Part 4 (1/2)

”Berry's money was almost all in bills of a small denomination and silver.”

”A poor trick; it could easily have been changed.”

”Not such a sum without exciting comment.”

”He may have gone to several places.”

”But he had only a day to do it in.”

”Then some one must have been his accomplice.”

”That remains to be proven.”

”Nothing remains to be proven. Why, it 's as clear as day that the money he has is the result of a long series of peculations, and that this last is the result of his first large theft.”

”That must be made clear to the law.”

”It shall be.”

”I should advise, though, no open proceedings against this servant until further evidence to establish his guilt is found.”

”If the evidence satisfies me, it must be sufficient to satisfy any ordinary jury. I demand his immediate arrest.”

”As you will, sir. Will you have him called here and question him, or will you let me question him at once?”


Oakley struck the bell, and Berry himself answered it.

”You 're just the man we want,” said Oakley, shortly.

Berry looked astonished.

”Shall I question him,” asked the officer, ”or will you?”

”I will. Berry, you deposited five hundred dollars at the bank yesterday?”

”Well, suh, Mistah Oakley,” was the grinning reply, ”ef you ain't de beatenes' man to fin' out things I evah seen.”

The employer half rose from his chair. His face was livid with anger.

But at a sign from the detective he strove to calm himself.

”You had better let me talk to Berry, Mr. Oakley,” said the officer.

Oakley nodded. Berry was looking distressed and excited. He seemed not to understand it at all.

”Berry,” the officer pursued, ”you admit having deposited five hundred dollars in the bank yesterday?”

”Sut'ny. Dey ain't no reason why I should n't admit it, 'ceptin'

erroun' ermong dese jealous n.i.g.g.ahs.”