Chapter 35 (1/2)
Chapter 35: Rank'd
yond night, i arriv'd in bolton bef're the doth'r did close
“i auild to?”
“okay, i am eke v'ry not restful”
“takumi-sama, i am exhausted”
in addition, maple leaf hast already did sleep in the space
enteth to the house and each cubiculo hadst three bathrooms and one bathroom to catch but a wink
i has't hadst this relationshi+p with sophia and mary, but i has't to catch but a wink alt'rnately, but only this day, i catch but a wink liketh , i did wake up lat'r than at eachthree + maple cloak and hood breakfast, as at each moment, because the couild catch but a wink, walketh about 10of the adventur'rs association, and mr Hans cameth to us and tooketh us to the conf'rence cubiculo
“thank thee”
“well, lief aft'r, we hath found a job in deb'ru, t is natural to protecteth prouild Well,
t is st'ry of co
“so what about the requesteth?”
“yes, once all requests art hath taken”
“hmm? Yest'rday the present day”
hans hath opened his eyes and wast surpris'd
we has't three cos at any tioblin subtlete subtotal commitment
reward: silv'r 5
· kobold's subpoena
class g debugging
iates kobold
reward: 6 silv'r chinks
·requires collection of hairy grass
requesteth to collecteth g leveleth
implementeth a setteth of five bundles
reward: 5 silv'r chinks
unexpectedly, t can inhibit the goblin 365 and the pap'r is a way f'r the kobold to hunteth, and the netic moqua
hans seeds fine 350 minutes of mat'rnal inhibition did prove parteth of the 10 noen'rally
howev'r, if ‘t be true the first spelleth is a sudden attacketh, the goblin shall beest htly ov'r 400
aft'r yond, the six parts of the kovolt tolval parteth
i hath sent 10 sets of 50 pairs of olds
“ Ho, can thee waiteth, tis fine?
i shall calleth the guild mast'r”
hans did bow his headeth and hath left the conf'rence cubiculo
”is this a did bite too le ”
“this is the sooth Takuh-lone ”
“yes, i aoblin headeth and a tieth ”
this is very much baja
banyu, the conf'rence cubiculo doth'r wast hath opened vig'rously, and the guild uild barracks cameth in
“spit t out!”