42 「Valkyrie’s Downfall」 (1/2)

The Princess Renner was breathing heavily, panting with a wide ass smile on her face. Held at level was a pistol equipped in her petite hands. She had gained the Gunner Class after equipping the weapon and using it with little instruction from Jack.

Jack on the other hand after recalling the Primal Water Elemental, turned to look towards Renner. Watching as her shoulders rose and fell, rose and fell. He could see the sweat and perspiration on the side of her head and along her exposed arms. He had handed her an alien weapon which would be sure to cause culture shock should it be exposed to the rest of the world. It was a weapon that when used in mass, could eliminate an entire army of foes, just like the Sniper class, as these two modern job classes hailed from YGGDRASIL's game patch Valkyrie's Downfall.

Ninya also had her eyes on the Princess. She had never seen such a weapon used to kill a person, to kill anything. It reminded her of those crude battlefield grenades that could take off the users arm before it ever leaves their hand.

She could only stare at the smoking barrel from the side.

Jack approached her and with a subtle raise of his arm, placed his fingers on the barrel to have the woman lower it to point to the ground. ”You're a natural,” HIs eyes were locked on the weapon he had given her. To him it was nothing but a toy, a way to break the Japanese Law against citizens handling firearms without an exclusive permit as Japan had waged a war on war itself.

”What… What is this!?” Renner finally asked as she was able to steady her breathing. Her smile still hadn't faded off her face and she was clearly too excited to let go of the grip.

”It's a mechanical device known as a Gun, a pistol to be more precise.”

Renner looked over at him with her big blue eyes with this scary expression on her face like she was thinking of using it for other malicious purposes. ”How effective is it on full plate mail?”

”It might ricochet a few times and get you in the eye,” Not feeding the idea any hope, he said this in a very monotone voice to give her a very serious answer.

”Oh,” that creepy face faded and she was now smiling faintly and looking at the item in her hands. She clicked the safety and held it out for him to take.

Stepping to the side, away from the barrel, he would grasp the weapon before stuffing it into his item box. ”I can have a single shot pistol developed for you, in case of emergencies.”

”Single shot…?”

”As in it is small, compact and can be hidden just about anywhere.” His eyes traced her form up and down as to make his point.

Though her face quickly turned red, slightly embarrassed in what came to mind, she nodded in what he was telling her. ”Small and compact,” she muttered quietly as she looked over her sleeves and her dress. In a way she could have it put somewhere beneath her skirt? Or her sleeve? Renner licked her lips slightly before looking over to the barely damaged body of the woman she had killed.

Ninya on the other hand just stared at him for a few seconds before looking at the dead bodies. ”So you could essentially use that to kill a Spell Caster before they can even release a spell… Or shoot a dragon in the eyes to blind them.”

”Precisely,” Jack said as he walked over to her and placed his arm around her shoulders and pulled her close to himself.

Ninya's gaze moved to the ground as she was thinking of that whole idea. If the Kingdom used that weapon, they'd be able to wipe out their competition in a matter of months if not years.

Assassinations, war, skirmishes all of it would be so different with the use of guns. Combining guns with magic though, she almost began to pale. If bullets were imbued with grand explosive spells, the death tolls and destruction could be far more than anyone would bargain for.

”Jack...” She whisper as she leaned up towards him as he leaned his head in towards her, lending her his ear. ”Make sure she can't get the 'gun' reverse engineered.”

”Already thought of that, thank you, Ninya.” He turned his head to peck her straight on the nose, causing her to blush almost immediately.

The Princess watched their interactions, her lips parted slightly. He kissed her nose? Weren't you supposed to kiss someone on the cheek or on the lips? The tip of her tongue poked out from behind her lips for a second before she turned to trot out of the room, full of superficial grace that didn't quite fit in with her ungraceful thoughts.

The three made their way out of the room before walking through a portal which Jack summoned forth.

”Princess!” Climb shouted as he ran up to her the moment they reappeared in the Throne Room. ”Are you alright?” He was scanning her for damage, yet there was none. Not even a tear on the skirting of her dress.

”Climb, I'm fine, I'm fine.” She'd giggle as she placed her hands on his face, petting one side of it.

Jack and Ninya gave them a glance as they walked by and towards Momonga who was standing in front of the couch they had been pleasantly using for watching the surveillance of the Eight Fingers and their Security Department.

”Duke Elias Raeven has been quite useful,” Momonga stated as his red eyes beamed slightly. ”I can't believe you handed the Princess a gun though. Of all things.”

”I mean, I could've given her a rocket launcher, or a sniper rifle. I just gave her a taste, a nip, of what we could do for or to this nation should it betray us..”

Momonga couldn't help but chuckle. Even though the two of them alone could destroy each and every city with a single spell each, he was flaunting around the small arms.

”So what's the Duke up to?”