Part 3 (1/2)


No wonder that Janet Sheepshanks awaited this sorry procession with a grim tightening of the lips, or that her hand quivered with the desire of punishment, even while her kind and motherly heart yearned to be busy repairing damages and binding up the wounded. Of this feeling, however, it was imperative that for the present, in the interests of discipline, she should show nothing.

It was upon Priscilla, as the eldest in years and senior responsible officer in charge, that Janet first turned the vials of her wrath.

”Eh, Priscilla Smith, but ye are a ba-a-ad, bad la.s.sie. Ye should ha'e your bare back slas.h.i.+t wi' nettles! Where ha'e ye been, and what ha'e ye done to these twa bairns? Ye shall be marched straight to your father, and if he doesna gar ye loup when ye wad raither stand still, and claw where ye are no yeuky, he will no be doing his duty to the Almichty, and to your puir mither that's lang syne in her restin'

grave in the kirk-yaird o' Edom.”

By which fervent address in her native tongue, Janet meant that Mr.

Smith would be decidedly spoiling the child if on this occasion he spared the rod. Janet could speak good enough formal English when she chose, for instance to her master on Sabbath, or to the minister on visitation days; but whenever she was excited she returned to that vigorous ancient Early English which some miscall a dialect, and of which she had a n.o.ble and efficient command.

To Janet's attack, Priscilla answered not a word either of explanation or apology. She recognised that the case had gone far beyond that. She only set Sir Toady Lion on his feet, and bent down to brush the mud from his tunic with her usual sisterly gesture. Janet Sheepshanks thrust her aside without ceremony.

”My wee man,” she said, ”what have they done to you?”

Toady Lion began volubly, and in his usual shrill piping voice, to make an accusation against certain bad boys who had ”hit him,” and ”hurted him,” and ”kicked him.” And now when at last he was safely delivered and lodged in the well-proven arms of Janet Sheepshanks his tears flowed apace, and made clean furrows down the woebegone grubbiness of his face.

Priscilla walked by Janet's side, white and silent, nerving herself for the coming interview. At ordinary times Janet Sheepshanks was terrible enough, and her word law in all the precincts of Windy Standard. But Priscilla knew that she must now face the anger of her father; and so, with this in prospect, the railing accusations of her old nurse scarcely so much as reached her ears.

Hugh John, stripped of all military pomp, limped behind--a short, dry, cheerless sob shaking him at intervals. But in reality this was more the protest of ineffectual anger than any concession to unmanly weakness.



Ten minutes later, and without, as Jane Sheepshanks said, ”so muckle as a sponge or a brush-and-comb being laid upon them,” the three stood before their father. Silently Janet had introduced them, and now as silently she stood aside to listen to the evidence--and, as she put it, ”keep the maister to his duty, and mind him o' his responsibilities to them that's gane.”

Janet Sheepshanks never forgot that she had been maid for twenty years to the dead mother of the children, nor that she had received ”the bits o' weans” at her hand as a dying charge. She considered herself, with some reason, to be the direct representative of the missing parent, and referred to Priscilla, Toady Lion, and Hugh John as ”my bairns,” just as, in moments of affection, she would still speak to them of ”my bonnie la.s.sie your mither,” as if the dead woman were still one of her flock.

For a full minute Mr. Picton Smith gazed speechless at the spectacle before him. He had been writing something that crinkled his brow and compressed his lips, and at the patter of the children's feet in the pa.s.sage outside his door, as they ceremoniously marshalled themselves to enter, he had turned about on his great office chair with a smile of expectation and antic.i.p.ation. The door opened, and Janet Sheepshanks pushed in first Sir Toady Lion, still voluble and calling for vengeance on the ”bad, bad boys at the castle that had striked him and hurted his dear Prissy.” Priscilla herself stood white-lipped and dumb, and through the awful silence pulsed the dry, recurrent, sobbing catch in the throat of Hugh John.

Mr. Picton Smith was a stern man, whose great loss had caused him to shut up the springs of his tenderness from the world. But they flowed the sweeter and the rarer underneath; and though his grave and dignified manner daunted his children on the occasion of any notable evil-doing, they had no reason to be afraid of him.

”Well, what is the meaning of this?” he said, his face falling into a greyer and graver silence at the sound of Hugh John's sobs, and turning to Priscilla for explanation.

Meanwhile Sir Toady Lion was pursuing the subject with his usual shrill alacrity.

”Be quiet, sir,” said his father. ”I will hear you all one by one, but let Priscilla begin--she is the eldest.”

”We went to the castle after dinner, over by the stepping-stones,”

began Priscilla, fingering nervously the frill of the torn pinafore about her throat, ”and when we got to the castle we found out that our pet lamb Donald had come after us by the ford; and he was going everywhere about the castle, trying to rub his bell off his neck on the gate-posts and on the stones at the corners.”

”Yes, and I stooded on a rock, and Donald he b.u.t.ted me over behind!”

came the voice of Sir Toady Lion in shrill explanation of his personal share in the adventure.

”And then we played on the gra.s.s in the inside of the castle. Toady Lion and I were plaiting daisy-chains and garlands for Donald, and Hugh John was playing at being the Prisoner of Chillyon: he had tied himself to the gate-post with a rope.”