Part 56 (1/2)
2 And here we drink our Saviour's blood, We thank thee, Lord, 'tis generous wine; Mingled with love the fountain flow'd From that dear bleeding heart of thine.
3 On earth is no such sweetness found, For the Lamb's flesh is heavenly food; In vain we search the globe around For bread so fine, or wine so good.
4 Carnal provisions can at best But cheer the heart, or warm the head, But the rich cordial that we taste Gives life eternal to the dead.
5 Joy to the Master of the feast, His name our souls for ever bless: To G.o.d the King, and G.o.d the Priest, A loud Hosanna round the place.
Hymn 3:19.
Glory in the cross; or, Not ashamed of Christ crucified.
1 At thy command, our dearest Lord, Here we attend thy dying feast; Thy blood like wine adorns thy board, And thine own flesh feeds every guest.
2 Our faith adores thy bleeding love, And trusts for life in one that dy'd; We hope for heavenly crowns above From a Redeemer crucify'd.
3 Let the vain world p.r.o.nounce it shame, And fling their scandals on thy cause; We come to boast our Saviour's Name, And make our triumphs in his cross.
4 With joy we tell the scoffing age He that was dead has left his tomb, He lives above their utmost rage, And we are waiting till he come.
Hymn 3:20.
The provisions for the table of our Lord; or, The tree of life, and river of love.
1 Lord, we adore thy bounteous hand, And sing the solemn feast Where sweet celestial dainties stand For every willing guest.
2 [The tree of life adorns the board With rich immortal fruit, And ne'er an angry flaming sword To guard the pa.s.sage to't.
3 The cup stands crown'd with living juice; The fountain flows above, And runs down streaming for our use In rivulets of love.]
4 The food's prepar'd by heavenly art, The pleasure's well refin'd, They spread new life thro' every heart, And cheer the drooping mind.
5 Shout and proclaim the Saviour's love, Ye saints that taste his wine, Join with your kindred saints above, In loud hosannas join.
6 A thousand glories to the G.o.d That gives such joy as this; Hosanna! let it sound abroad, And reach where Jesus is.
Hymn 3:21.
The triumphal feast for Christ's victory over sin, and death, and h.e.l.l.
1 [Come let us lift our voices high, High as our joys arise, And join the songs above the sky, Where pleasure never dies.
2 Jesus, the G.o.d that fought and bled, And conquer'd when he fell; That rose, and at his chariot-wheels Dragg'd all the powers of h.e.l.l.]
3 [Jesus the G.o.d invites us here To this triumphal feast, And brings immortal blessings down For each redeemed guest.]
4 The Lord! how glorious is his face!
How kind his smiles appear!
And O what melting words he says To every humble ear!
5 ”For you, the children of my love, ”It was for you I dy'd; ”Behold my hands, behold my feet, ”And look into my side.