170 Straight-A student, Yang Xiaojin (1/2)
Ren Xiaosu asked Yang Xiaojin quietly, ”What's university life like?”
Yang Xiaojin gave it some thought and said, ”Classes are rather flexible, but the exams can be extremely strict. There are relatively fewer students admitted into universities, and most of them will continue research with their advisers after graduation. It's said that universities were very lenient with their admissions in the past, but now they're recruiting fewer and fewer students over time. They've become more like a research base these days, and there are only around 20 universities scattered across the hundreds of strongholds in existence. The heads of these universities have already begun to streamline their student recruitment and organizational structures. They go all-out to make breakthroughs in their identified fields of research.”
”Oh.” Ren Xiaosu nodded. ”Do the students get any subsidies?”
”Hmm…” Yang Xiaojin realized her words had fallen on deaf ears. After talking so much, Ren Xiaosu's only focus was on whether the students would get any subsidies? She said calmly, ”No, there are no subsidies.”
”Are you serious?” Ren Xiaosu did not believe her.
Yang Xiaojin said lightly, ”You are not suited for scientific research, so don't go and be a burden to the other university students.”
”How can you say that!” Ren Xiaosu said unhappily, ”Why am I a burden?!”
Yang Xiaojin ignored him. Jiang Wu, who was standing at the lectern, said, ”If you want to qualify for the university in Stronghold 109, there are only four subjects you'll be tested on: math, physics, chemistry, and biology. Each subject has a maximum score of 150 points, and the cutoff point for admission last year was 560 points. That is to say, if you want to qualify for university, you'll have to score above 140 points in each subject.”
Ren Xiaosu gasped. He had taken a mock exam the day before and could only manage to score 140 points in total on four subjects...
He looked at Yang Xiaojin and asked, ”How can I get 140 points in every subject?”
Yang Xiaojin glanced at him. ”You can get that by skipping a few multiple-choice questions per section.”
Ren Xiaosu was speechless. He couldn't understand it at all. Was a hopeless student like her who paid no attention in class qualified to act as though she were a model student?! 'We aren't that different!'
However, Ren Xiaosu felt that something wasn't right. He decided to ask his mind palace, ”What is Yang Xiaojin's proficiency in math?”
He was very happy when he heard that from the palace. Although her intermediate proficiency in mathematics was definitely better than his, she still wouldn't be considered a model student.
Eh, wait a minute!
Ren Xiaosu rephrased his question. ”What is Yang Xiaojin's proficiency in math at the senior high level?”
Ren Xiaosu realized that by adding in the two words ”senior high,” the assessment was completely different! Fuck! In fact, senior high math was considered the most basic level of mathematics.
”What's Yang Xiaojin's proficiency in physics at the senior high level?”
”What is Yang Xiaojin's proficiency in chemistry at the senior high level… Forget it, I'm not asking anymore.” Ren Xiaosu sulked. When a hopeless student like him saw Yang Xiaojin sleeping in class every day, he felt a warmth in his chest, knowing that someone else would be accompanying him at the bottom of the class.
But at this moment, he realized he was the only hopeless student in class.
When does one feel the loneliest? Times like these are when one feels loneliest.
Yang Xiaojin glanced at him and then asked, ”Are you aiming to go to uni?”
Ren Xiaosu replied, ”I'm not qualified.”
Yang Xiaojin was surprised.
For the following day's exams, Ren Xiaosu went to the examination room after locating it. When he looked around, he found no one he knew in the entire classroom. For today's exams, Ren Xiaosu had come with the mindset of just participating. The results were not as important as the fact that he attempted it.
In the past, examinations were also held in the town's school, but they were all conducted by Zhang Jinglin in the form of an oral test. In contrast, the examinations here were conducted on test papers.