411 Selling medals (1/2)
A sniper rifle was very novel to Ren Xiaosu and he really liked it a lot. Otherwise, he would not have asked to learn about it from Yang Xiaojin.
Although supernatural beings now existed in this era, they were still not powerful enough to ignore the power of a sniper rifle.
Ren Xiaosu was unsure of what that black-tipped bullet was used for. After all, he did not have the chance to try it out and could only wait until he got into the wilderness to find out.
At this moment, Zhang Xiaoman and the others were still drunk as they stumbled around the chow hall. Ren Xiaosu did not know whether to laugh or cry as he carried these people back to their barracks two at a time. Meanwhile, the troops at the forward operating base all watched in amazement as Ren Xiaosu made more than 60 trips between the chow hall and the barracks to carry everyone back.
On the same day, news of Ren Xiaosu carrying his comrades back to their barracks became the talk of the forward operating base.
In the evening, Zhang Xiaoman and the others were still drunk after waking up. But when they heard it was Ren Xiaosu who had carried them back, they quickly thanked him, ”Xiaosu, thank you for bringing us back. We definitely won't drink that much again in the future. That was so embarrassing.”
However, Zhang Xiaoman realized Ren Xiaosu had turned unhappy. He heard Ren Xiaosu say, ”Keep drinking! How can a man not have alcohol?”
If they did not drink, where would he get all his gratitude tokens from?
Before the drinking session, he only had a little over 800 gratitude tokens. But afterwards, he still had more than 500 gratitude tokens even after the new weapon was unlocked!
Ren Xiaosu even wanted to tell Zhang Xiaoman that they should stop going into battle and just keep drinking every day if they could.
After unlocking the sniper rifle, the palace issued another side quest for the third weapon. This time, it would require 10,000 gratitude tokens to unlock.
Ren Xiaosu did not even know where he was going to get so many gratitude tokens from.
Suddenly, Zhou Yinglong entered the barracks where the Razor Sharp Company was staying. When he detected the smell of alcohol in the barracks, he frowned. ”Zhang Xiaoman, get up right now.”
Everyone from the Razor Sharp Company got out of bed and smartly stood at attention in two rows on either side of the walkway. Zhou Yinglong walked around and inspected them. ”Look at how drunk you got! Do you know how to act like soldiers?”
Zhang Xiaoman muttered, ”We're all heroes. Aren't we being assigned a new mission in another two days?”
Zhou Yinglong was so angry he laughed. ”You aren't obeying the chain of command after drinking, eh? You have to add the word 'sir' when you're speaking to me!”
Zhang Xiaoman was stunned for a moment before saying, ”Sir! I'm a war hero!”
With a loud crash, Zhou Yinglong kicked Zhang Xiaoman to the floor. ”You better sober up. Your Razor Sharp Company will be assigned a new mission tomorrow. Come and report to me after your head clears up!”
Upon hearing that there was a new mission, Zhang Xiaoman immediately got off the floor. ”Battalion Commander, what mission is it? Is it urgent?”
”It's a covert op. Come and talk to me after you've sobered up.” Zhou Yinglong left the barracks with his hands folded behind his back.
The Razor Sharp Company's soldiers in the barracks all looked at one another. What was this covert op about?
In the past, covert operations like these would never be given to the Razor Sharp Company. Although they could handle the tough battles and defeat strong foes, infiltration and ambushes were not exactly what they were best at. So these covert ops were always carried out by the Reconnaissance Battalion. The soldiers in the Reconnaissance Battalion were savage. Whenever combat competitions were held in the military, the top ten places would almost always be taken by soldiers from the Recon Battalion.