Volume 2 Chapter 1 (1/2)
Chapter 1: An Unnecessary Meeting
Ie Dump
Part 1
The wind began to pick up oncecame around, and off in the distance, the thunderous roar of the waves continued to echo across the land The area was quite calm yesterday, but today was clearly a different story
Yesterday, the wind blew just strong enough to gently tousle her long, black hair, and the waves only popped up for aback into the ocean The scenery wasn't anything special, however… It was just the events that were unforgettable
”I see…” she had said softly ”Well, there's no helping it, isn't there?”
She giggled aardly The wind seemed to pause at that very moment, and the ocean became completely still Even so, her words were probably as empty as the sky above her
I continued to recall yesterday's events while nonchalantly preparingon the funeral attire they called a unifor my best to comb down the fuzzy hair that ran in the family Once I was finished, I left my sreeted by the huh it wasn't raining just yet
It was just a short walk to the office, and once there, I glanced up at the sky It looked to be a glooh It'd be nice if I could go hoht be hard to do with the aht, ever since I transferred to the le tione home on time Even worse, the system didn't record my overtime hours at all…
The raved on the back of my neck served not only as a way to materialize my [World], but also as a personal ID Because of that, the system could keep track of when I entered and left the office, just like having a timecard on me at all times
Being in research and develop new products, but also had to secure new ure out how to transport the with the fact that we had to keep up our growth, it was clear why I had to work late
Logging overtime hours was quite archaic since it was all done by hand Managers would go through the paperwork and manually approve the hours The maximum allowed overtiedrejected
Because that was the case, every day after nor ho)” on the whiteboard and check out So, on paper I would be done ork, but of course there were a myriad of other tasks I had to do before I could actually relax Some days I would have to drop by a few businesses, while other days I would have to work at ho dinner
In the olden days these types of companies that overworked their employees like this would be labelled black, and apparently there were cries to change the entire systeather from different preserved docu companies only came to use since the early 2000s
Before then, it see hours under strenuous conditions was actually so to be proud of The people who did so were called office warriors, constantly pushi+ng themselves in a concrete jail known as an office to work twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week Each year they would take exactly zero vacation days, so theyin their sleep, too Passion, drive… these ords that were constantly thrown around to show that working wasn't supposed to be done for the money
Supposedly, it was a citizen's duty to work They were forced to accept that just a thanks for the work they've done was norh ey was pushed onto everyone with an emphasis on conformity, and a result, people would be brainwashed to become these office warriors and ultimately be exploited
With conditions like these, there were o, ”Man, I'm completely drained… I only slept for three hours,” but ended with, ”but I love to work Plus, this is orth doing…” and would just constantly repeat the latter half of that sentence to force themselves to live on They were looked down upon by society, who very often bla much lazier than the previous
Despite that, it was people like thee was co no voice in society was equivalent to wielding no weapon in battle, but once they were successful in having a voice, they slowly influenced the part of the society that once shunned the death fro, they were able to show that their way of life was not normal
However, in the end, words were just words It was hard to tell the extent of their impact, because many of the records that detailed these events were lost during the great calae black co at my dreadful situation ed to do it It seee from just a feords
That's why I could wholeheartedly say that words by the at all Just like my time sheet that didn't accurately reflect my work hours, like the title of the business roadmaps I have yet to write, or even like the less
In other words, it wasn't the words of Asagao Tsurube, Megu Natsunificance, but rather what their positions stood for Even if any of their empty words actually came true, no one would question their real intentions, since it really didn't matter to the else, nobody really cared To them, society consisted only of what they could physically see and touch as well as those eered behind them
Those people never really experienced any significant change so far in their lives They only know of the battlefield, and had grown accustomed to the status quo Of course, that includes me as well
So, as per the status quo, today we go to work It's not like we know any other way of living
The moment I stepped into the office, the system recorded the code imprinted on the back of my neck, and my start time of 8:50 AM popped up in a display The standard start ti with everyone else in thebranch, always started work at around the same time
The office was the same as ever Like always, there were some people who came in early to finish up the work that had piled up from the past few days Even so, the entire office was deathly quiet It was so quiet that even a cough would feel disruptive to its overall atmosphere Furthermore, the place was relatively di sun outside
Yesterday's fruit party was chaotic, but the energy froh presentation, by now everyone was back to norly all their lives
The fact that nothing had changed even after what happened yesterday was unnatural, but understandable Because everyone's situation became quite stressful, their first instinct was to deny that anything had changed By not letting theirto the everyday life they knew all too well
As a result, I too acted like nothing had changed
”Good h to be heard, yet soft enough as to not disrupt anyone working
”Oh You're finally here,” replied Urushi+bara He sounded irritated with his low, coarse voice and was restlessly fidgeting with his touchpad It's how he always is though, with hi his black jacket and his tieless popped collar
How nice of him to be the only one to answer me…
His voice sounded much lower than usual Usually he'd say, ”You should know that newcoht? Do you even have any work to do? You should never have nothing to do,” and continue on with his long rants
This time however, he couldn't do his usual talk His eyes, which clearly reflected his bad ao Tsurube off to the side She was sitting in a separate desk, so every so often he would quickly look in that direction
Usually Asagao would have her forehead exposed by tying up her front bangs, but this ti her pink lips She had dark bags over her eyes, and kept rubbing theh so at herwas a bit labored due to her fatigue, but that didn't stop her fro
It was painful for me to look at her work like that, but I understood why she did so As theto nated in the past few days due to yesterday's event Surely she had so to become the city head, but that in itself was a bit childish Her current drive could also be seen as an escape from yesterday's events
The rown to where it was today because of what she had acco hat she had been able to push the branch to do This time, her desperate push to further reform the branch was not withoutwas fine
After all, she believed that she wouldn't have any problems with her subordinates if she successfully perfor her plan to go against theher relationshi+p with both Asuha and me must have left a bad taste in her er
Well, I couldn't speak for Asuha, but she really didn't need to worry so much about me I really didn't care, anyway I didn't care that Natsume wanted to keep the current syste all the power… I didn't care that Asagao wanted to knock that system down and reinstate it with one that was fairer to the other branches
I just went along with Asagao because it seemed to suit my intereststo do with either of them
”Ue asked nervously She held up a tray while standing at a distance as to not bother her
”Thanks Could you just leave it here?”
Asagao's voice eak and fragile She didn't even take her eyes off her monitor
Renge carefully set down the cup, but lingered her arer after she set it down— she was probably thinking of what else to say to her Finding nothing else, perhaps due to the uncomfortable position she was in, she turned away and started to head back
Her loafers made a sound as it hit the soft floor, while off in the distance, the sound of boiling water could be heard throughout the gloomy office
”Renge, could you get me some tea too?” asked Urusihbara He spoke softly, perhaps not wanting to dae's mood even further
”Ah, yes Of course!”
Watae hurried back to get so so, she even stopped by my desk
”Kasumi, do you want some too?”
”Uhh… Sure”
”Alright, here you go!”
I couldn't help but notice her slender hands as she placed the stea teacup onto my desk Yesterday, those were the same hands that reached out to me… the same hands that I refused to take
”You know, this is froreweffect on the body, I think…”
Renge wasn't looking at ao off in the distance
”I-I see Thanks”
”Tell me what you think about it later,” she whispered with a voice so soft it practically tickled my ear With that, she was off
A slight breeze seean to notice its fresh o ith the white clay cup it was poured into
Once I took a sip, I felt the tea slightly burn ue, but at the sa It eird to taste both hot and cold at the sa very much
However, this was soh to ht at hohts drifted to a nice place, and I couldn't help but think that this was really quite pleasant
Well done, Renge
I looked around to see whether the others liked it as well Everyone, including Asagao, had the saht of the tea, but she didn't even touch it yet
She continued to ignore the tea as it slowly got cold on her desk
The aard atmosphere in the office seemed to slow time down to a crahat felt like half a day was actually just one or two hours After dealing with the mountain of order, commission, request, and all sorts of other forms on my desk, I was notified by
I'ot that notification as well, since Urushi+bara suddenly stood up from his chair
”Tsurube, it's about time,” he said
Asagao frantically grabbed her tablet and a bunch of papers frouess her current state ofthat listless response, so I knew that a ht noould not be beneficial to anyone However, she called the , so we had no choice but to comply
Asagao and Urushi+bara went into thesoon after Once we took our seats, Asagao anxiously looked through the papers
”Well, let's start with the reports…” she uttered out, clasping her hands to her chin It looked like she was in prayer with her hands like that
Hearing her, Urushi+bara pulled out a huge stack of paper From the looks of it, there were at least twenty or so papers all bundled together I'
Seeing all those papers reain that there were people like Urushi+bara who overprepared for h or cry… even just reading all those papers would take a considerable a could be written down, then there would be no need for ain the first place I wanted to point that out, but then he would go on his ”Communication is important” rant, so I stayed quiet
Besides, using PowerPoint idely regarded as the better choice for thatit Ipeople swear by it was a little weird
In any case, I'ht thattoday was just a regularly scheduled one… it wasn't anything special The agenda consisted of just some trivial reports and other small tasks to be discussed There was certainly no need to bring a fat stack of paper
Meetings were originally used to agree upon a set of goals There would be a clearly defined start and end time, and materials that needed to be discussed would be deterao ay too out of it She had lost sight on what to focus on, so in the end, thismore than some useless chatter Not like this doesn't happen all the tih, anyway
If the ive my report first, so I raised my hand and spoke
”As the person in charge of the event, I will give my report”
I kept , but he just gave me a dirty look
You should really stop doing that look… It really doesn't look good on you
Off to e looked at me weirdly I never went first, so this must have been quite the surprise for her
Asagao, on the other hand, nodded slightly forat me Instead, her eyes were fixated on her tablet
This isn't the tiao…
Right now, there were things we had to talk about
”The event was a huge success financially No other things to report from me”
It was brief, concise, and perhaps a little cruel But it was the truth, and it had to be said
”Success, huh?” said Asagao She knehat I ly
Urushi+bara and Renge did the same as well
In terms of our financial interests, we caoals that anted to fulfill during the event— our financial interests weren't even our top priority We prioritized announcing Asagao Tsurube's candidacy for city head, and garnering support for her behind the scenes to overthrow Megu Natsume, the current city subhead
That was our oal, but due to an unfortunate accident, we failed
Asagao sighed once again as she played back yesterday's events in her head Seeing this, Renge timidly raised her hand
”A-Asagao, I'm so sorry,” she said softly ”If I could only have stopped her back then…”
”No, it's not your fault,” said Asagao, shaking her head ”I knew she was in in the vicinity…”
”It's okay For real”
Asagao se was still down in the du her head down in shame
I got the chills looking at them act this way How could they talk so nore's costly ao's dreae also spouted soe the world” words to me, words that were probably not truthful, but not a complete lie either
Even so, Asagao and Renge acted like none of that had happened, but perhaps that was just how girls communicated They avoided confrontation in order to keep their relationshi+ps clean and tension-free… or so like that
As I thought, girls really are scary I need your help for this, Asuha…
Asagao briefly stared at the ceiling with her eyes closed before hanging her head doards the desk She continued to speak, albeit in a whisper
”We need to decide our future plans”
She spoke al to herself, but since I was the first one to speak, I should be the first one to answer her
”Yeah, we really should,” I said ”What should we do from now on?”
Asagao bit her lip Her eyes that were usually glea with enthusiasm were now dull and listless
”… If we really want to go against Natsu to take us down by force, and there's nothing we can do about that”
Her voice was as depressing as it could get, but she was not wrong Going up against Natsuerous, especially for her as powerless in co from her anxious expression and her sluer
Noticing this, Renge lightly tapped her on the shoulder ”Ah, but at the very least uards…” she said
”No way that'd work,” I blurted out without thinking
What are you saying, Renge?
Urushi+bara piped in as well ”We have to remember that she has all the elites,” he said solemnly
He was co an enemy of the entire military branch If that soht of the entiredown on us
Besides, the whole reason Renge and I transferred out of the military in the first place was because ere both deemed unfit for combat In other words, it wouldn't be a stretch to say that ere probably weaker than anyone currently in the hter… she was a scout, so she couldn't properly protect Asagao in combat
All in all, there was absolutely no e could take on the th We should avoid any direct confrontations if possible
”We could also just give this up,” I said
My words ao because she suddenly looked back up and said, ”Huh?”
”What are you saying, Chigusa, what the hell?” shouted Urushi+bara, standing up with his lips shaking in anger
Did he feel coao?
”It ht honestly be the best course of action,” I said in a ainst Natsuotiate things that would benefit both of us It'll be oal, and if we do, we'd be at the very least left with some newfound political power…”
My explanation seemed to calm Urushi+bara down ”I see, that could work,” he said ”They do need our resources and connections”
He spoke no ht In the brief e spoke up
”But…” she said in an al down about the whole situation ”Will that really work?”
In reality, I didn't think it would work… not well, anyway Even so, as long as ere still talking about it in this , I had to make it work
”It depends on hoe approach the powers to branches outside the ht be seen as weak, but if we can get past that, we'd be… fine, I think…”
”Indeed,” agreed Urushi+bara ”Everything can go s that maintains the status quo on the outside”
Urushi+bara ell aware of the military's hierarchal systerip on the military It ht be necessary for doing business as well…
Renge gently shook her head ”Natsu down at the floor She struggled to get her words out ”Kind enough to even reainst her word to all those people more useful than ht?”
Renge probably harbored these feelings because she had looked up to Natsu her time in the military
Natsuher ranks By deter each student's merit, she could create a hierarchical syste us poould no doubt cause unrest within the military Once that happened, the whole system she had put in place could crumble down The issue hether or not she would ith us until that happened
We had to keep in ht If that happened, ould lose everything
”We don't want to set a bad example for others, huh…”
I don't want to hear that from you, Urushi+bara…
In any case, going against Natsues and disadvantages Neither was the absolute right answer to all this, so all that was left was to wait for Asagao to decide what to do
”Well, the fact that nothing's happened yet could mean that Natsuao ”It see”
”Yeah, that's right!” nodded Renge ”That's why Asagao, you should be friends with Natsume! She's truly a nice person”
Asagao looked down at the ground ”Yeah, Natsume's nice…” she whispered, but I'm sure she didn't mean it However, when she looked back up, she had a faint s your ti to have to think about this some more…”
She rose from her chair, and Urushi+bara quickly did the sa out, she turned to us and said, ”You two can go home now, actually Well, only if your work is finished”
”Uhh, isn't that how it always is…”
Asagao didn't pay any attention to ht behind her
If you're going to say so other than that…
”What's going to happen froao and Urushi+bara left the rooht now… What do you think, Kasumi?”
Perhaps it was because she said that so unnaturally, but I was taken aback by her words
”U to do?”
”Well, re the world the other day?”
”What? Oh!! About that…” she said, slightly turning her head away fro it, right? So don't worry about that…”
I listened to her silently, but once she see, I came out with a question of my own
”You sure?”
Renge smiled and timidly played with her hair a little bit
”Uhh… It's a little hard to say, but after ao just now I really am worried about her… I want her to be like she usually is! I-It really was my fault wasn't it? I can't help but think that she's like this forall this! What should I say to her? I really need to get ether!”
Renge flailed her hand around wildly before slapping the incoherently in disarray
I didn't think there was et from her words However, they did seem truthful and reflective of her current state of mind, so I was satisfied
”Yeah, I guess you're right,” I said ”For Renge's sake… for the et her back”
”Yeah…” Renge closed her eyes and sighed deeply
”That's e have to work hard too!” she continued Her lips slowly foro all out on work! Let's do this!”
With her eyes now filled with determination, she fist pumped the air
Part 2
The day had dragged on, but I was finally done withinto overtime
Actually, not exactly Here in the”done” The work just kept piling up, so there wasn't really a way to finish everything Looking at all the as like looking out into the vast ocean… it was just endless
That's ork is, after all If I had to say so h work to not piss off Urushi+bara The extra work I could have done in overti on her desk, but I still went home anyway For some reason I was just exhausted… I certainly didn't feel like working anymore
I just wanted to take a bath and go to sleep I'll deal with everything tomorrow… maybe I'll work even harder then!
Yeah, right
I' productive toht?
I staggered back hoh my front door, a familiar voice called out to me
”Woah, you're back home early,” said Asuha Like always, she was sprawled out on the sofa
”In a normal work day it'd be considered late…” I uess It's been a while since I had gone home before sundown
Asuha didn't live with me, but she sure acted like she did
”Why are you here today?” I asked ”You got so you need?”
”A bath”
I asked knowing she wasn't here for anything ihts I didn't knohat she really meant with that, but whatever
She always answered with soa In any case, our conversation always ended with that I'h
”You sure like baths don't you…”
”What? You don't?” she said with a slight chuckle ”That's pretty disgusting, honestly”
I didn't mind her attitude too much, but sometimes I wish she was just a bit more humble
Also, stop with that chuckling…
”Don't worry, I love baths…” I said jokingly, taking offmy way to the bathroom ”It's what I looked forward to today too…”
”Huh? H-Hold on a sec…” Asuha's face blushed a little as she bolted straight up fro a bath now, are you?”
”Huh? What do you ht?”
”Wait, wait, wait…” said Asuha ”I haven't even taken a bath yet… so you can't”
Huh? I can't? And why's that?
How could she say that with a straight face? Unlike her, I actually own the apartuts to say that
”The bath water after you take a bath is a no go,” she said ”You never knohat's floating in it”
”How about you just don't come anymore…”
Of course, her dorm also had a bath Unfortunately, I had never seen it in person, but from the pamphlets I saw, her bath was beautiful and spacious Even though it was shared with other people, it was miles beyond what I had here
”Your bathroorand, so luxurious, so there's no reason to coht? I said ”If you like baths so much, take one back at your place…”
Asuha scratched her head ”Ah, well, you don't get much privacy there,” she muttered
Our desire to do things alone uess I could sympathize with her on that point
”Well, since you're living in a doret used to a lack of privacy… Besides, it just ht? Seeing that you're not doing too hot on that”
”I guess so…” She frowned ”But I really don't know…”
She would usually snap back with a snarky comment like ”E,” ”Speak for yourself,” or even a ”Are you serious?” but the fact that she didn't was proof that she kneas right
”Besides,” she continued ”If you think about it, isn't it weird to be naked around others?”
What is she saying? This isn't how she normally speaks… Is this person really Asuha? Or ently?
”Is it though? Is it really that e?” I continued
”Yeah, it is…” her voice trailed off Her face turned red, so she folded her arether in an attempt to hide it Once she did, her already wrinkled white blouse got even more wrinkled
She kind of reaoka when she did that… I think it was the way she was acting Somehow I struck a nerve with her
”Asuha, it's all good,” I said as I reached her shoulder Seeing her reaction actually made me kind of happy ”Come take a bath here anytime”
Despite ood intentions, she moved her shoulder aardly ”Y-Yeah,” she said, scratching her face ”You don't have to tell me that…”
”Just once in a while, okay?”
I needed soet troubleso that my place is pretty small
”Well,” I continued ”Once you get into high school, you'll have a room with a bath, anyway”
When I was still in the e was given to all members of the military, and even if I had been kicked out, I still kept my place Now, unlike arded as the next ace There was no doubt inshe had ever wanted
That being said, she seemed to not have realized this yet
Asuha's eyes widened ”R-Really?” she said
”Yeah, of course I e, who knows…”
Saying that was pretty useless in itself, but I wanted to throw in soet more interested in it
Asuha was pretty clueless ”System?” she said with a blank look on her face
”You know, the city head could change, and so would everything else with it,” I said seriously It ao at the o at it no matter what