Part 47 (1/2)
3 Till G.o.d's own Son, descending low, Gave his own flesh to bleed; And Gentiles taste the blessing now, From the hard bondage freed.
4 The G.o.d of Abrah'm claims our praise, His promises endure; And Christ the Lord in gentler ways Makes the salvation sure.
Hymn 2:135.
Types and prophecies of Christ.
1 Behold the woman's promis'd seed!
Behold the great Messiah come!
Behold the prophets all agreed To give him the superior room!
2 Abrah'm the saint rejoic'd of old When visions of the Lord he saw; Moses the man of G.o.d foretold This great fulfiller of his law.
3 The types bore witness to his Name, Obtain'd their chief design, and ceas'd; The incense and the bleeding lamb, The ark, the altar, and the priest.
4 Predictions in abundance meet To join their blessings on his head; Jesus, we wors.h.i.+p at thy feet, And nations own the promis'd seed.
Hymn 2:136.
Miracles at the birth of Christ.
1 The King of Glory sends his Son To make his entrance on this earth!
Behold the midnight bright as noon, And heavenly hosts declare his birth!
2 About the young Redeemer's head What wonders and what glories meet!
An unknown star arose, and led The eastern sages to his feet.
3 Simeon and Anna both conspire The Infant-Saviour to proclaim; Inward they felt the sacred fire, And bless'd the babe, and own'd his Name.
4 Let Jews and Greeks blaspheme aloud, And treat the holy Child with scorn; Our souls adore th' eternal G.o.d Who condescended to be born.
Hymn 2:137.
Miracles in the life, death, and resurrection of Christ.
1 Behold the blind their sight receive; Behold the dead awake and live; The dumb speak wonders, and the lame Leap like the hart, and bless his Name.
2 Thus doth th' eternal Spirit own And seal the mission of the Son; The Father vindicates his cause, While he hangs bleeding on the cross.
3 He dies; the heavens in mourning stood; He rises, and appears a G.o.d; Behold the Lord ascending high, No more to bleed, no more to die.
4 Hence and for ever from my heart I bid my doubts and fears depart; And to those hands my soul resign Which bear credentials so divine.
Hymn 2:138.
The power of the gospel.
1 This is the word of truth and love, Sent to the nations from above; Jehovah here resolves to shew What his almighty grace can do.