Episode 74 – Fa?ade (2/2)

Aethernea Cloe D Frost 34700K 2022-07-20

Dusk’s back broke out in cold sweat He stared at Elaru Wayvin as if he was seeing a e their appearance, they would utilize makeup It was an easy way that anyone could do It wasn’t easy to see through and if done right one could beconizable The downside of this method was that it was an art in itself, which consued on the go It needed preone’s appearance with ic wasn’t as easy as it sounded

There were only tays one could alter their appearance by e the structure of their own face and body, such as by using Morph, or one could create an illusion through the usage of Lightthe structure of one’s body was extreerous Not only was Morph a solid state spell whose effects persisted after the spell was lifted, but using it on the body without understanding body structure to near perfection could easily cause pere, disability, and even death

The only ones that could utilize Morph to change appearance were Body Sculptors, a branch of Healers that specialized in beautifying rich people

The alternative to using Morph was by utilizing Light ic to create illusions However, this option was not any easier than the for” extremely realistic illusions And no reat artist as well, he wouldn’t be able to fool anyone with their illusions

In conclusion, changing one’s appearance withso being as rare as phoenix feathers and qilin horns

There were only two exceptions to this rule – two secret e Based on the Morph and Light spells, they were created by the God ancestor of the Etezza fa mysterious laws

Etezza family treated these spells as their ancestral priceless treasure, teaching it to very few members of the family Not only because the spells were priceless, but because they were level 15 spells – the highest known spell level Whichit were very few The bare e And even if one was an S-rankedit

The benefit, however, was that theabout the human body, nor how to paint realistic illusions And since it was a secret spell, only those ere taught the spell would be able to recognize it when used by others

Which is exactly why Dusk Rose stared at Elaru Wayvin as if she was a ghost

Elaru Wayvin recognized that he earing a false face

And since his false face was created by Façade, the only way she would be able to recognize the spell would be if she knew it herself

&! Dusk Rose swore If we are on the saiven this mission?!

Dusk’s face paled further Don’t tell me I inadvertently stumbled onto a conflict of interest within the family? Or… is this redhead a family traitor?! But why didn’t anyone warn ? Perhaps she wasn’t sure at all!

Focus! Dusk’s training kicked in, and he instantly calmed down There is no need for you to question yourreason is, it is none of your business What you need to do now is stall for time

Dusk Rose scowled at Elaru “My face isn’t fake And even if it was, you couldn’t even see my face from behind Hoould you be able to tell if it was fake?”

Elaru gave hi look “Why would I need to see your face? You are using Façade, not nizes Façade!

Dusk Rose persisted “If you recognize Façade, you should know I aed “Which is why you are still perfectly fine and able to blabber your mouth However, I aainst my personal interests”

Dusk Rose pouted “You are really unreasonable! This is totally not a conflict of interest!”

Elaru gaped at Dusk Rose “bloodyme out in my interest?!”

Ah Fever Touch The actual name ofBesides, you are fine Speaking of which, how is it that you are fine? Immune?”

“Yeah Fever Touch was the first poison papa forced me to develop immunity to”

“Makes sense, ly “But there is one thing that doesn’t make sense at all You said that you knew my intentions from the start What intentions? Don’t telldirection? I was really going to the infirmary!”

Elaru Wayvin stared at Dusk Rose speechlessly Dude… must you lie to my face so openly? She raised her eyebrow and s Façade would have enough couidepost”

Dusk Rose stared at her innocently “What guidepost?”

Elaru’s eyebroitched Still playing innocent? Alright, let’s try a different approach She smirked and sneaked her hand inside the pocket of Dusk Rose’s jacket She pulled out a round badge with number 1385 on it Dusk Rose’s entrance exam pass

“I see, I see So, you were just an innocent exaroup…but wait…Kiel’s number is 5642 How is it that nurinned widely

Dusk’s innocent s 20 people with adjacent nuroup!