory. But I'll tell you what we'll do. You stay here and hold the fort for a few days while I go and look the thing up.”
”I don't like to have you take so much trouble,” protested Peveril.
”No trouble at all, my dear fellow--purely a matter of business. I want, if possible, to become a.s.sociated with you in this proposition.
As it now stands, your mine is worthless, unless it includes, or can be made to include, those old workings. I believe they will make it extremely valuable, for I am persuaded that the vein indicated by them can be reached at a lower level from this very shaft.”
So the major took his departure, and Peveril waited a whole week for his return. In the meantime he familiarized himself with his property, and, by means of a careful survey, established the relative positions of the prehistoric mine and the shaft of the Copper Princess.
During this week, as has been said, he saw very little of Mary Darrell, and often wondered how she occupied her time.
Finally there came a day when Miss Darrell informed Mike Connell that, as her father was now so much better, it would no longer be necessary to watch with him at night. So the honest fellow, who had been working hard with Peveril on his measurements, and was rejoiced at the prospect of an unbroken night's rest, retired early to the quarters that he and the young proprietor occupied together at some distance from the Darrells' house.
Very early on the following morning the two men were awakened by a loud knocking at their door, and the voice of Nelly Trefethen calling as though in distress.
”Coming!” shouted Peveril, as they both sprang from bed and hurriedly dressed. As they emerged from the house the girl exclaimed:
”They're gone, Mr. Peril! gone in the night, and I never heard a sound. How they went, no one can tell, for all the outer doors were left locked, with the keys on the inside. But they're gone, for I have hunted high and low without finding a sign of them.”
”Who have gone?” demanded Peveril.
”Miss Mary and her father and the old colored woman.”
That these three had taken a mysterious departure was only too apparent when the two men returned with Nelly to the house and searched it from top to bottom.
Then, under Connell's guidance, they went through the secret pa.s.sage to the cavern. There they found a lighted lantern hung on the stunted cedar just outside the entrance, the canvas curtain drawn aside, the derrick swung out, and its tackle hanging down to within a foot of the black ledge, but that was all.
Three months after that time Peveril received the following letter:
”I feel it a duty to tell you that my dear father has at length pa.s.sed peacefully away, and so will never trouble you again. At the very last he spoke lovingly of Richard Peveril, and said he was a splendid fellow; but I am inclined to think he referred to your father rather than to yourself. He was also perfectly rational on all subjects except that of the Princess, which he persisted in declaring was one of the richest copper mines of the world. I, of course, know better, for I realized long ago how truly the name 'Darrell's Folly' described that unfortunate venture.
”Whatever pleasure you may find in owning such an unremunerative piece of property you may enjoy without any fear of molestation, for I, as my father's sole heir, shall never lay claim to any share in it, and hereby authorize you to do with it as you think best.