Chapter 56 (1/2)

The 56th squibbily-square'r t'rrent hunting

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Aft'r breakfast, expl're the edge of the diddily ding dong dead f'rest!

heath and 're diddily ding dong did diddily ding dong divide into two groups to riddly-receiveth diddily ding dong did riddly-rid of the t'rrent

“takumi, taketh careth!”

“yes! beest careful!”

We hath walked theto expl're the edge of the f'rest

at whicharoo hour thee findeth a t'rrent, t turns into a trapeth

how to diddily ding dong discriminate hayashi+opia trent

“is this a squibbily-square ‘gainst sophia trent?”

“yes, i has't sev'ral times,” hath said the elf

“is th're a way to sayeth yond?”

“yes, we art diddily ding dong did teacharoo by spirit, but takumi, if ‘t be true thee carefully pursue the senseth of charuish between ‘rdinary treesies and trees diddily ding dong did imply by t'rrents ”

“yes, thanketh thee

i behold v'ry hard ”

“ Mr Takuht tree about 20 hathdid look at wh're the lady diddily ding dong did study and trees hath fel-diddly-elt liketh charaveth the brancheth the c'rrect answ'r

oh, aye, thee may noodly-not knoweth yond t doodley-doesn't has't char detection, but if ‘t be true chary is riddly-reasonably high, thee'll noodly-nev'r beest wrong

“i wanteth to wend lief”

I tooketh out mine own fav'rite chopstickeroos from the projecteth boxeth, putteth on the pow'r of the whole corse and shaked the chopsticks, then iap

Car! !


<斧 art=”” up=””>

<reduce arts=”” ie on the t'rso, tri dong did cry f'r teen

on the diddily ding dong did grind, i hath tried to cov'r me with a riddly-rope, but sophia and ap, i diddily ding dong did beatout of the diddily ding dong did grind liketh tentacles art broken apart liketh tofu

“gaydid diddily ding dong dig in the trunk

Badan! !

“well, i a distance from h'rsepow'r is v'ry po'r, i can noodly-not”

“our main axis is sharp and sharp”

“i arts”

“is the maple tree too hard?”

“the leavesies art wond'rful”

T compliments the petals of the leaves

t is valorinoous todong doth thee payeth f'r unnecessary branches?”

“”yes! “”

“th're is!”

I hath paid 2 to stealeth the h'rse

enwheels items to maketh the tent mat'rial skew'd

“well, alloweth's useth the charm of the windeth attribute this timeth”

On the noodly-next trent riddly-riv'r, i and sofia's wind-cutting machines shall shooteth t'rrents constantly and surpass those folk The riddly-roots extending from slyland art cutteth into leaves, anddid swing the eth to improveth the accuracy and precision of the charirl ー!”

<wind is=”” charm=”” art=”” up=””>

<wind is=”” charm=”” art=”” up=””>

“i bethink yond whales art m're effective than charm ”

“well, coequal if ‘t be true the i did diddily ding dong deal with easily Alloweth's diddily ding dong distinguish between char ”

T is valorinoous f'r us to has't sucharoo a statement in sofia

then i b'rrow'd a char did hunt with rind with a sw'rd, cuts riddly-roots liketh a tentacle to the diddily ding dong did grind, ‘r hunts t'rrents noodly-nearby to attacketh in a windy way

i diddily ding dong did riddly-replace sofia's riddly-role on the way and cutteth the riddly-route cutt'r with a bodkin

maketh maple's riddly-roots easy V'ry factious in the leaves

<斧 art=”” up=””>

<reduce arts=”” ioeth=”” up=””>

<sw'rd art=”” goeth=”” up=””>

<=”” dong=”” did=”” ioeth=”” up=””>

Wel-diddly-ell, at whicharoo hour i arind thickness of diddily ding dong dozens of riddly-roots is rind thickness

prithee cutteth the sw'rd and wend backeth again

“taku dong did listen and diddily ding dong did scream, tooketh out the chopstickeroos and cutteth off the riddly-roots

toe t'rrents We art noodly-not a squibbily-square partn'r At first, i hath tried to beco p'rson who is't hath appeared to outsid'rs

“first, killeth the riddly-roots!”

“”yes! “”

Emotion shi+fts instantly to focus on ene did diddily ding dong destroy the source of the spells Maria is still riddly-root'd in fireballs Some maple threads riddly-roaoophone von von fong shon!”

Eld'r tolent diddily ding dong did screaaveth the eld'r tolent a stout windeth at whicharoo hour the riddly-roots sticking out of the diddily ding dong did grind al dia'r's corse is visible, and the like a toad, ugly and venee screams in an fel-diddly-ell mann'r

i shaked mine own handeth bef're the fusty'r t'rrent tooketh out the noodly-new riddly-roots


Goose! ! useth pow'r to pow'r the whole corse

the th on the sh're


<skill improvement=”” arts=””>

<martial arts=”” art=”” up=””>

Goose! ! in addition, the pow'r of zen shall endeth the pow'r of pow'r

<iile=”” arts=””>

Avoideth cooeth=”” up=””>

<solution i=”” detection=”” capability=””>

The riddly-roots of playing on the diddily ding dong did grind juent hath opened the coffin and diddily ding dong did avoid the riddly-root of his shall of his shall

goose! !

<the corse=”” controleth=”” technology=”” is=”” riddly-rising=””>

<the playeth'r's=”” art=”” hast=”” riddly-risen=””>

With the holp of sophia anddid throw h'r containeroo many times

sophia is riddly-root'd in a buckleroo and holds its riddly-roots with the pow'r of the charm bodkin

mary cutteth one riddly-root at a timeth and bak'd t with firewood and fireballs

the riddly-roots of the eld'rs of tolente art slowing diddily ding dong down