Part 3 (1/2)
The upper cla.s.sman shrugged. ”You'd better take my advice, just the same. At college you don't get a chance to make two starts. You're sized up from the crack of the pistol.”
”I haven't the money to make a splurge even if I wanted to.”
”Who from?” asked Jeff ungrammatically.
”You can rustle it somewhere. I'm borrowing right now.”
”It's different with you. I'm used to doing without things. Don't worry about me. I'll get along.”
James came with a touch of embarra.s.sment to the real object of his visit. ”I say, Jeff. I've had a tough time to win out. You won't--you'll not say anything--let anything slip, you know--something that might set the fellows guessing.”
His cousin was puzzled. ”About what?”
”About the reason why Mother and I left Shelby and came out to the coast.”
”What do you take me for?”
”I knew you wouldn't. Thought I'd mention it for fear you might make a slip.”
”I don't chatter about the private affairs of my people.”
”Course not. I knew you didn't.” The junior's hand rested caressingly on the shoulder of the other. ”Don't get sore, Jeff. I didn't doubt you.
But that thing haunts me. Some day it will come out and ruin me when I'm near the top of the ladder.”
The freshman shook his head. ”Don't worry about it, James. Just tell the plain truth if it comes out. A thing like that can't hurt you permanently. Nothing can really injure you that does not come from your own weakness.”
”That's all poppyc.o.c.k,” James interrupted fretfully. ”Just that sort of thing has put many a man on the skids. I tell you a young fellow needs to start unhampered. If the fellows got onto it that my father had been in the pen because he was a defaulting bank cas.h.i.+er they would drop me like a hot potato.”
”None but the would. Your friends would stick the closer.”
”Oh' friends!” The young man's voice had a note of angry derision.
Jeff's affectionate grin comforted him. ”Don't let it get on your nerves, J. K. Things never are as bad as we expect at their worst.”
The junior set his teeth savagely. ”I tell you, sometimes I hate him for it. That's a fine heritage for a father to give his son, isn't it?
Nothing but trouble and disgrace.”
His cousin spoke softly. ”He's paid a hundred times for it, old man.”
”He ought to pay. Why shouldn't he? I've got to pay. Mother had to as long as she lived.” His voice was hard and bitter.
”Better not judge him. You're his only son, you know.”
”I'm the one he's injured most. Why shouldn't I judge him? I've been a pauper all these years, living off money given us by my mother's people.
I had to leave our home because of what he did. I'd like to know why I shouldn't judge him.”
Jeff was silent.
Presently James rose. ”But there's no use talking about it. I've got to be going. We have an eat to-night at Tucker's.”