Episode 127 – Valley Of Eternal Snow (2/2)
The change caht
And it wasn’t just the story in the diary that took a sudden unexpected turn, even the ten would soon experience a turning point…
She claimed they had no bad intentions and their nuathered up everyone who could fight to wait for thee, just in case the peaceful welcome didn’t proceed as planned
Unfortunately, in the village this sh everyone knew that ere about to receive unannounced visitors Unable to restrain their curiosity, both young and old, those that could walk and those that couldn’t – everyone came out to see what the fuss was about
Father orried that the visitors would be intimidated by the overly “warm” welcome and tried to disperse the crowd to no avail It wasn’t any day that outsiders cae In fact, if our history books were to be believed, there had been no visitors to our place since the wars ended
Luckily, the outsiders weren’t the timid sort They weren’t even astonished by the welco in the least, because they could probably hear the commotion and excitement from a ly young, but the sheer dignity and charisle person froe could co an innate air of power
Their group had both argel and elibu with all kinds of exotic shades of hair and eye colors that had not appeared in our village for a long tile e to look at the a fresh piece of meat
I wish I could blame them for their inappropriate behavior, but that would be quite hypocritical of me Their leaders were incredibly beautiful, so ht they were incarnations of Gods
There was a fe the if I said I wasn’t moved by her beauty and demeanor
They said that they cae piece of fertile land where Ink had never stretched its nasty tendrils
Truthfully, such a place sounded too perfect to be true Even though Ca myself to believe that such a place truly existed
Others were too thrilled at the prospect of us not being the only survivors to take my skepticism seriously The outsiders were friendly and polite, thus elcomed them with open ar a village wide celebration in their honor
We brought out our finest food and drinks The dancers, led by Calowed, flew and twirled with fire I don’t remember we ever had such a lavish party
The visitors veryeyes they directed towards my sister was any indication
Unable to contain her excite Nelaira with her red hair in the process “There ht be another land of survivors out there that we don’t know about!”
She broke out in a wide sled triuh proof that there are indeed survivors in the forbidden zone?” She gave a side glance to their archaeologist coive her a proper look and just added offhandedly “It’s not like this happened yesterday Such survivors ht have already been wiped out by the Ink”
“It is certainly possible that there is an untainted land we are unaware of out there…” Nelaira spoke up, giving Laica a side glance telling her to calet our hopes up this easily These visitors could very well be from the Lands under the shi+eld When our lands were in the process of being established, the entry and exit weren’t so strictly regulated as it is now Perhaps some of the people left back then to search for survivors and invite them inside the shi+eld These mentioned outsiders could very well be our ancestors”
The archeologist was quick to nod his head approvingly His nod frozelook: “When was this diary written?”
“I’ed man with the monocle admitted “The dates are from the year 1430 AO However, I don’t knohat AO stands for, thus I can’t calculate the year in AW (After Wars)”
“Can’t you use the agoested
Agoical artifact enchanted to use a tie of particles It could accurately sense when that specific particle was created, however, it couldn’t tell what for up in the next episode:
“Who would welcome several dozen potentially Tainted individuals inside their sanctuary just like that? Don’t tell ot to check them for the presence of Ink?”
They were surprised at how e Apparently, in the place where they are froel and elibu rarely marry
They said we are blessed to have so many mana purification artifacts in our possession
Those t share heated gazes and hold hands whenever no one is looking They also sneak out alone every night and return only at dawn
And this time her conscience just didn’t let her put the matter to rest A weak and quiet voice that sounded incredibly like Luki whispered at the back of her mind: Why? Why do they want it destroyed so badly? What is it that they wish to hide?
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