Part 47 (1/2)
The house was shut up, but he was let in at the jug and bottle door, like a man who was known to the landlord. That's as much as I can tell you, and I'm certain I'm right. He was the last fare I took up at night.
The next morning master gave me the sack--said I cribbed his corn and his fares. I wish I had.”
I gathered from this that the crook-backed man had been a cab-driver.
”Why don't you speak?” he asked, suspiciously. ”Has she been telling you a pack of lies about me? What did she say when she came home?”
”What ought she to have said?”
”She ought to have said my fare was drunk, and she came in the way as he was going to get into the cab. That's what she ought to have said to begin with.”
”But after?”
”Well, after, my fare, by way of larking with her, puts out his leg for to trip her up, and she stumbles and catches at me for to save herself, and tears off one of the limp ends of my rotten old tie. 'What do you mean by that, you brute?' says she, turning round as soon as she was steady on her legs, to my fare. Says my fare to her: 'I means to teach you to keep a civil tongue in your head.' And he ups with his fist, and--what's come to you, now? What are you looking at me like that for?
How do you think a man of my size was to take her part against a man big enough to have eaten me up? Look as much as you like, in my place you would have done what I done--drew off when he shook his fist at you, and swore he'd be the death of you if you didn't start your horse in no time.”
I saw he was working himself up into a rage; but I could not, if my life had depended on it, have stood near him or looked at him any longer.
I just managed to stammer out that I had been walking a long way, and that, not being used to much exercise, I felt faint and giddy with fatigue. He only changed from angry to sulky when I made that excuse. I got a little further away from him, and then added that if he would be at the Mews entrance the next evening I should have something more to say and something more to give him. He grumbled a few suspicious words in answer about doubting whether he should trust me to come back.
Fortunately, at that moment, a policeman pa.s.sed on the opposite side of the way. He slunk down the Mews immediately, and I was free to make my escape.
How I got home I can't say, except that I think I ran the greater part of the way. Sally opened the door, and asked if anything was the matter the moment she saw my face. I answered: ”Nothing--nothing.” She stopped me as I was going into my room, and said:
”Smooth your hair a bit, and put your collar straight. There's a gentleman in there waiting for you.”
My heart gave one great bound: I knew who it was in an instant, and rushed into the room like a mad woman.
”Oh, Robert, Robert!”
All my heart went out to him in those two little words.
”Good G.o.d, Anne, has anything happened? Are you ill?”
”Mary! my poor, lost, murdered, dear, dear Mary!”
That was all I could say before I fell on his breast.
May 2d. Misfortunes and disappointments have saddened him a little, but toward me he is unaltered. He is as good, as kind, as gently and truly affectionate as ever. I believe no other man in the world could have listened to the story of Mary's death with such tenderness and pity as he. Instead of cutting me short anywhere, he drew me on to tell more than I had intended; and his first generous words when I had done were to a.s.sure me that he would see himself to the gra.s.s being laid and the flowers planted on Mary's grave. I could almost have gone on my knees and wors.h.i.+ped him when he made me that promise.
Surely this best, and kindest, and n.o.blest of men cannot always be unfortunate! My cheeks burn when I think that he has come back with only a few pounds in his pocket, after all his hard and honest struggles to do well in America. They must be bad people there when such a man as Robert cannot get on among them. He now talks calmly and resignedly of trying for any one of the lowest employments by which a man can earn his bread honestly in this great city--he who knows French, who can write so beautifully! Oh, if the people who have places to give away only knew Robert as well as I do, what a salary he would have, what a post he would be chosen to occupy!
I am writing these lines alone while he has gone to the Mews to treat with the dastardly, heartless wretch with whom I spoke yesterday.
Robert says the creature--I won't call him a man--must be humored and kept deceived about poor Mary's end, in order that we may discover and bring to justice the monster whose drunken blow was the death of her. I shall know no ease of mind till her murderer is secured, and till I am certain that he will be made to suffer for his crimes. I wanted to go with Robert to the Mews, but he said it was best that he should carry out the rest of the investigation alone, for my strength and resolution had been too hardly taxed already. He said more words in praise of me for what I have been able to do up to this time, which I am almost ashamed to write down with my own pen. Besides, there is no need; praise from his lips is one of the things that I can trust my memory to preserve to the latest day of my life.
May 3d. Robert was very long last night before he came back to tell me what he had done. He easily recognized the hunchback at the corner of the Mews by my description of him; but he found it a hard matter, even with the help of money, to overcome the cowardly wretch's distrust of him as a stranger and a man. However, when this had been accomplished, the main difficulty was conquered. The hunchback, excited by the promise of more money, went at once to the Red Lion to inquire about the person whom he had driven there in his cab. Robert followed him, and waited at the corner of the street. The tidings brought by the cabman were of the most unexpected kind. The murderer--I can write of him by no other name--had fallen ill on the very night when he was driven to the Red Lion, had taken to his bed there and then, and was still confined to it at that very moment. His disease was of a kind that is brought on by excessive drinking, and that affects the mind as well as the body. The people at the public house call it the Horrors.
Hearing these things, Robert determined to see if he could not find out something more for himself by going and inquiring at the public house, in the character of one of the friends of the sick man in bed upstairs.