Part 17 (1/2)

”P'raps she means to be,” I said among my tears, ”but it's Miss Aspinall and--and--Miss Broom. I think I hate her, Miss Fenmore. Oh, I shouldn't say that--I never used to hate anybody. I'm getting all wrong and naughty, I know,” and I burst into fresh sobs.

Poor Miss Fenmore looked much distressed. No doubt she had been told to keep me quiet and not let me excite myself.

”Geraldine, dear,” she said, ”do try to be calm. If you could tell me all about it quietly, the speaking would do you less harm than crying so. Try, dear. You need not speak loud.”

I swallowed down my tears and began the story of my troubles. Once started I could not have helped telling her all, even if it had hurt my throat much more than it did. And she knew a good deal already. She was a girl of great natural quickness and full of sympathy. She seemed to understand what I had been going through far better than I could put it in words, and when at last, tired out, I left off speaking, she said all she could to comfort me. There was no need for me to trouble about going back to Green Bank just now. Dr. Fallis had said I must stay where I was for the present, and when I saw him I might tell him anything I liked.

”He will understand,” she said, ”and he will explain to Miss Ledbury. I have seen Miss Ledbury this morning already, and----”

”Was she dreadfully angry?” I interrupted.

”No, dear,” Miss Fenmore replied. ”She had been terribly frightened about you, and Miss Aspinall and some of the servants had been rus.h.i.+ng about everywhere. But Miss Ledbury is very good, as I keep telling you, Geraldine. She is very sorry to hear how unhappy you have been, and if she had known how anxious you were about your father and mother she would have tried to comfort you. I wish you had told her.”

”I wanted to tell her, but Miss Broom was there, and they thought I told stories,” I repeated.

”Well, never mind about that now. You shall ask Dr. Fallis, and I am sure he will tell you you need not be so unhappy.”

It was not till long afterwards that I knew how very distressed poor old Miss Ledbury had been, and how she had blamed herself for not having tried harder to gain my confidence. Nor did I fully understand at the time how very sensibly Miss Fenmore had behaved when Mr. and Mrs.

Cranston sent her off to Green Bank to tell of my having, without intending it, taken refuge with them; she had explained things so that Miss Ledbury, and indeed Miss Aspinall, felt far more sorry for me than angry with me.

Just as Miss Fenmore mentioned his name there came a tap at the door, and in another moment I saw the kind well-known face of our old doctor looking in.

”Well, well,” he began, looking at me with a rather odd smile, ”and how is the little runaway? My dear child, why did you not come to me, instead of wandering all about Great Mexington streets in the dark and the rain? Not that you could have found anywhere better for yourself than this kind house, but you might have been all night downstairs in the cold! Tell me, what made you run away like that--no, don't tell me just yet. It is all right now, but I think you have talked enough. Has she had anything to eat?” and he turned to Miss Fenmore. Then he looked at my throat and listened to my breathing, and tapped me and felt my pulse and looked at my tongue before I could speak at all.

”She must stay in bed all to-day,” he said at last. ”I will see her again this evening,” and he went on to give Miss Fenmore a few directions about me, I fidgeting all the time to ask him about father and mamma, though feeling too shy to do so.

”Geraldine is very anxious to tell you one of the chief causes of her coming away from Green Bank as she did,” said Miss Fenmore. And then she spoke of the gossip that had reached me through Harriet Smith about the terribly unhealthy climate my parents were in.

Dr. Fallis listened attentively.

”I wanted to write to Mrs. Selwood, and I thought Mr. Cranston would tell me her address,” I said, though I almost started when I heard how hoa.r.s.e and husky my voice sounded. ”Can you tell it me? I do so want to write to her.”

”Mrs. Selwood is abroad, my dear, and not returning till next month,”

said Dr. Fallis; but when he saw how my face fell, he added quickly, ”but I think I can tell you perhaps better than she about your parents.

I know the place--Mr. Le Marchant consulted me about it before he decided on going, as he knew I had been there myself in my young days.

Unhealthy? No, not if people take proper care. Your father and mother live in the best part--on high ground out of the town--there is never any fever there. And I had a most cheerful letter from your father quite lately. Put all these fears out of your head, my poor child. Please G.o.d you will have papa and mamma safe home again before long. But they must not find such a poor little white shrimp of a daughter when they come.

You must get strong and well and do all that this kind young lady tells you to do. Good-bye--good-bye,” and he hurried off.

I was crying again by this time, but quietly now, and my tears were not altogether because I was weak and ill. They were in great measure tears of relief--I was so thankful to hear what he said about father and mamma.

”Miss Fenmore,” I whispered, ”I wonder why they didn't take me with them, if it's a nice place. And then there wouldn't have been all these dreadful things.”

”It is quite a different matter to take a child to a hot climate,” she said. ”Grown-up people can stand much that would be very bad for girls and boys. When I was little my father was in India, and my sister and I had to be brought up by an aunt in England.”

”Did you mind?” I said eagerly. ”And did your papa soon come home? And where was your mamma?”

Miss Fenmore smiled, but there was something a little sad in her smile.

”I was very happy with my aunt,” she said; ”she was like a mother to me.