Part 34 (1/1)
Page 249, l. 12. _Irenic.u.m_. _A Weapon-Salve for the Churches Wounds_, published 1661.
Page 252, l. 10. The following sentence is in the original ma.n.u.script (folio 98) before 'But I owed': 'and if I have arrived at any faculty of writing clear and correctly, I owe that entirely to them: for as they joined with Wilkins in that n.o.ble tho despised attempt at an Universall Character, and a Philosophicall Language, they took great pains to observe all the common errours of language in generall, and of ours in particular: and in the drawing the tables for that work, which was Lloyds province, he had looked further into a naturall purity and simplicity of stile, than any man I ever knew: into all which he led me, and so helpt me to any measure of exactnes of writing, which may be thought to belong to me.' The sentence is deleted in the transcript that was sent to the printer; but whether it was deleted by Burnet himself, or by the editor, is uncertain. There are other minor alterations in the same page of the transcript (p.
The book referred to in the omitted pa.s.sage is Wilkins's _Essay Towards a Real Character And a Philosophical Language_, presented to the Royal Society and published in 1668. Lloyd's 'continual a.s.sistance' is acknowledged in the 'Epistle to the Reader'.
Burnet's History of His Own Time. Vol. i. (pp. 168-70.)
Page 253, l. 23. He served under Turenne in four campaigns, 1652-5, latterly as Lieutenant-General. His own account of these campaigns has fortunately been preserved. It is a portion of the journal to which Burnet refers. See _The Life of James the Second King of England, etc., collected out of memoirs writ of his own hand.... Published from the original Stuart ma.n.u.scripts in Carlton-House_, edited by James Stanier Clarke, 2 vols, 1816.
Page 254, l. 20. After the surrender at Oxford on June 24, 1646, James was given into the charge of the Earl of Northumberland and confined at St. James's. See _Life_, ed. J.S. Clarke, vol. i, pp. 30-1, and Clarendon, vol. iv, pp. 237, and 326-8.
Page 255, l. 3. Richard Stuart (1594-1651), 'the dean of the King's chapel, whom his majesty had recommended to his son to instruct him in all matters relating to the Church' (Clarendon, vol. iv, p. 341). See Wood's _Athenae Oxonienses_, ed. Bliss, vol. iii, cols. 295-8, and John Walker's _Sufferings of the Clergy_, Pt. II, p. 48.
ll. 6-8. The autograph reads (fol. 87): 'He said that a Nun had advised him to pray every day, that if he was not in the right way that G.o.d would set him right, did make a great impression on him.' The transcript (p. 127) agrees with the print.
ll. 27-9. James definitely joined the Roman church at the beginning of 1669: see _Life_, ed. J.S. Clarke, vol. i, p. 440.
Page 256, l. 3. As High Admiral he defeated the Dutch at Lowestoft, 1665, and Southwold Bay, 1672. Compare Dryden's _Annus Mirabilis_, ll.
Victorious _York_ did first, with fam'd success, To his known valour make the _Dutch_ give place;
also his _Verses to the d.u.c.h.ess_ on the Duke's victory of June 3, 1665. He ceased to be High Admiral on the pa.s.sing of the Test Act, 1673.
Page 256, l. 6. Sir William Coventry (1628-86), secretary to James, 1660-7. 'He was the man of the finest parts and the best temper that belonged to the court:' see his character by Burnet, ed. Airy, vol. i, pp. 478-9.
ll. 13 ff. Compare Pepys's _Diary_, November 20, 1661, June 27 and July 2, 1662, June 2, 1663, July 21, 1666, &c.
Burnet's History of His Own Time. Vol. ii. (p. 292-3.)