Part 2 (1/2)

Clean and neat, and gentle too!

If you take her actions through, Just the same, I know, you'll think.

School or home, Tasks or play, Books or toys, Every way, Order keeps this loving girl, With her auburn hair a-curl.

Friend of Youth.

What boy or girl in the Sunday School has not heard of Grace Darling?

Are not these two women, whose n.o.ble deeds are told below, worthy to be called her sister-spirits?


A most interesting story is told, in a late German paper, of a remarkable woman in Pillau, Prussia, whose heroism of character certainly rises into the gigantic, or whose intrepidity, to say the least, appears to be unprecedented. This woman, by a truly generous daring, is the widow of a seaman, with whom, for upwards of twenty years, she made long voyages; and, since his death, she has devoted her life, for his memory's sake, to the n.o.ble and perilous task of carrying aid to the drowning. Her name is Katherine Klenfoldt.

Whenever a storm arises, whether by day or night, she embarks in her boat, and quits the harbor in search of s.h.i.+p-wrecks. At the age of forty-seven, she has already rescued upwards of three hundred individuals from certain death. The population of Pillau venerate her as something holy, and the seamen look upon her as their guardian-angel. All heads are uncovered as she along the street. The Prussian and several other governments have sent her their medals of civil merit: the munic.i.p.ality of Pillau has conferred on her the freedom of her town. She possesses an athletic figure and great strength, seeming to be furnished by nature in view of a capacity to go through wild scenes and high deeds. Her physiognomy is somewhat masculine, with the expression softened by a look of gentleness and goodness.


The island of Rona is a small and very rocky spot of land, lying between the isle of Skye and the main land of Applecross, and is well known to mariners for the rugged and dangerous nature of the coast.

There is a famous place of refuge at the north-western extremity, called the ”Muckle Harbor,” of very difficult access, however; which, strange to say, is easier to be entered at night than during the day.

At the extremity of this hyperborean solitude is the residence of a poor widow, whose lonely cottage is called the ”light-house,” from the fact that she uniformly keeps a lamp burning in her little window at night. By keeping this light, and the entrance to the harbor open, a small vessel may enter with the greatest safety. During the silent watches of the night, the widow may be seen, like ”Norma of the Fitful Head,” tr.i.m.m.i.n.g her little lamp with oil, being fearful that some misguided and frail bark may perish through her neglect; and for this she receives no manner of remuneration--it is pure, unmingled philanthropy. The poor woman's kindness does not rest even there; for she is unhappy till the benumbed and s.h.i.+vering mariner comes ash.o.r.e to share her little board, and recruit himself at her cheerful and glowing fire, and she can seldom be prevailed upon to take any reward.

She has saved more lives than Davy's belt, and thousands of pounds to the under-writers. This poor creature, in her younger days, witnessed her husband struggling with the waves, and swallowed up by the remorseless billow, ”in sight of home and friends who thronged to save.” This circ.u.mstance seems to have prompted her present devoted and solitary life, in which her only enjoyment is in doing good.

Here is a pretty piece. It was written, thirty-four years ago, by a cla.s.s-mate and friend; but it sounds ”as good as new.” If he should happen to see it here, he will, I know, excuse the alteration of two lines, which, though quite proper for college-boys studying Latin and Greek, are not quite proper for children in a Christian Sunday School.


Come, tell me, little noisy friend, That knockest at my pane, Whence is thy being? Where dost end, Thou little drop of rain?

I come from the deep, Where the dark waves sleep, And their beauty ever the sea-pearls keep; I go to the brow Of the mountain-snow, And trickle again to the depths below.

But, wanderer, how didst win thy way From caverns of the sea?

Did not thy sisters say thee nay, Sweet harbinger of glee?

With his far-darting flame, The Day-king came, And bore me away in a cloudy frame; And I sailed in the air, Till the zephyrs bare Me hither to hear thy minstrel-prayer.

And why dost change that tiny form, Thou sweetest ocean-child?

Why art the snow in winter-storm, The rain in summer mild?

The breath from above Of Him who is Love, In the snow and the rain-storm bids me to rove, Lest the young-budding earth Be destroyed in the birth, And Famine insult over Plenty and Mirth.

And wilt thou, little one, bestow The minstrel's small request?