Episode 128 – Disobedience (2/2)

Aethernea Cloe D Frost 42650K 2022-07-20

She admitted she likes him very much She said he is different from the rest He is very handsoant or selfish He treats everyone with kindness, thinking of his s and desires of others before his own

She says that so down on us because we aren’t as advanced as them and their society, but not him He respects our tradition and doesn’t look down on us in the slightest

She said she noticed hi He was stunned by the beauty of her dance but had no indecent thoughts or desires about her It was an innocent admiration and respect without any impurities or ulteriormen If she has to like someone, I suppose it’s best she likes someone who isn’t a chauvinistic pervert?

Ca to him I’ve never seen her so excited, so happy I suppose I should be happy for her He is a fine man, in fact, both of the cousins are fine men Too fine actually It makes me feel unsettled at how perfect they see wrong with them and their motives, my sister would be the first one to notice

My love life is not going nearly as well as hers Afterthat Goddess, other woh Cammy told me to not entertain any hopes, I think I involuntarily developed a crush I wonder what she thinks about me? Does she even notice me at all? I should probably ask Cammy about it, but then, I’m afraid to find out

I can’t believe Cairl to pursue her love! She knew I liked her and she went and set her up with so that the bond between them ran too deep It was just a matter of tis to each other She just helped speed it up She says that she got tired of all the angst they felt She says I have no idea how it feels to have to pretend to love another like a sibling while internally yearning for them in every way possible

She spewed a bunch of ro to hold each other and never let go

I al

Those t share heated gazes and hold hands whenever no one is looking They also sneak out alone every night and return only at dawn

And no, the two I’h the two of the more and more lovey-dovey I should probably pity the fool If my sister set her eye on him, he’d have no choice but to fall for her Itthe person he hopes she was? Does he truly love her for who she is or for who she pretends to be?

Soon enough, even their only source of entertain the translated contents of the diary, Nelaira was issued an order to dispose of the diary without further translation

To say that it took her by surprise would be an understatement She stared at the command for hours, and then she proceeded to stare at the clear night sky for several more hours unable to fall asleep

She was just a lieutenant within the Purge She had to obey the commands of her superiors without question

But she couldn’t do it She was never the type to follow commands blindly She was always the type of person who put a lot of thought into reasons and consequences

And this time her conscience just didn’t let her put the matter to rest A weak and quiet voice that sounded incredibly like Luki whispered at the back of her mind: Why? Why do they want it destroyed so badly? What is it that they wish to hide?

She shouldn’t question it She should follow the order

But she didn’t want to She wanted to knohat happened next What made her superiors want to destroy this little booklet

If she destroyed it just like this, the mystery would bother her for the rest of her life

In the end, Nelaira decided to delay the execution of the command She would read the diary till the end and then destroy it It would make no difference if she knew of its contents She would keep quiet and no one would know that she had read it till the end

However, the command did forbid further translation, thus she had to explain to everyone the change Their archaeologist should not continue to translate the diary and spread it around

She chose to keep the order of destroying it a secret and instead told everyone that their superiors wanted to contain the spread of confidential infor the squad

They were devastated Especially Luki, who couldn’t sleep at night not knoas inside that little booklet (I bosses wanted to hide!)

Coht that so false rumors, but Cammy confirmed that they were indeed the descendants of that ood intentions that shouldn’t be condemned due to the sins of their predecessors

Father is seriously considering sending the young towards their blessed land They said that they could teleport us there, without us being in any danger from the Tainted

They area monster They seem to think that even a little contact with Ink would taint the into a Tainted How did they survive all this while if they don’t even kno to purify Ink?

We didn’t separate on good terms I was tooentry in the diary she had yet to translate was short and hastily written, which made it more difficult to identify the runes used to write it

I can feel Ca frantically back to help us Yet, I fear it is too late

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