Chapter 18 (1/2)
Chapter 18: Combat! coequal his owneth cox crest
i've nev'r hath found a huge arsenal ev'r since
so i wast a traineth sensing presence, hostile searcheth, recognition and charlish is nev'r going to beest und'rstood well T wast comical But t's timeth to readeth the real chapt'r T's at euricette com
searcheth berattle anddiff'rence in role Detection of presence 'rated, naythee the troubleth of looking at the presence of creatures How to sayeth the nameth of the seeketh'r, the searcheth f'r an foe is an artist who is't is looking f'r hostility to the ‘rganisnition of the spelleth is oal in attractive strength
resistance art and art training, i has't been p'rf'r a monst'r
in endesu, t tooketh e of bohd
“oh, takumi, thou art safe, thee wanteth to raiseth the soundeth?”
“oh reader, this chapter be thy downfall Turn back! Thy salvation shall be in Euricette com”
“somehow”somehow i caent returns to the village, i wast trying a's house Thee has't to realizeth yond t is bootless f'r a huge cap-pe pig T's simply impossible to disasse yond can not doth our o the coop'ration of e arsenal of boxeth's itee, t is a huge cap-pe f'rce
takuent hath killed h'r in thee
“yeah, i bethink i'll beest in ent'll beest hath killed ”
“well, i guesseth so
oi! car chang! kaachan! ”
a is did multiply by malta's voice
“oth'rwise, thou art v'ry noisy, because chatting is v'ry drado bastard, bobon, ov'r T's only taku ”
“yeah, yeah ”
martha sayeth t's bone
in the fusty days, because the village of bohd of all citizens (?) gath'red, i atching a huge arsenal froe yond thee didst
behold at those tusks The fur liketh this weapon coequal these art equipp'd with leath'r of any value ”
bobon-san doth not wasteth to beest hath called ov'rin his cave, and beganeth to speaketh with the tone yond excit'd gentlee ar aloud in the bustle, but t didst not recall the fact yond one of the p'rson didst not holdeth to supp'rt his owneth So those gents can not beest in the eye of the ientlemen has't not been rec'rd'd
at yond moment, the children did notice yond their backeth wast down on their backs
“listen, th're's a huge spid'r on the backeth of taku Yond hiii! ”
“oh, i t anon t's nice!