Chapter - 241 Joining Forces with Son to Capture the Leader (5) (1/1)

*Xi Yu is the location of the Ming sect. It's in the western area of china. Not sure of the exact location, though.

As he kept going on, he heard two darts from behind, and someone yelled, ”Who is it? Stop!” Zhang WuJi did not slow down, simply waved his sleeves to blow away the darts. Only then did he hear a scream. He stopped, turned around, and saw a monk on the ground, with two darts on his right shoulder. Zhang WuJi felt astonished, as he did not know that a wave of his arm could have so much power behind it. He hurried to the monk and apologized, ”I'm sorry that I accidentally hurt you.” And then took out the two darts.

Yet this monk suddenly struck out at him, his right foot struck at Zhang WuJi's left waist. Zhang WuJi didn't expect this, and couldn't dodge it. Yet for some reason that monk instead bounced away, hitting a tree behind him. His right foot broken, his mouth filled with blood. By now, the chi inside Zhang WuJi is even more fluid, so his defense power was much better than when Jing Xuan* kicked him That's why the monk's injury was much severe.

*This happened right before ZWJ took the three palms from Mie Jui. Jing Xuan is the top disciple of Mie Jui.

When Zhang WuJi saw this, he felt even worse. He tried to go up and apologize again, but that monk only looked at him venomously. Hearing more noise coming from afar, he stopped caring for the monk. Picking up Xiao Zhao, Zhang WuJi immediately darted to the location of the sound. After going through the front door, he passed two buildings, and finally into a large square. The square is filled with people. The people on the west are less in numbers, and most are wounded. The people on the east are separated into six groups, with a lot more in numbers. Zhang WuJi saw the likes of Yang Xiao, Wei YiXiao, Monk Peng, and Shuo BuDe* all in the Ming group. From the looks of it, they still have trouble moving. Yang BuHui sat by her dad's side. In the middle of the square, two people are fighting. As everyone's attention is on the fight, no one them. Zhang WuJi got closer to see clearly. He saw that both combatants used bare fists, but their strikes carried the wind, power unimaginable. Obviously both people are two of the top fighters in the world. Those two people's body moved quickly, their strokes extremely fast. Then suddenly, the four palms struck each other, all movement stopped immediately in a flash. The spectators all yelled together, ”Great!”

*For those who don't remember them, Wei YiXiao is the Green Bat King. Shou BuDe(Can't Say) is the person who carried ZWJ in his sack. Monk Peng is another member of the 'Wu San Ren',

Zhang WuJi was shocked when he saw the faces of the combatants. The short middle-aged man with a determined face is Wu Dang's fourth hero Zhang SongXi. His opponent is and old man, whose long brows look whiter than snow, his nose crooked, like an eagle's beak. Zhang WuJi thought, ”Since when did the Ming sect have another person this powerful? Who is he?” Suddenly, he heard someone in the Hua Shan sect scream, ”Old man white-brow, give up now, how can you be a match for the fourth hero of Wu Dang?” When Zhang WuJi heard the name 'old man white-brow', he immediately figured it out, ”Oh, so he… he's my grandfather. White-browed Eagle King!” He wanted to go up and embrace him. But they're still matching inner strength as of right now. On one side you have one of the Ming sect's Four Great Protection Lords, on the other you have one of Zhang SanFeng's top student. As the battle seemingly near the end, both sides started to hold their breath, concerned for their own side's fighter. This battle is not only a match between Wu Dang and the Ming sect, but the fighters' healths are at risk too. Only to see both people still as statues. Zhang SongXi knows that Yin TianZheng has twenty extra years of inner power cultivation, but he has the advantage of youth and a body in his prime. He didn't realize that Ying TianZheng is a prodigy at martial arts. Although he is quite old, his body still has the stamina of a youngster. Waves of chi strikes came continuously at Zhang SongXi. When Zhang WuJi first saw them, his reaction was pure joy. But that soon turned to worry. One is his grandfather. One is his dad's martial brother, who treated him like a son. When he was still suffering from Xuan Ming Palm, all the Wu Dang heroes took turns sacrificing their own inner power to prolong his life. No matter who dies, he would be deeply miserable.

Just as he was about to go break up the fight, both Yin TianZheng and Zhang SongXi yelled, the four palms broke apart, and each person retreated six to seven steps. Zhang SongXi said, ”Elder Yin's power is simply amazing. You have my admiration.” Ying TianZheng said, ”Brother Zhang's inner power skill has no equal, I must say that mine is no match. You are the martial brother of my son-in-law. Do we really have to fight to the death here?” When Zhang WuJi heard him talk about his father, his head kept yelling, ”Stop! Stop!” Zhang SongXi said, ”I retreated one more step than you did, so I admit defeat.” After bowing, he retreated to his group.

Suddenly another person came out from the Wu Dang sect. He pointed at Yin TianZheng, ”Old man Ying, if you hadn't brought up my fifth brother, I would have let that slide. But my third and fifth brother were both injured because of your Heavenly Eagle sect. If I don't have my revenge here, I don't think we would deserve our nickname of the 'Seven Wu Dang Heroes'.” As he spoke, his sword came out. Under the bright sun the sword sparkled as he moved into the starting 'Wan Yue Chao Zong' position. This is the normal Wu Dang position when dueling against elders. Although Muo ShengGu is incredibly angry, he still did not lose his cool in front of the masses. Making sure he pays the proper respect to an elder. Yin TianZheng sighed, as his face showed much sadness. ”After my daughter died, I stopped caring to use swords. But if I face your sword with bare fists, that would be too disrespectful.” He pointed to a Ming member who uses the iron staff, ”Can I borrow your staff for a moment?” That Ming member presented it to him with both hands. Yin TianZheng took the iron staff, and then use his hand to break it in two.

All the spectators 'wowed' at that action. No one thought that after so many fights, this old man still have such amazing strength. Muo ShengGu knows that he won't attack first, so his long sword rose, attacked with the stroke 'Hundred Bird Flying in the Wind'. Only to see the sword point move in different directions, suddenly changing into tens of sword point, aiming towards the opponents mid area. Although this stroke is very powerful, it's still a very respectful stroke. Yin TianZheng blocked with his left broken staff, and said, ”You don't have to be so respectful.” And followed by a counter with his right broken staff. After several moves, they saw that Muo ShengGu's swords strokes are incredibly elegant, agile, sometimes light, sometimes heavy, really is befitting of a major sect. Yin TianZheng's staff is already quite heavy, and his strokes look quite dumb and ordinary. But in the eyes of the experts, they see that his martial arts has reached an astonishingly high level. His steps are also quite slow and unmethodical. Muo ShengGu attacked from all directions, in just a few moments, he has unleashed over sixty lethal attacks.

After some time, Muo ShengGu's strokes became faster and faster. Kun Lun and Er Mei has long been known for their sword art, but they too were amazed at just how powerful Muo ShengGu's sword art is, thinking, ”Wu Dang's fame really is quite deserving. Really glad to see it today.” Yet no matter how hard he tries, Muo ShengGu still could not break through Yin TianZheng's blockade of two broken staffs. He thought, ”This person had already fought three top fighters of Shaolin, plus he wasted much energy while matching palms with fourth brother He's already at a severe disadvantage. If I can't beat him now, where's the face for our sect?” He suddenly changed his sword form, as the long sword seemingly became a strand of silk, light as a feather, flowing effortlessly up and down. This is Wu Dang's seventy-two stroke 'Finger Spinning Soft Sword'. After twenty or so attacks, Yin TianZheng could no longer stand fairly still, and began to utilize his lightness kung fu, matching him speed for speed. Suddenly he saw Muo ShengGu's sword came aiming at his chest, yet in the middle, it suddenly changed directions, aiming towards his right shoulder. Yin TianZheng hurriedly tried to dodge this, yet for some reason, the sword bounced back to its original direction, striking YinTianZheng's left shoulder. Yin TianZheng's shot out his right hand, grabbed Muo ShengGu's wrist, twisted it, and grabbed his sword. His left hand then grabbed his 'Jian Zhen Point'. White-browed Eagle King's Eagle Claws is unrivaled in the martial world. If he simply applied a bit more pressure, Muo ShengGu's bones would crack, and forever be crippled. The other Wu Dang heroes wanted to go up and save him, but knew it's too late.