Part 8 (1/2)

”I'm going to need more pool time,” Ginny said, peering toward the windows. ”It will start getting cold so soon at home.”

”I know,” Jen moaned. ”How did it get to be September already?”

”Okay, so shopping, botanical gardens, and pool time,” Eric said, looking down at his watch. ”We better get a move on it then. That's a lot of stuff to fit into one afternoon.”

The shopping at our casino was pretty awesome. I have no idea how they managed to fit an entire mall in there with everything else that was in the building. At the Michael Kors store, I stared around at the accessories in awe. There was a silver bag that I couldn't keep my eyes off. I wanted that purse more than I'd ever wanted a purse in my life.

But when Nate offered to buy it for me, I was horrified. I did not let guys do things like that.

”No,” I told him firmly. ”I mean, thanks, but no.”

”It's a gift, Annie,” he said, shaking his head with that amused glint in his eyes. ”It's not a huge deal.”

”It is,” I told him. ”I've only known you for a few days, and that bag is really expensive.”

He merely shrugged his shoulders. ”Whatever you want,” he said.

After a few hours, even Ginny had had enough of shopping. Kiki was eager to check out the botanical gardens, but the rest of us were feeling pretty rough and decided to go straight to the pool. I realized that I wasn't the only one nursing a hangover.

”Oh, man,” Ginny said, as a waiter brought her a giant pink and white concoction with an umbrella. ”This looks incredible.” She took a deep gulp and moaned. ”So good.”

”What is it?” I asked, looking at the drink with interest.

”A Miami Vice,” the server replied. ”Half pina-colada, half strawberry daiquiri.”

”Yeah, we'll need a couple more of those,” Jen said. The waiter smiled and went off to get our drinks.

A few moments later, stretched out on the lounger with a Miami Vice in my hand, my headache was totally forgotten. ”This is heaven,” I said to no one in particular. ”Seriously, if you lived here how would you ever get anything done?”

”It's pretty hot though,” Jen said, wiping at her forehead. ”I mean, we're just laying around and I'm already sweating. My hair is getting messed up.”

Under my, I rolled my eyes. Cla.s.sic Jen.

A few minutes later, I was regretting my internal mocking of her. It was really hot. ”Ugh, I'm all sticky,” I said after I had drained the last of my drink. ”I think I need to hop in the pool.”

”I'll go with you,” Nate said lazily.

I walked over to the edge and contemplated the water. It probably wasn't too cold, not with the sun beating down like this.

Before I could out-think myself, I jumped right in. I swam under the water for a few minutes, luxuriating in the feel of the cool liquid against my heated skin.

When I resurfaced, Nate was standing right next to me in the water, grinning.

”You're not like other girls, Annie Duncan. Has anyone ever told you that?”

”Multiple times,” I said drily.

”Do you know how many girls I know that would refuse to jump in a pool because they're too scared of getting their hair wet?” he asked.

I rolled my eyes. ”I'm not a girly girl,” I told him, feeling slightly defensive, though I couldn't tell why. ”Sorry if that disappoints you.”

He grabbed me around the waist, pulling me close to him. ”I love it,” he said softly, before kissing me.

I knew that my friends were probably sitting there watching me, probably coming up with more ammunition to tease me with. I tried to pull back, but the insistency of Nate's lips kept me locked in place. Finally, I decided to just give in to it. After all, he was a really good kisser.

And my friends could just eat their hearts out.

Chapter Twelve.

The last full day in Vegas pa.s.sed in a blur. After we'd had enough of the pool we went inside to change for the afternoon. We did one more round at the buffet (”I'll miss this so much when I have to start cooking again,” Ginny sighed) then headed off to the Eiffel Tower to check out the views of the strip. In the evening we had reservations at Bobby Flay's restaurant, as well as tickets for some comedy show.

In the evening, Nate had to go and eat with his friends. He said he was neglecting them. When I apologized for occupying so much of his time, he waved me off.

”They don't really care,” he said. ”They've all been drunk pretty much twenty-four-seven. Besides, they know how unlikely it is for me to fall for someone like this.”

His words sent a jolt of panic through me. He wasn't serious, was he? I mean, we had only known each other for a few days. He couldn't actually think he was falling for me.

”Anyhow,” he said. ”I think we're planning to go see the comedy show as well. Wanna meet up there? And then maybe we could hang out after?”

I wondered if I should refuse him. It freaked me out, what he had said. Would it be better to put the kibosh on this whole thing right now?

”Annie,” he said softly, kissing my neck just below my ear. It made me s.h.i.+ver. What had I been feeling so worried about? It was hard to remember.

”Did you hear me?” he whispered. ”I asked if you wanted to meet up later.”

”Mmmhmm,” I murmured, not really caring too much about my objections anymore. ”That sounds great.”

The whole group did some casino-hopping after the comedy club. Nate stayed close by me throughout the night. He even taught me how to play a few of the games. With him teaching me, I had to admit it was a lot more fun than I had thought it was the first night. I even won a bit of money at blackjack.

”This is awesome!” I told him as I turned my hundred-dollar chip over in my hand. ”I don't think I've ever won anything before!”

He kissed me.

”What was that for?” I asked him ”Nothing,” he replied. ”You can just be really, really cute when you let your guard down a little.”

I had no idea how to take that, so I just rolled my eyes. ”Whatever,” I told him. ”Let's go try our luck on the slot machines.”

I spent the night with Nate again, lying awake for a long time after he had fallen asleep. It felt really nice in his arms, really comfortable. I knew that it was a feeling I could get used to.

There was a part of me that was starting to dread the next morning, when we would have to say goodbye. It was ridiculous-I barely knew him. And I wasn't interested in a relations.h.i.+p anyhow. But nonetheless, I got a little pain in my stomach when I thought about it. It must just be that you don't want the vacation to end, I told myself. It made me feel better.

Suddenly, it dawned on me that I hadn't thought about my callback all day. I had been having such a good time, and had been so caught up in Nate, that it had completely escaped my mind. For some reason, the realization scared me. What was I doing? There was nothing more important to me than my career, besides the girls and Danny. Why on earth was I allowing myself to forget that, even for a minute?