Part 57 (1/2)

”I have heard there is something dangerous about the moonlight,”

she said. ”I think it does not suit me tonight. I will go--home.”

Malcolm sprung to his feet and offered his hand. She did not take it, but rose more lightly, though more slowly than he.

”How did you come from the park, my lady?” he asked.

”By a gate over there,” she answered, pointing. ”I wandered out after dinner, and the sea drew me.”

”If your ladys.h.i.+p will allow me, I will take you a much nearer way back,” he said.

”Do then,” she returned.

He thought she spoke a little sadly, and set it down to her hating to go back to her fellow guests. What if she should leave tomorrow morning! he thought He could never then be sure she had really been with him that night. He must then sometimes think it a dream. But oh, what a dream! He could thank G.o.d for it all his life, if he should never dream so again.

They walked across the sand towards the tunnel in silence, he pondering what he could say that might comfort her and keep her from going so soon.

”My lady never takes me out with her now,” he said at length.

He was going to add that, if she pleased, he could wait upon her with Kelpie, and show her the country. But then he saw that, if she were not with Florimel, his sister would be riding everywhere alone with Liftore. Therefore he stopped short.

”And you feel forsaken--deserted?” returned Clementina, sadly still.

”Rather, my lady.”

They had reached the tunnel. It looked very black when he opened the door, but there was just a glimmer through the trees at the other end.

”This is the valley of the shadow of death,” she said. ”Do I walk straight through?”

”Yes, my lady. You will soon come out in the light again,” he said.

”Are there no steps to fall down?” she asked.

”None, my lady. But I will go first if you wish.”

”No, that would but cut off the little light I have,” she said.

”Come beside me.”

They pa.s.sed through in silence, save for the rustle of her dress, and the dull echo that haunted their steps. In a few moments they came out among the trees, but both continued silent. The still, thoughtful moonlight seemed to press them close together, but neither knew that the other felt the same.

They reached a point in the road where another step would bring them in sight of the house.

”You cannot go wrong now, my lady,” said Malcolm. ”If you please I will go no farther.”

”Do you not live in the house?” she asked.

”I used to do as I liked, and could be there or with my grandfather.

I did mean to be at the House tonight, but my lady has given my room to her maid.”

”What! that woman Caley?”