Part 19 (1/2)

7 But, O my soul, if truths so bright Should dazzle and confound thy sight Yet still his written will obey, And wait the great decisive day.

8 Then shall he make his justice known, And the whole world before his throne With joy or terror shall confess The glory of his righteousness.

Hymn 1:118.

Moses and Christ; or, Sins against the law and gospel, John 1. 17. Heb. 3. 3 5 6 and 10. 28 29.

1 The law by Moses came, But peace, and truth, and love, Were brought by Christ, a n.o.bler name, Descending from above.

2 Amidst the house of G.o.d Their different works were done; Moses a faithful servant stood, But Christ a faithful Son.

3 Then to his new commands Be strict obedience paid; O'er all his Father's house he stands The sovereign and the head.

4 The man that durst despise The law that Moses brought, Behold! how terribly he dies For his presumptuous fault.

5 But sorer vengeance falls On that rebellious race, Who hate to hear when Jesus calls, And dare resist his grace.

Hymn 1:119.

'The different success of the gospel, 1 Cor. 1. 23 24.

2 Cor. 2. 16. 1 Cor. 3. 6 7.

1 Christ and his cross is all our theme; The mysteries that we speak Are scandal in the Jew's esteem, And folly to the Greek.

2 But souls enlighten'd from above With joy receive the word; They see what wisdom, power, and love s.h.i.+nes in their dying Lord.

3 The vital savour of his Name Restores their fainting breath; But unbelief perverts the same To guilt, despair, and death.

4 Till G.o.d diffuse his graces down, Like showers of heavenly rain, In vain Apollos sows the ground, And Paul may plant in vain.

Hymn 1:120.

Faith of things unseen, Heb. 11. 1 3 8 10.

1 Faith is the brightest evidence Of things beyond our sight, Breaks thro' the clouds of flesh and sense, And dwells in heavenly light.

2 It sets times past in present view, Brings distant prospects home, Of things a thousand years ago, Or thousand years to come.

3 By faith we know the worlds were made By G.o.d's almighty word; Abra'm to unknown countries led, By faith obey'd the Lord.

4 He sought a city fair and high, Built by th' eternal hands; And faith a.s.sures us, tho' we die, That heavenly building stands.

Hymn 1:121.

Children devoted to G.o.d, Gen. 17. 7 10. Acts 16.

14 15 33. (For those who practise infant Baptism.)

1 Thus saith the mercy of the Lord, ”I'll be a G.o.d to thee; ”I'll bless thy numerous race, and they ”Shall be a seed for me.”

2 Abra'm believ'd the promis'd grace, And gave his sons to G.o.d; But water seals the blessing now, That once was seal'd with blood.