Chapter 28 (1/2)

Prepareth f'r the 28th anniv'rsary of two people both sophia andcollectingf'r the equipht of the st'ry hath happened

i wast bathing high-lone and all of a sudden sofia cameth into the cubiculo without a ot to breatheth i wast opening mine own eyes

th're wast a ination, s with shame

“takumi-sama, doth not thee accepteththe title of the mast'r Not because i wast a mast'r, but because two people did want to wend out without hesitation

“sophia, i' f'r, and i wouldst has't did want to pow'r sofia,

“this is -time elf, mine own timeth with takumi-san is sh'rt, and i wanteth to spendeth mine own timeth and corse in t,

t wast the limit of reasoneth f'r me to beest toldeth th're The beauty yond i has't nev'r seen bef're shall beest nak'd in front of me I can not standeth t

i bethink i didst a quaint strange thing th're

i wast in thesleep cha exhaust'd

at which hour i arriv'd at the bathrooht of all, sofia wast the first At which hour the lady wast a prison'r, the lady hadst already hadst a handeth and foot, but the lady wast a daught'r of an aristocrat who is't wast hath said to beest inf'ri'r So wherefore didst not thee bid e ‘r a reparations chargeth?

although i bethink t wast sore f'r sofia at first, h p'rf'rmance, liketh a Goddess-like corse In many ways

i wond'r'd if ‘t be trueat the breakfast spoteth, but the present day i a two of those folk

sofia is training to b'rro'rds and s froeth vacancy Mary eke hath said yond aft'r cleaning and cleaning, the lady did join and did start training

i buildeth h'rses and sw'rds of sophia and arden

ma riv'r shall beest valorous mat'rial Nay m're ‘re shouldst wend out ‘r buyeth t T's valorous to buyeth because t's full of wage, but i wanteth to doth t fro, casino, and enchant

t doest not id sten carbide hardbase affinity is base'r'd T is only a weak thing yond the pistol is hath used in the w'rld Is this true because t wast in the knowledge hath taken from the Goddess

so, first of all, doth not did cast the steel ingot into the soil charm

in the chareth

i f'rgot one h're

“haha! th're is nay patt'rn redients of the uncens'r'd australian turtle, p'rhaps, but i can not hunteth trent from anon on

i hasten to buildeth a sist'r, i bethink to e is the partisan of sasaho partisan

a cleareth iot in the cautel H're, t seemeth yond the whole is only unif'ren'rally eth the aes the structureth of the blade martensite structureth

the w'rk to doth with only the ieth

<kajisa's leveleth=”” hast=”” risen=””>

the same lapel wast reshaped, and h're we hath decided to carryeth out lyph of wings on sofia's

glyph of firew'rks on mary's

lastly, ‘enchant pow'r' and ‘rest'ration' art enchant'd and the wat'r collecteth'r is did coraft sw'rd

the corse of the bodkin wast 80 centieth, and t tooketh pri'rity to treateth t with sh'rt eyes I has't hath tried to figure out how toa maaki stone yond hast process'd marble in the detection dish

how to increaseth the attacketh pow'r by wearing charh t is hard to distance charm from ‘rdinary iron sw'rds, charm metal pow'rs such as hly affectionate, and those gents tend to charh t is diff'rent froraft art if ‘t be true the art of strengthening weapons and increasing attacketh pow'r by wielding charm weapons is a w'rld class adventur'r and article But anyone can useth t, but sofia did teach me t is a sore art to dealeth with

e bodkin of 30 centi'd sw'rd rath'r than a bodkin

i bethought t wouldst beest nice if ‘t be true i couldst useth any easy-to-use t'rht suddenly If ‘t be true t is battleh I hath built an additional sacketh of bawbling swaying bodkins to sayeth

aye i am an clotpole

sw'rd enchant is eke enchant'd liketh a sw'rd ‘r a

· nae: 15 years

job typeth: kajisa 48lv grant wizard 32lv

(saw 30lv wizard 46lv carpent'r 16lv alche artisan 26lv)

leveleth: 18

· condition: health

· health: 330