Part 29 (1/2)
We must now take up the story of the third division of the great expedition, the plan and execution of which so fully reflects the military genius of our distinguished hero; for though this part was carried out by Billy Blythe, the credit of the design, as well as the discovery of the means of carrying it out, were wholly due to General Napoleon Smith.
When the second boat swept loose and the futile anger of Sir Toady Lion had ceased to excite the laughter of the crew, the gipsy lads settled down to watching the rush of the Edam Water as it swept them along. They had, to begin with, an easier task than the first boat expedition. No enemy opposed their landing. No dangerous concealed stepping-stones had to be negotiated on the route they were to follow.
Leaving all to the action of the current, they swept through the entrance to the wider branch, and presently ranged up alongside the deserted water-front of the ancient defences. They let the castle drop a little behind, and then rowed up into the eddy made by the corner of the fallen tower, where, on the morning of his deliverance, Hugh John had disturbed the slumbering sheep by so unexpectedly emerging from the secret pa.s.sage.
Billy stepped on sh.o.r.e to choose a great stone for an anchor, and presently pulled the whole expedition alongside the fallen masonry, so that they were able to disembark as upon a pier.
The Bounding Brothers immediately threw several somersaults just to let off steam, till Billy cuffed them into something like seriousness.
”Hark to 'em,” whispered Charlie Lee; ”ain't they pitching it into them slick, over there on the other side. It's surely about our time to go at it.”
”Just you shut up and wait,” hissed Billy Blythe under his breath.
”That's all your job just now.”
And here, in the safe shelter of the ruined tower, the fourteen listened to the roar of battle surging, now high, now low, in heady fluctuations, turbulent bursts, and yet more eloquent silences from the other side of the keep.
They could distinguish, clear above all, the voice of General Smith, encouraging on his men in the purest and most vigorous Saxon.
”Go at them, boys! They're giving in. Sammy Carter, you sneak, I'll smash you, if you don't charge! Go it, Mike! Wire in, boys! Hike them out like Billy-O!”
And the Bounding Brothers, in their itching desire to take part, rubbed themselves down as if they had been horses, and softly squared up to each other, selecting the tenderest spots and hitting lightly, but with most wondrous accuracy, upon breast or chin.
”Won't we punch them! Oh no!” whispered Charlie Lee.
But from the way that he said it, he hardly seemed to mean what he said.
Just then came a tremendous and long continued gust of cheering from the defenders of the castle, which meant that they had cleared their front of the a.s.sailants. The sound of General Smith's voice waxed gradually fainter, as if he were being carried away against his will by the tide of retreat. Still at intervals he could be heard, encouraging, reproving, exhorting, but without the same glad confident ring in his tones.
Flags of red and white were waved from the ramparts; pistols (charged with powder only) were fired from embrasures, and the Smoutchies rent their throats in arrogant jubilation. They thought that the great a.s.sault had failed.
But behind them in the turret, all unbeknown, the Bounding Brothers silently patted one another with their knuckles as if desirous of practising affectionate greetings for the Smoutchies.
Perhaps they were; and then, again, perhaps they weren't.
”Now's our time,” cried Billy Blythe; ”come on, boys. Now for it!”
And with both hands and feet he began to remove certain flag-stones and recently heaped up _debris_ from the mouth of a narrow pa.s.sage, the same by which Hugh John had made his escape. His men stood around in astonishment and slowly dawning admiration, as they realised that their attack was to be a surprise, the most complete and famous in history, and also one strictly devised and carried out on the best models. Though the rank and file did not know quite so much about that as their Commander-in-Chief, who was sure in his heart that Froissart would have been glad to write about his crowning mercy.
It is one of the proofs of the genuine n.o.bility of Hugh John's nature, and also of his consummate generals.h.i.+p, that he put the carrying out of the final _coup_ of his great scheme into other hands, consenting himself to take the hard knocks, to be mauled and defeated, in order that the rout of the enemy might be the more complete.
The rubbish being at last sufficiently cleared, Billy bent his head and dipped down the steps. Charlie Lee followed, and the fourteen were on their way. Silently and cautiously, as if he had been relieving a hen-roost of its superfluous inhabitants, Billy crept along, testing the foothold at every step. He came to the stairway up to the dungeon, pausing a moment, to listen. There was a great pow-wow overhead. The Smoutchies were in the seventh heaven of jubilation over the repulse of the enemy.
Suddenly somebody in the pa.s.sage sneezed.
Billy turned to Charlie Lee. ”If that man does that again, burke him!”