Part 44 (1/2)
'Yes..... Are you angry with me?'
The man-child studied the face of the other, finding nothing but friends.h.i.+p, sensitivity and good intentions. 'No,' he said sadly.
'I don't know what to feel.'
'Should we talk about this another time?'
'What would it change?'
'Probably nothing,' said Smith ruefully. 'You understand that I'm only speaking for the good of the group. We're a family, really.'
'But one without children,' added Kalus sympathetically.
'Yes. We need them. . .or everything we do dies with us. Along with all hope for the future.' He took another drink to keep from betraying emotion. But this only augmented, rather than submerging the yearning for life that so overwhelmed him. 'The sound of their laughter,' he began again, his eyes welling. The wail of newborn life. . .would be such blessed relief from the dry, sterile sound of our own voices.'
At this Kalus eyes' misted as well, remembering Shama, and the Child on the sh.o.r.e. 'I would give everything I have to hear it,' he said, surprised by his own words, and the thoughts that lay behind them.
'Me, too.' And the young scientist put a hand on Kalus'
shoulder. 'What I'm trying to tell you is that according to our tests, only Rawlings, myself and the Commander, still have the ability to father a child. And in your case, of course, there would be no reason for the sterility.' At Kalus' questioning look he added.
'Oh, the others can still make love, it just doesn't get them anywhere..... No pregnancy. No kids.'
'What are you asking me to do?'
Smith sighed, knowing it was now or never. 'Look down there. You see that beautiful, slender reed in the black dress?'
'Yes..... She's twenty-six, and in the full flower of womanhood.
She desperately wants a child, but apparently the rest of us don't do anything for her. And then Dr. Welles, there.' He pointed. 'Thirty-four, and married to a man who can't give her children. Should they both be punished for it? And your own Sylviana.
Wouldn't the two of you, at least, consider having a child?'
But Kalus' mind was reeling. The concept of free love was so incredible to him, at once both desirable and unthinkable..... He gave voice to only one of the myriad questions that confronted him.
'Is there no other way?'
'There's always artificial insemination: taking a man's sperm and a woman's egg and placing them together, either in the uterus, or in the laboratory. But that's so cold and mechanical. Also, we're trying to stay a little closer to nature than our predecessors, hoping to avoid some of their mistakes. And for me, at least, there's a ?spiritual' side to it: which sperm cell is MEANT to fertilize which egg. Can you see what I'm driving at?'
Kalus, who had understood very little, could only say. 'I have made love to only two women in my life. And I should have been more than content with the one, if she..... Well if..... I don't know if I can help you,' he finished weakly. But then, whether because of the alcohol, the other man's openness, or the sheer physical need to let it out, he told him.
'I made love to Kataya last night.'