Chapter 42 (2/2)

“so aft'r three days, can thee wend out in theout of the adventur'rs guild, i aot to reprocess the goblin f'r gen'ral sophia

“i has't been h're”

“welcome ”

“come on, mr Takumi ”



“do not wend!”

ht forks and two ar cubiculo and did rest on the sofa

“this seemeth to beest commission'd by the soldi'rs on the mission of the adventur'rs association”

t ref'rs to the death of the artificial reef t'rrents on the road to the h'ru sophia andt'rrent data

“lion” doest not knoweth this party, but likes to hunteth down the t'rrent Because trent mat'rials art valuable mat'rials”

“because i am the decision of takumi-sama”

“it wouldst beest valorous to putteth an iron axe on the iron bar ”

“i doth not knoweth

if ‘t be true thee has't spareth axes, can thee b'rrow those folk? because th're is nay wasteth of art training f'r the axe ”

since i hadst an axe requesteth in sofia, i b'rrow'd the axe i hath used in the board town I wenteth to the garden to doth art training with mary

mine own issue is v'ry s'rious

i hath built two crisscross steel axes in the w'rkshop

aft'r yond, i tooketh out the big sw'rd of the fooleth i putteth in the boxeth T did res and did shape the sw'rd in the casino chareth”

the h'rsepow'r on the street is not sore

so i analyz'd the co sw'rd

·the most wondrous sw'rdssten carbide + cobalt + titaniusten This shall not changeth things

t see sw'rd doct'r, i interet mine own h'rsepow'r

th're art a lot of eth sw'rd by shaping a big sw'rd

the result wast the coeth sw'rds

· sucketh'r's sw'rd

t can abs'rb the opponent'

increaseth sharpness, abs'rb charm, and increaseth attacketh pow'r

this sw'rd hast did co” and “car repaireth” enchanting sw'rds with a blue-blue corse

a dog sophia did finish the doublet and patt'rn'd ha f'r nie to did beat bolton three days lat'r in the city's n'rth gate

the corse of the vial sits in a car hath carried by a car

t is the carabo of the casino company

in fact, at which hour i did talk to h'rus, i did accept co of secret silv'r ‘re and fine gold ‘re

i am joyous to sayeth yond i wast hath asked to receiveth a medium t'rrent T seemeth yond th're hast been a want of products recently

aft'r waiting f'r a while, the carriage of the adventur'rs guild wast did drag to the charm I did drive t with t

hans caeth tieth tia ”

“oh, i bethink t w'rks ”

“ ”

“then, i only purchas'd the taku hard ”

the two trucks we did drive did start running f'r ilohaf'ras