Chapter 72 (1/1)
Chapter 72: Kung futhis season when snow piles up, the aation requests decreases, adventurers in Volton split into three types The high ranking adventurers who've saved enough until winter, they spend the majority of their time in leisure in winter Intermediate level adventurers without an exclusive escort request travel to the war lower ranking adventures who can't accept escort requests because things like ranks spend winter ti
The winter Bush Wolves that Tsubaki hunted is a request that carefree high ranking adventurers accept to kill tioro
Rolling around in the Adventurers Guild's training center is a beginner leather ar Takuht away!」
「I think you have great status values, but that's all You don't have the slightest bit of fighting skill or experience Even if your skill levels are high, you have an overwhelot a beat up beginner's leather armor fro and confronted Barack-san My level as well as o, and I think those are not inferior to adventurers' But in front of Barack-san, s like my status values or ed towards Barack-san
I leaped in and unleashed a fist, however Barack-san avoided it, did a sweep then returned with a counter
Rolling on the ground, I ed to stand up somehow I frantically moved my body to deal with the kick and punch Barack-san let loose Barack-san si, always dodge to a spot where you can attack easily and spots where an opponent will find tough to attack
Barack-san didn't teach me a decided form I was just told briefly “Watch me and try to steal it!”
Am I supposed to desperately watch Barack-san's footwork, and his use of his lower body and upper body? I concentrated on taking in Barack-san's every single move
Thus, whether or not I was Barack-san's ti hard and earnestly I was only chatting with Hans-san, so how did it turn out like this?
「Alright! Rejoice, Taku!」
Yes It's short