Episode 58 – Multicasting Exam Start (2/2)

Aethernea Cloe D Frost 36780K 2022-07-20

Kady chose one of the objects and cast the saer spell over it

However, surprisingly, nothing happened

“For the lights to go out, your trigger spells will need to trigger the glowing objects at the same tie to deactivate thee”

This ti objects As soon as her spells activated, the glowing objects diht went out, another four objects lit up

“Each ti objects, new objects will light up at randoher than the number of objects you previously deactivated”

Kady then proceeded to cast the trigger spells over and over After the number of lit objects had reached 20, she stopped and pointed towards the compass like object

“This device will display your score It calculates the score based on the ae and the nues”

Kady then cast another trigger spell to reset the apparatus beforetowards the second apparatus in the room

The second apparatus was near the teacher’s desk and was e pink cactus surrounded by a spiral of cubes Almost the entire body of the cactus, as well as the spikes protruding from the surface, looked as if they were made of pink jelly The metal base of the cactus had another compass like device embedded into it

In a spiral around the cactus, black and white cubes were placed alternatingly The cubes looked exactly like the cubes they had used in the previous test

“Here, in the second part of the Multicast exa in the previous exam”

Kady cast a trigger spell upon the cactus to activate the apparatus As soon as her spell activated, the spikes on the cactus extended to onetentacles The tentacles started out thin but got thicker at their ends, where they for

On the opening of one tentacle formed a pink bubble

“This test requires you to control the cubes to pop bubbles”

Kady cast a Tely random black cube in the spiral of cubes Her cube flew up towards the pink bubble

As soon as the cube touched the surface of the bubble, it popped

However, after it popped, t bubbles for tentacles

“Similarly to the previous apparatus, more bubbles you pop, more bubbles will form And the only way to pop the bubbles is if you touch them with your cube at the same time”

Once again, she controlled the same cube as before to touch a bubble, but this time, the pink bubble repelled the cube and didn’t pop at all Kady then cast another Temperature spell on another cube and used the two cubes under her control to touch the bubbles simultaneously

Only then did they pop

“Just like in the previous test, the score is calculated based on the ties”

Kady’s gaze passed slowly from face to face, before she continued: “Naturally, tospeed on the results of the test, you are allowed to cast Teht on the cubes before the start of the test Then, once the test begins, you can wholeheartedly concentrate on controlling those spells

As for the number of cubes you should put under your control beforehand…that is up to you Choose the nurade your performance You can later increase the number of cubes under your control when the test requires you to do so

Your Multicast score will be calculated by adding up the scores displayed on the two apparatuses, dividing theher whole number”

Kady waved her hand and the stack of papers on the teachers’ desk flew over Each examinee received one paper

Kiel looked down at the paper and instantly recognized that the pattern drawn on the paper was the trigger spell they need to cast over the glass objects It was an extremely simple pattern that everyone should be able to weave without issues Naturally, they gave them a simple pattern, since this test didn’t test hoell they could weave, but rather, how ardless of the quality of the result

“Any questions?” The motherly voice of Kady Ailert resonated in the quiet roo of papers could be heard previously

After waiting for a few seconds without anyone speaking up, Kady nodded But it was unclear whether it was towards the examinees or Rau For at that moment, Rau opened the door to the classroom and motioned for the examinees to leave

“In the following exam, you will be required to cast a lot of simultaneous spells which will make the situation hectic and hard to supervise To prevent any interventions froht by us, you will be required to wait outside the classroom until it is your turn to take the exam”

In other words, the exao in and take the test one by one The rest of the examinees would (im)patiently wait outside for their own turn

Kiel was thrilled to volunteer to take the test first That way he wouldn’t have to wait and would be done i ould be a nightmare

Perhaps he could even return back to Elaru and Arion before their test started and spend so under the warm sun

Judging by Kiel’s cold and dark personality and white skin, one would think hi indoors However, even though Kiel disliked s he disliked On the contrary, he loved sunlight Everything looked better under the warht When the rays danced over his face, he felt energized

Another of the rare things that he liked was the relaxing green color of the grass and leaves He also veryscent of flowers and herbs

Forests have acted as his sanctuary for years, reenery However, staying outdoors also had its drawbacks, so he was the kind of person that exercised moderation He preferred to read and practice his skills outdoors, while sleeping, bathing and eating was better done indoors

Encouraged by the prospect of reading under the bright sunlight, Kiel beca test