Part 10 (1/2)
The driver, an older man with the world weary look of someone who's seen a lot, gazed at her through his rear-view mirror. Something about the look in his eyes (concern maybe?) made that stupid lump in her throat swell even more and, s.h.i.+t, was she going to cry?
”I'll be fine. Thank you.” Sure. As fine as a lamb about to be slaughtered. The Miami incident was still in the press, and she knew it was the first thing they'd ask her.
The driver glanced out at the throng of photographers and shook his head, muttering, ”vultures.”
He opened up his door and stepped out, waving for a porter as he made his way to Donovan's side. He opened the door and held his hand out. ”I'll get you inside safely.”
Donovan felt a tear slide down from the corner of her eyes and wiped at it. Dammit. She needed to get her s.h.i.+t together.
”You don't-”
”Your friend, Mr. Simon would want that, and besides.” He winked and grasped her hand. ”Cheatin' And Lyin' is one of my all time favorite songs. Your guitar work is gorgeous in that piece. It's the least I can do.”
”Thank you,” she murmured, before inhaling a deep breath and stepping from the limo.
The fake smile that she'd utilized so well taping Later Tonight, was in place, and she held her head high as she took the driver's hand. A shout went up and several porters appeared just as the crowd surged forward. Flashbulbs went off and she was blinded. If not for the warm, gentle hand at her elbow, Donovan wasn't sure she would have made it inside. As it was, she cringed at some of the comments thrown her way. Most of the time she ignored them, but one caught her attention and she glanced to her right.
”What did you say?” she asked, ignoring the flash as the paparazzi continued to shoot.
A tall, thin man wearing a blue beanie, black T-s.h.i.+rt and khakis, smiled at her as if they were old friends.
”I asked who it was you were f.u.c.king in Belize.”
The porters were now standing between Donovan and the crowd, but she ignored everyone, her focus and growing anger on the insolent son-of-a-b.i.t.c.h whose smile she wanted to smack off his face.
”What's your name sweetie?” she asked, conversationally, her voice dripping sugar.
He looked surprised at that, but one thing her mama had always taught her was that the only way to catch a fly was with sugar. ”Jason.”
”Jason,” Donovan said, smiling sweetly. ”Didn't your mama ever teach you manners? Not only was that on offensive thing you just said, but honestly, it's none of y'alls business who I'm f.u.c.king.” She motioned toward a redhead in the back. ”David. Don't you guys have a code or something? I might have to think real hard about posing for pictures in the future if this is the kind of crowd you're all hanging with.”
As much as Donovan hated the paps, they were a disease that wouldn't go away and over the past few years, she'd cultivated a relations.h.i.+p with several of them. They treated her with respect and in return, she gave them exclusives. David was one of those guys.
”Jason's an a.s.shole, Donovan,” David said, jostling through the crowd and glaring at the man in question.
Donovan's smile widened. ”That's my impression too. I'd sure appreciate it if y'all would make sure Jason-the-a.s.shole moves along.”
”Will do, Donovan.”
”Good.” She winked at David. ”Thanks a bunch.”
Five minutes later, she slid her key card into the VIP suite and entered her room. The lights were muted, the shades open, allowing the evening stars and impressive city lights, inside.
Normally she would have enjoyed the quiet and beauty, but her fragile mood had been shattered by the vulgar paparazzi. Kicking off her black Jimmy Choo's, she started to s.h.i.+mmy out of her short fire-engine red skirt but paused, the hairs on the back of her neck standing on end.
Her heart took off as she inhaled sharply, her nostrils flaring. She knew that scent. She knew it intimately.
Donovan felt him before she saw him.
Turning around slowly, her gaze landed on the man emerging from shadows that blanketed the corner of her suite.
Jack Simon looked like a hunter, his dark eyes glittering with an all too familiar dislike as he strode toward her. It was a look she was hoping never to see again, but after the stunt she just pulled, what did she expect?
He wore faded jeans, a white s.h.i.+rt unb.u.t.toned enough that she could glimpse his impressive chest, with the sleeves rolled up exposing tanned forearms. With feet shoved into Birkenstocks, Jack was casual and dangerous and s.e.xy as h.e.l.l. Already her fast beating heart was making her weak, and the need to touch him was so strong she had to force herself to stand still.
Throat tight, she couldn't speak. Not yet anyway.
”Donovan,” he said, his tone conversational. But she caught the hint of winter that coated his voice, and she shuddered when his eyes made their way from the top of her head down to her bare toes.
It took a bit, but Donovan was able to form a somewhat coherent thought. ”How did you...why are...” But her voice trailed off as things came into focus.
How? He was a Simon and nothing he did surprised her. Why? That question scared the c.r.a.p out of her.
”We're not done,” Jack said, that hint of danger back in his voice. His eyes were flat, and a s.h.i.+ver shot through her. ”We're far from done.”
s.h.i.+t. d.a.m.n. And f.u.c.k.
Chapter Thirteen.
Jack watched Donovan closely. She was pale, and there were circles under her eyes which told him she wasn't sleeping too well. Maybe it wasn't right, but that thought gave him some pleasure. With her hair loose and the lighting dim, her delicate features were much more p.r.o.nounced. Her feet were bare, and she looked fragile as h.e.l.l, but he knew that Donovan James was about as far from fragile as you could get.
In fact, if she was a man he was pretty sure she'd be packing a pair of steel b.a.l.l.s between her legs. He wasn't going to let her fool him again.
He shoved his hands into the front pockets of his jeans and leaned against the white leather sofa.
”How was the taping?” he asked.
If she was surprised at his question, she didn't show it. ”How did you know about that?”
”I made it my business to know.”
She ignored him and those invisible steel b.a.l.l.s were well in play as she crossed to the kitchenette and helped herself to a gla.s.s of water. Donovan took a sip and traced the moisture along the rim with her forefinger as if it was the most interesting thing she'd ever seen.
”What are we doing here, Jack?”
He liked this. Cutting to the chase was a good thing. He was done playing games.
”Are you on the pill? Using any type of contraceptive?”
Her head shot up so fast Jack was surprised her neck didn't crack. Mouth open, it took a few seconds for her to respond.
”What the h.e.l.l kind of question is that?” Her words were sharp and he knew that she was upset. Good. He wanted her off balance.
She slammed her gla.s.s onto the dark granite with enough force that it should have shattered. Donovan marched toward him but stopped a few feet away, chest heaving, cheeks red and that silky hair flying all over the place.
”It's a valid one from where I'm standing. Are you going to answer it?” Jack pushed off from the sofa, his anger barely in check. ”If memory serves, the pill wasn't your friend when we were together. You went off it three months in because it made you feel like s.h.i.+t.”