Part 5 (1/2)
”The veritable man himself!” cried Mr. Warner. ”George Douglas, the senior partner of the firm, said by some to be worth two hundred thousand dollars, and only twenty-eight years old, and the best fellow in the world, except that he pretends to dislike women.”
By this time Theo's proud blue eyes shone with delight, and when, after a little further conversation, Mr. Warner expressed a wish to write to his partner, she brought her own rosewood writing desk for him to use, and then, seating herself by the window, waited until the letter was written.
”What shall I say for you, Miss Theo?” he asked, near the close; and, coloring slightly, she answered, ”Invite him to come out and see you.”
”Oh, that will be grand!” cried Maggie, who was far more enthusiastic, though not more anxious, than her sister.
Of her Henry Warner did not ask any message. He would not have written it had she sent one; and folding the letter, after adding Theo's invitation, he laid it aside.
”I must write to Rose next,” he said; ”'tis a whole week since I have written, and she has never been so long without hearing from me.”
Instantly there came a shadow over Maggie's face, while Theo, less scrupulous, asked who Rose was.
”A very dear friend of mine,” said Henry; and, as Mrs. Jeffrey just then sent for Theo, Maggie was left with him alone.
”Wait one moment,” she said, as she saw him about to commence the letter. ”Wait till I bring you a sheet of gilt-edged paper. It is more worthy of Rose, I fancy, than the plainer kind.”
”Thank you,” he said. ”I will tell her of your suggestion.”
The paper was brought, and then seating herself by the window Maggie looked out abstractedly, seeing nothing, and hearing nothing save the sound of the pen, as it wrote down words of love for the gentle Rose.
It was not a long epistle; and, as at the close of the Douglas letter he had asked a message from Theo, so now at the close of this he claimed one from Maggie.
”What shall I say for you?” he asked; and, coming toward him, Margaret answered, ”Tell her I love her, though I don't know who she is!”
”Why have you never asked me?” queried Henry; and, coloring crimson, Maggie answered hesitatingly, ”I thought you would tell me if you wished me to know.”
”Read this letter, and that will explain who she is,” the young man continued, offering the letter to Maggie, who, grasping it eagerly, sat down opposite, so that every motion of her face was clearly visible to him.
The letter was as follows:
”MY DARLING LITTLE ROSE: Do you fancy some direful calamity has befallen me, because I have not written to you for more than a week?
Away with your fears, then, for nothing worse has come upon me than a badly broken limb, which will probably keep me a prisoner here for two months or more. Now don't be frightened, Rosa. I am not crippled for life, and even if I were I could love you just the same, while you, I'm sure, would love me more.
”As you probably know, I left Worcester on Tuesday morning for the purpose of collecting some bills in this neighborhood. Arrived at Hillsdale I procured a horse, and was sauntering leisurely through the woods, when I came suddenly upon a flying witch in the shape of a beautiful young girl. She was the finest rider I ever saw; and such a chase as she led me, until at last, to my dismay, she leaped across a chasm down which a nervous little creature like you would be afraid to look. Not wis.h.i.+ng to be outdone, I followed her, and as a matter of course broke my bones.
”Were it not that the accident will somewhat incommode Douglas, and greatly fidget you, I should not much regret it, for to me there is a peculiar charm about this old stone house and its quaint surroundings.
But the greatest charm of all, perhaps, lies in my fair nurse, Maggie Miller, for whom I risked my neck. You two would be fast friends in a moment, and yet you are totally dissimilar, save that your voices are much alike.
”Write to me soon, dear Rose, and believe me ever
”Your affectionate brother,
”Oh!” said Maggie, catching her breath, which for a time had been partially suspended, ”Oh!” and in that single monosyllable there was to the young man watching her a world of meaning. ”She's your sister, this little Rose,” and the soft dark eyes flashed brightly upon him.
”What did you suppose her to be?” he asked, and Maggie answered, ”I thought she might be your wife, though I should rather have her for a sister if I were you.”
The young man smiled involuntarily, thinking to himself how his fas.h.i.+onable city friends would be shocked at such perfect frankness, which meant no more than their own studied airs.