37 「Savior」 (1/2)

Bashing the nearest knob with the Philips head end of her staff, twice, before kicking the door open. Ninya came marching into the room filled with the muffled screams and moans.

A man on the bed was grunting, sweating as he shifted his meat back and forth inside of a captive woman with a pillow over her face. The rhythmic slapping of his thighs meeting some unknown lass's took Ninya's ears by storm.

Her eyes danced over the bed, disgust evident in her eyes. She wanted to vomit, but she held it back as she prepared herself to use the magic staff.

”Eh!? Who do you think you are!?” The guy snarled as he looked over his shoulder, having seen her shadow on the wall. However seeing the weapon pointed at him, he went and threw the pillow aside.

Ninya hesitated.

The stranger grabbed the woman he had beneath him by the neck and moved her in front of him as a human shield. It wasn't her sister. With this calming aura keeping her from freaking out, part of her considered just killing both. Everyone has a sociopathic thought every now and then. It didn't make them a bad person.

”Let the girl go and I'll let you live.” Were the words that leaked out of her mouth.

The girl arched her back slightly. She had bruises all over her body, she was missing a few teeth. She even had a bite mark on her collar. She had been severely abused. She was even bleeding from her rear.

”I don't think so… You're going to walk right back out of thi--” The guy's voice cut out as his eyes rested on a dead body outside the door. One of the guards. There was no help coming for him. He gulped heavily, his head turning to look for the dagger on his belt hanging by the bed on the wall.

Pulling the woman back with him as he moved to acquire the weapon, he reached out with his free hand as he fell onto the bed. However he had fallen back onto the bed too soon, he couldn't reach his weapon. Even if he could, she had the advantage of range.

The woman who he was using as a shield bit into his arm as it was around her throat, causing him to yelp and let her go. She jumped off the bed, taking a dive to the floor.

「Piercing Icicle」

Seven long Icicles were generated in front of the jewel of her staff from thin air and launched at the man, causing him to scream just short of being rapidly impaled and pinned to the headboard of the bed.

Giving a brief glance to the woman who was pulling herself up onto the nearby dresser, Ninya rushed out of the room just as Climb rammed his shoulder into a door and went on inside to 'meet' the occupants.

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Ninya on the other hand darted across the hall from the one she had once been in and impaled the door knob with her staff, causing the door to pop open. She skidded to a stop inside, and turned to face the bed. There was a man, partially dressed in wealthy attire standing at the side of the bed which had the slow breathing body of a blonde female. She had bruises up and down her torso, legs and arms. She looked like she had been punched in the face plenty of times. She even had blood going down the side of her head from an open wound.

However with a single glance. It wasn't her sister. All the same, she pointed the weapon at the man in disgust. ”How can you be so despicable to another human being...?”

The wealthy man slowly raised his hands, as if surrendering.

”You… You don't get to do that,” Ninya snapped as she took a single step forward, causing him to instinctively stumble backward.

”Please! Please don't kill me! I'll give you anything! Money! Please!”

Ninya just stared at the man who was now groveling on the ground. Surely he was a cowardly noble who preyed on the weak. Yet despite her youthful complexion, he was cowarding in fear.

Was it because of the Staff?

She looked down at the staff for a split second until she saw him stand with her peripheral vision. It was too late, she couldn't do anything. That though, wasn't a problem. She needn't do anything as the weapon's jeweled end cast a spell for her.

「Piercing Icicle」

It was the same spell she had used to kill the previous man. Seven long icicles launched out towards the man and impaled him using enough force to pin him to the wall.

Ninya just stood there, quite shell shocked due to the fact that the staff was capable of casting magic without her consent. It was as if it was designed to solely protect and aide her. It felt like Jack was right there, ruthlessly slaughtering anyone who would dare lay a hand on her. A small smile began to rise from her lips as she walked over to the woman on the bed.

The two of them locked eyes. She had these beautiful emerald eyes and blonde hair. She reached up for Ninya's hand and Ninya grasped it with one of her gloved ones.


Within seconds the woman was in full health, but like the last one, they fainted from the amount of healing overwhelming them on the mental level. It was quite clear they had gone through a lot.

Letting out a sigh as she let the hand drop down to the bed, she made her way out of the room before pausing and looking at the last door which was closed.

Sebas and Climb both came out of adjacent rooms and looked at one another then towards Ninya who was now standing in front of the door. She looked to them and they shook their heads. Tuare hadn't been in any of the rooms so it appeared. Except for maybe this one?

The three of them readied up in front of the door as Sebas stepped in front of them. With his left leg forward and his right leg back. He drew his right arm back and his left forward, before palming the door with incredible might from his right hand.

The door flew off the hinges and slide across the room after colliding and splintering against the floor.