Volume Ii Part 6 (1/2)

The Bostonians Henry James 38670K 2022-07-22

These words from the elder lady Ransom received at first with a reserve which, as he trusted, suggested extreme respect; and it was a fact that his silence had a kind of Southern solemnity in it. Then he said, in a tone equally expressive of great deliberation:

”Yes, madam, I think I never was present at an exhibition, an entertainment of any kind, which held me more completely under the charm.”

”Delighted you liked it. I didn't know what in the world to have, and this has proved an inspiration--for me as well as for Miss Tarrant. Miss Chancellor has been telling me how they have worked together; it's really quite beautiful. Miss Chancellor is Miss Tarrant's great friend and colleague. Miss Tarrant a.s.sures me that she couldn't do anything without her.” After which explanation, turning to Olive, Mrs. Burrage murmured: ”Let me introduce Mr. ---- introduce Mr. ----”

But she had forgotten poor Ransom's name, forgotten who had asked her for a card for him; and, perceiving it, he came to her rescue with the observation that he was a kind of cousin of Miss Olive's, if she didn't repudiate him, and that he knew what a tremendous partners.h.i.+p existed between the two young ladies. ”When I applauded I was applauding the firm--that is, you too,” he said, smiling, to his kinswoman.

”Your applause? I confess I don't understand it,” Olive replied, with much prompt.i.tude.

”Well, to tell the truth, I didn't myself!”

”Oh yes, of course, I know; that's why--that's why----” And this further speech of Mrs. Burrage's, in reference to the relations.h.i.+p between the young man and her companion, faded also into vagueness. She had been on the point of saying it was the reason why he was in her house; but she had bethought herself in time that this ought to pa.s.s as a matter of course. Basil Ransom could see she was a woman who could carry off an awkwardness like that, and he considered her with a sense of her importance. She had a brisk, familiar, slightly impatient way, and if she had not spoken so fast, and had more of the softness of the Southern matron, she would have reminded him of a certain type of woman he had seen of old, before the changes in his own part of the world--the clever, capable, hospitable proprietress, widowed or unmarried, of a big plantation carried on by herself. ”If you are her cousin, do take Miss Chancellor to have some supper--instead of going away,” she went on, with her infelicitous readiness.

At this Olive instantly seated herself again.

”I am much obliged to you; I never touch supper. I shall not leave this room--I like it.”

”Then let me send you something--or let Mr. ----, your cousin, remain with you.”

Olive looked at Mrs. Burrage with a strange beseechingness, ”I am very tired, I must rest. These occasions leave me exhausted.”

”Ah yes, I can imagine that. Well, then, you shall be quite quiet--I shall come back to you.” And with a smile of farewell for Basil Ransom, Mrs. Burrage moved away.

Basil lingered a moment, though he saw that Olive wished to get rid of him. ”I won't disturb you further than to ask you a single question,” he said. ”Where are you staying? I want to come and see Miss Tarrant. I don't say I want to come and see you, because I have an idea that it would give you no pleasure.” It had occurred to him that he might obtain their address from Mrs. Luna--he only knew vaguely it was Tenth Street; much as he had displeased her she couldn't refuse him that; but suddenly the greater simplicity and frankness of applying directly to Olive, even at the risk of appearing to brave her, recommended itself. He couldn't, of course, call upon Verena without her knowing it, and she might as well make her protest (since he proposed to pay no heed to it) sooner as later. He had seen nothing, personally, of their life together, but it had come over him that what Miss Chancellor most disliked in him (had she not, on the very threshold of their acquaintance, had a sort of mystical foreboding of it?) was the possibility that he would interfere.

It was quite on the cards that he might; yet it was decent, all the same, to ask her rather than any one else. It was better that his interference should be accompanied with all the forms of chivalry.

Olive took no notice of his remark as to how she herself might be affected by his visit; but she asked in a moment why he should think it necessary to call on Miss Tarrant. ”You know you are not in sympathy,”

she added, in a tone which contained a really touching element of entreaty that he would not even pretend to prove he was.

I know not whether Basil was touched, but he said, with every appearance of a conciliatory purpose--”I wish to thank her for all the interesting information she has given me this evening.”

”If you think it generous to come and scoff at her, of course she has no defence; you will be glad to know that.”

”Dear Miss Chancellor, if you are not a defence--a battery of many guns!” Ransom exclaimed.

”Well, she at least is not mine!” Olive returned, springing to her feet.

She looked round her as if she were really pressed too hard, panting like a hunted creature.

”Your defence is your certain immunity from attack. Perhaps if you won't tell me where you are staying, you will kindly ask Miss Tarrant herself to do so. Would she send me a word on a card?”

”We are in West Tenth Street,” Olive said; and she gave the number. ”Of course you are free to come.”

”Of course I am! Why shouldn't I be? But I am greatly obliged to you for the information. I will ask her to come out, so that you won't see us.”

And he turned away, with the sense that it was really insufferable, her attempt always to give him the air of being in the wrong. If that was the kind of spirit in which women were going to act when they had more power!