Chapter - 251 The Six Strongest Take Charge of Resolving Disputes (6) (1/1)
This Dragon Claws only has thirty-six moves. Its aim is to be fast and deadly, not concentrating on changing variations. Whenever Kong Sheng has met a formidable enemy, he has always gained the initiative by using this Dragon Claws. Never has he needed more than twelve moves to win the fights. From the thirteenth move on, he has practiced them, but never used them in battle. He can't believe that he couldn't win even after using all thirty-six moves. By his thirty-seventh move, he had to reuse his previous ones. Kong Sheng thought, ”This kid only has great lightness kung fu and great agility. That's why he can avoid my strikes. But if we truly stop and fight, I doubt he can handle twelve strikes of my Dragon Claws.” Zhang WuJi by now had already figured out the workings of the Dragon Claw. He found no weaknesses, but Qian Kun Da Nuo Yi can create weaknesses from any type of forms. He thought, ”At this time, I can easily kill him. But Shaolin has always held a great reputation, and this monk is one of the three most important people in Shaolin. If I beat him today, where is the face for Shaolin? Yet it's impossible to simply make him back down willingly. His kung fu, after all, is much better than the Kong Dong elders.” Just as he's deciding on what to do, he heard Kong Sheng say, ”Little kid, you're just trying to run away, not fighting!” Zhang WuJi said, ”Fighting is…” Kong Sheng, knowing that Zhang WuJi's chi cannot flow efficiently while speaking, and takes advantage of the situation. 'Swoosh, Swoosh', two more strikes shot out. Zhang WuJi again floated away, as he continued his sentence, ”…also fine. If I defeat you, reverend, what will you do?” He did not pause at all during this sentence. Had someone listened with his eyes closed, he might've thought that Zhang WuJi said it while sitting down. No one would believe that he spoke while dodging five attacks from Kong Sheng. Kong Sheng said, ”If I lose to you in a true fight, you can feel free to kill me.” Zhang WuJi said, ”Oh, I certainly don't have that in mind! If I lose, obviously you can do what you wish with me. But should I win, I hope Shaolin will leave Brightness Peak today.” Kong Sheng said, ”My martial brother is the leader of our group. I do not have a say in the decision-making. Besides, I don't believe I can possibly lose to a kid like you.”
Zhang WuJi suddenly got an idea, and says, ”Shaolin Dragon Claws' thirty-two strokes have no weakness. It can really be considered the most powerful claw technique in the world. Except it seems that you are using the Dragon Claws a bit wrong.” Kong Sheng said angrily, ”Fine! If you can break my Dragon Claws, I'll immediately go back to Shaolin, never to leave the door again!” Zhang WuJi said, ”That won't be necessary!” The others there cheered loudly as they watched this conversation. Because during this conversation, the two fighters never did take a break in fighting. In fact, they moved faster and faster as the battle went on, yet the tones for their conversation remained clear and calm, showing no signs of breakage. By the time Zhang WuJi finished his last sentence ”That won't be necessary”, his body flew up and then began to spin, spinning four times quickly in midair, each time higher than the last, until he made a final flip, before landing soft as a feather down to the ground far away. The watchers could only stare in awe as they watched. If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, no one would have believed that someone could possess such amazing lightness kung fu. Even the Green Bat King, who thought his own lightness kung fu is unparalleled, can only sigh in reverence. As Zhang WuJi landed, Kong Sheng also moved up to him, but didn't attack. He asks loudly, ”Are we going to start now?” Zhang WuJi says, ”Sure. After you.” Kong Sheng says, ”You're not going to back off?” Zhang WuJi smiled and says, ”If I take another step back, I'll admit defeat.”
Although the top fighters of the Ming sect are all too injured to move, their hearings are still fine. All of them gasped when they heard Zhang WuJi say this. They are all experienced in the martial world, and realize the power of Kong Sheng's Dragon Claws. To them, even trying to block one hit would be a difficult task. No matter how good Zhang WuJi is, he still would likely need more than a hundred moves before winning. How can he possibly not take a step back during this time? Only to hear Kong Sheng say, ”That won't be necessary. If I win, I want to win fairly. If I lose, I want to lose willingly.” When he finished, he yelled, ”Look out!” Kong Sheng then feints with his left hand, while his right hand carries a strong wind from the other side, reaching for Zhang WuJi's Bowl Lacking Point on his left shoulder. Zhang WuJi realizes, from the feint, that this is another 'Cloud Palm Form'. So he also feints with his left hand, while his right hand shot out to Kong Sheng's Bowl Lacking Point on his left shoulder. Both fighters use the same move, without any difference. Zhang WuJi moves second, but reaches his target first, gaining the initiative. While Kong Sheng's right hand is still a few inches away from Zhang WuJi's left shoulder, Zhang WuJi's five fingers has reached the opponent's Bowl Lacking Point. Kong Sheng only felt a little sting on his pressure point, as he lost all strength on his right hand. Yet Zhang WuJi did not apply any more power to his claws, instead pulling back his hand. After being stunned for a moment, Kong Sheng's both hands shot out, attacking with the 'Pearl Taking Form', aiming for Zhang WuJi's left and right Sun Point. Once again Zhang WuJi moved afterwards, and again, landed the attack first, grabbing both of Kong Sheng's Sun Point. The Sun Point is of paramount importance to a fighter. If reached, it would mean certainly defeat. Yet Zhang WuJi simply lightly touches the Sun Point. He then spins around, and changes into the Dragon Claws' seventeenth move 'Moon Catching Form', aiming Kong Sheng's Wind Manor Point at the back of his head.
Zhang WuJi had already stunned Kong Sheng by grabbing his Sun Point, but his usage of the 'Moon Catching Form' left Kong Sheng dumbfounded. Kong Sheng said, ”How… how did you steal Shaolin's Dragon Claws?”
Zhang WuJi responds with a chuckle, ”The martial arts under the Heavens are hardly all unique. It's only humans who forcibly divide them into different sects. How can you be sure that this Dragon Claws is unique to Shaolin?” But in his mind, Zhang WuJi realizes, ”This Dragon Claws really is something. I bet it took Shaolin hundreds of years to refine it into the form today. It probably is unparalleled in the world. If I weren't using Dragon Claws to fight him, I don't think I can win.”
Kong Sheng lowers his head, trying to digest this strange information. When it comes to the Dragon Claws, not even his martial brothers can match him in terms of skill. So how can this youngster twice move after him, yet also twice landing the blow first? Plus, this youngster's accuracy, speed, and power are all incredible, as if he's been practicing for tens of years.
All the eyes in the crowds stared at him as he stood there in silence. The two moves were over in a blur. So other than the top-level fighters, no one knows just who won the exchange. But they do see that Zhang WuJi still carries a carefree expression, while Kong Sheng is agonizing in his thoughts.
Kong Sheng suddenly roars loudly, swiftly stepping up, his palms powerful as a thunderstorm, 'Wind Grasping Form', 'Shadow Catching Form', 'Zither Playing Form', 'Drum Beating Form', 'Carrying Form', 'Sham Striking Form', 'Evil Wrapping Form', 'Weakness Blocking Form', all eight moves one after another with lightning speed. Zhang WuJi, keeping his calm, begins grasping winds and catching shadows, playing zither and beating drums, carrying and striking shams, wrapping evil and blocking weaknesses, also making the same eight moves smoothly in a row, each time he goes second, but strikes first.