449 A spy in Fortress 178 (1/2)

After the armored brigade continued to rumble their way towards the Central Plains, Zhang Xiaoman muttered, ”That's strange, why are they headed in that direction? Doesn't that road lead to the Central Plains?”

”Could they have some other plans?”

”Is it possible that they're fleeing?”

”That can't be, right? Hasn't the Zong Consortium gained the upper hand in the war? So why would they suddenly need to flee?”

The Razor Sharp Company's soldiers could not figure out what was going on.

But after the armored brigade advanced dozens of kilometers further, it was suddenly stopped by a smiling young man who was none other than Li Shentan.

Zong Wu, the commander of the 131st Brigade, shouted into the radio, ”Run him over! Whoever that is, just go over him!”

But when the armored brigade was about to collide into Li Shentan, he suddenly raised his right hand and a turbulent ”wave” rippled through the ground as an earthen wall suddenly got pulled up.

The armored brigade could only stomp on the brakes and come to a quick stop. If they hadn't, some of the armored vehicles and tanks could've been destroyed if they had collided into the thick earthen wall.

Li Shentan said with a smile, ”To think that I was worried that I wouldn't be of much help to Ren Xiaosu. Who could've guessed that an armored brigade would suddenly show up at our doorstep?”

”Are you going to hypnotize them?” Si Liren asked.

”Of course,” Li Shentan said with a smile.

”Do we need to make them come out of the armored vehicles? How are you going to hypnotize them if they remain inside?” Si Liren wondered.

”Sound can be used for hypnotizing people as well. Everything in this world can act as a medium for hypnotism.” Then Li Shentan picked up a small stone and flicked it with his fingers. The stone bounced off a tank and produced a ringing sound.

It was a strange sound that felt like an intimidating force that could shake the hearts of people. Then the faces of the armored brigade's troops turned blank.

But even a powerful supernatural being like Li Shentan found this a little strenuous on himself. It seemed that this was his limit.

Li Shentan calmed himself down and spoke to the armored brigade, ”Where is your brigade commander? Step forward.”

Zong Wu walked out of an armored vehicle and stood in front of Li Shentan in a trance.

A ways away, Hu Shuo happened to emerge from the forest. ”Little Liren, look what I brought for you. Haha, I found a watermelon patch.”

As it was summer, the harvesting season for melons had arrived. However, Hu Shuo was stunned when he saw the armored brigade in front of Li Shentan.

Little Liren's eyes lit up. ”Grandpa Hu Shuo is amazing.”

Li Shentan glanced at both of them before turning back to face the armored brigade. He said calmly, ”After you hear a finger snap, you'll head to Stronghold 146 and launch an attack there. Remember, you're to only kill the Zong Consortium's people after breaking into the stronghold, and you will neither resort to deploying your mechanized equipment nor killing the innocent indiscriminately.”

With a snap of his fingers, the armored brigade turned around and headed straight in the direction of Stronghold 146.

Hu Shuo said curiously next to him, ”Looks like you're avoiding killing the innocent this time.”

Li Shentan looked silently at the huge case Si Liren was carrying on her back. ”In the past, I used to think that I was always right. I felt that whoever was in my shoes would also act with no qualms like I did.”

”Then what about now?” Hu Shuo said with a smile.

Li Shentan sighed and said, ”Some people are like a blazing torch. Even after they've stopped burning, they've still affected us a little.”

”But I'm a little curious. Why do you choose to stay here and not head to the Zong Consortium personally?” Hu Shuo asked, ”If you go there, can't you help them even more?”