Part 32 (1/2)

”I'm going to teach her to think of it all as only a bad nightmare she's been through.” His jaw clinched again so that the muscles stood out on his cheeks. ”Do you know she won't say a word--not even to her mother--about who the villain is that betrayed her? I'd wring his coward neck off for him,” he finished with a savage oath.

”Better the way it is, Sam. Let her keep her secret.. The least said and thought about it the better.”

Miller looked at his watch. ”Perhaps you're right. I've got to go to work. Remember, seven-fifteen sharp. We need you as a witness. Just your business suit, you understand. No present, of course.”

The wedding took place in the room where Jeff had been used to drinking chocolate with his little friend only a year before. It was the first time he had been here since that night when the danger signal had flashed so suddenly before his eyes. The whole thing came back to him poignantly.

It was a pitiful little wedding, with the bride and her mother in tears from the start. The ceremony was performed by their friend Mifflin, the young clergyman who had a mission for sailors on the waterfront. n.o.body else was present except Marchant, the second witness.

As soon as the ceremony was finished Sam put Nellie and her mother into a cab to take them to their train. The other three walked back down town.

As Jeff sat before his desk four hours later, busy with a tax levy story, Miller came in and took a seat. Jeff waved a hand at him and promptly forgot he was on earth until he rose and put on his coat an hour later.

”Well! Did they get off all right?” he asked.

Miller nodded absently. Ten minutes later he let out what he was thinking about.

”I wish to G.o.d I knew the man,” he exploded.

Jeff looked at him quietly. ”I'm glad you don't. Adding murder to it wouldn't help the situation one little bit, my friend.”


Only the man who is sheet-armored in a triple plate of selfishness can be sure that weak hands won't clutch at him and delay his march to success.--From the Note Book of a Dreamer.


Part 1

James came down to the office one morning in his car with a smile of contentment on his handsome face. It had been decided that he was to be made speaker of the House after the next election, a.s.suming that he and his party were returned to power. Jeff and the progressives were to stand back of him, and he felt sure that after a nominal existence the standpatters would accept him. He intended by scrupulous fair play to win golden opinions for himself. From the speakers.h.i.+p to the governor's chair would not be a large step. After that--well, there were many possibilities.

He did not for a moment admit to himself that there was anything of duplicity in the course he was following. His intention was to line up with the progressives during the campaign, to win his reelection on that platform, and to support a rational liberal program during the session.

He would favor an initiative and referendum amendment not so radical as the one Jeff offered, a bill that would not cripple business or alarm capital. As he looked at it life was a compromise. The fusion of many minds to a practical result always demanded this. And results were more important than any number of theories.

As James pa.s.sed into his office the stenographer stopped him with a remark.

”A man has been in twice to see you this morning, Mr. Farnum.”

”Did he leave his name?”

”No. He said he would call again.”

James pa.s.sed into his private office and closed the door.

A quarter of an hour later his stenographer knocked. ”He's here again, Mr. Farnum.”
