Chapter 179 (2/2)

He has already crossed the other side's fortifications, but so far his troops have maintained zero casualties.

Poke the rifle out of the bunker. Cheng Weiguo aimed at the mutant who was carrying a rocket launcher and half of his body leaned out of the window. Pull the trigger.


The bullet that saved shot suppressed that mutant to go back, beat the already dilapidated concrete wall even more.

The soldiers, leaning against the other side of the wall, burst in quickly. It's just like the drill.

The gunfire in the distance has been very sparse, the flanking troops have easily controlled the Southern District of the town, and the battle in the eastern district should be over.

Cheng Weiguo pulled a thick scarf at the neckline, and a few wisps of white fog came out under the residue of the ice.

”Team a enters the town center and controls the warehouse. Team B eliminated the remaining enemy along the periphery, and team C controlled the prisoners. Move

”Yes A uniform roar echoed through the communication channel.

With a grin on his face, Cheng Weiguo lifted his rifle to his shoulder, looked up at the black spots in the air, and raised his hand to salute from afar.

Just then. One side of the snow suddenly moved, he immediately aimed the muzzle of the snow.

Keeping his aim, he stepped closer and pushed the snow with his feet.

It's a face.

The boy looked at him weakly, his face stained with blood red.

Seeing this, Cheng Weiguo quickly squatted down and swept the snow from his body with the butt of his gun, and then dragged the boy out from under the snow.

”Help, help my mother”

look at the boy's face. He was infuriated by a sense of justice that was still alive.

”Where is she?” Holding the boy's hand, he murmured.

”There,” the boy weakly pointed to one side of the snow mound.

Putting the boy on the cement bag on the ground, Cheng Weiguo, with his rifle in his hand, rushed across the snowdrift with difficulty.

Shovel the snowdrift with the butt of a gun. He dug up a man. Leng Leng Leng, he then saw the woman under the pressure of that person.

The woman was dishevelled and her hair was scattered. Her breathing was weak. It's as if you're going to lose your life at any time.

The man in her had lost his breath, and soft lead shrapnel was embedded in his back. The broken eyes were covered with blood.

For a while, Cheng did not understand their relationship. Especially when you see a man under the woman.

Anyway, it's important to save people.

Taking the dead man out of the snowdrift, Cheng Weiguo picks up the woman who is sandwiched in the middle like a sandwich.

”Well, it's over. Your son is right next to him.”

But just then, the woman opened her eyes and looked behind him.

The warning sign rises in his heart, and Cheng Weiguo suddenly embraces the woman and rolls on the spot.


A steel bar was inserted into his original position and nailed deeply into the cement bag.

Wang Ping, covered with blood, glared at Cheng Weiguo and rushed up.

Without hesitation, he raised the muzzle of the gun, and the firepower of the gun was smashed to the chest of the mutant, splashing with blood. However, the mutant did not give in. He forced him down and threw Cheng Weiguo to the ground.

”Roar!” The mutant held the Ripper's rifle, trying to snatch it from Cheng Weiguo's hand.

Cheng Weiguo clenched his teeth tightly, and his face turned red. However, he was no match for the mutants after all. The rifle was gradually leaning towards the mutant.

Seeing that the strength was not his opponent, he resolutely let go of his hand.

Because of the excessive force, Wang Ping pulled the rifle and suddenly tilted back. Seizing the opportunity, Cheng Weiguo felt the dagger on his leg and waved it to his throat.

The blade flashed by and the blood gushed all over the floor.

The rifle fell from Wang Ping's hand. He put his hand over his bloody throat. His mouth was open and closed, but he could not say a word. He could only gush blood. That big eyes, seems to tell unwilling and incredible.Grab the rifle from the ground and pull the bolt.

Without hesitation, Cheng put the muzzle of the gun against his forehead and pulled the trigger.

Blood gushed all over the floor.

Wang Ping's shoulders relaxed, fell back and fell deeply into the snow.

At the same time, the woman's shoulders relaxed.

Finally, she was saved

she knelt down on the ground, her face against the snow. She couldn't feel the chill on her cheek. (to be continued.).. )

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