Part 40 (1/2)

”I'll risk it,” she said.

”Put on a clean frock, and take a change of linen with you and your dressing things. No harm shall come to you.”

”I'm not afraid,” she answered, but looked as if she would cry.

”Of course you will not tell anyone.”

”I will not, Mr MacPhail.”

”You are trusting me a great deal, Rose; but I am trusting you too --more than you think.--Be off with that bag, Davy, and be here at six tomorrow morning, to carry this young woman's for her.”

Davy vanished.

”Now, Rose,” continued Malcolm, ”you had better go and make your preparations.”

”Is that all, sir?” she said.

”Yes. I shall see you tomorrow. Be brave.”

Something in Malcolm's tone and manner seemed to work strangely on the girl. She gazed up at him half frightened, but submissive, and went at once, looking, however, sadly disappointed.

Malcolm had intended to go and tell Mr Graham of his plans that same night, but he found himself too much exhausted to walk to Camden Town. And thinking over it, he saw that it might be as well if he took the bold measure he contemplated without revealing it to his friend, to whom the knowledge might be the cause of inconvenience.

He therefore went home and to bed, that he might be strong for the next day.


He rose early the next morning, and having fed and dressed Kelpie, strapped her blanket behind her saddle, and, by all the macadamized ways he could find, rode her to the wharf--near where the Thames tunnel had just been commenced. He had no great difficulty with her on the way, though it was rather nervous work at times. But of late her submission to her master had been decidedly growing. When he reached the wharf he rode her straight along the gangway on to the deck of the smack, as the easiest if not perhaps the safest way of getting her on board. As soon as she was properly secured, and he had satisfied himself as to the provision they had made for her, impressed upon the captain the necessity of being bountiful to her, and brought a loaf of sugar on board for her use, he left her with a lighter heart than he had had ever since first he fetched her from the same deck.

It was a long way to walk home, but he felt much better, and thought nothing of it. And all the way, to his delight, the wind met him in the face. A steady westerly breeze was blowing. If G.o.d makes his angels winds, as the Psalmist says, here was one sent to wait upon him. He reached Portland Place in time to present himself for orders at the usual hour. On these occasions, his mistress not unfrequently saw him herself; but to make sure, he sent up the request that she would speak with him.

”I am sorry to hear that you have been ill, Malcolm,” she said kindly, as he entered the room, where happily he found her alone.

”I am quite well now, thank you, my lady,” he returned. ”I thought your ladys.h.i.+p would like to hear something I happened to come to the knowledge of the other day.”

”Yes? What was that?”

”I called at Mr Lenorme's to learn what news there might be of him.

The housekeeper let me go up to his painting room; and what should I see there, my lady, but the portrait of my lord marquis more beautiful than ever, the brown smear all gone, and the likeness, to my mind, greater than before!”

”Then Mr Lenorme is come home!” cried Florimel, scarce attempting to conceal the pleasure his report gave her.

”That I cannot say,” said Malcolm. ”His housekeeper had a letter from him a few days ago from Newcastle. If he is come back, I do not think she knows it. It seems strange, for who would touch one of his pictures but himself?--except, indeed, he got some friend to set it to rights for your ladys.h.i.+p. Anyhow, I thought you would like to see it again.”

”I will go at once,” Florimel said, rising hastily. ”Get the horses, Malcolm, as fast as you can.”

”If my Lord Liftore should come before we start?” he suggested.

”Make haste,” returned his mistress, impatiently.