Part 30 (1/2)

”So I am at times,” laughed John. ”A bird without the feathers. Come now, brace up! Remember that the solid earth is always below you, a long way below, perhaps, but it's there, and Friend Caumartin is bound to deliver you soon to your rightful master, Captain Daniel Colton, who will talk to you like an affectionate but stern parent.”

”For Heaven's sake, let's start and get away from this wild Yankee,”

said Carstairs.

”But you won't get away from me,” rejoined John. ”Lannes and I in the _Arrow_ will watch over you all the way, and, if we can, rescue you, should your plane break down.”

Caumartin supplied Wharton and Carstairs with suitable coats and caps, and they took their places unflinchingly in the big plane. Their hearts may have been beating hard, but they would not let their hands tremble.

”I suppose the _Omnibus_ starts first, Philip, doesn't it?” asked John.

”Yes,” replied Lannes, smiling, ”and we can overtake it. _Omnibus_ is a good name for it. We'll call it that. It looks awkward, John, but it's one of the safest machines built.”

Plenty of willing hands gave the _Omnibus_ a lift and then did a like service for the _Arrow_. As they rose, aviators and pa.s.sengers alike waved a farewell to Lord James Ivor, and he and the Englishmen about him waved back. But the thousands lying on the gra.s.s slept heavily on, while the cannon on their utmost fringe thundered and crashed and the German cannon crashed and thundered, replying.

The _Arrow_ kept close to the _Omnibus_, so close that John could see the white faces of Wharton and Carstairs and their hands clenching the sides. But he remembered his own original experience, and he was not disposed to jest at them now.

”They're air-sick--as I was,” he said to Lannes. ”Call to them to look westward at the troops,” said Lannes. ”Great portions of the French and English armies are now visible, and such a sight will make them forget their natural apprehensions.”

Lannes was right. When they beheld the magnificent panorama spread out for them the color came back into the faces of Carstairs and Wharton, and their clenched fingers relaxed. The spectacle was indeed grand and gorgeous as they looked up at the sky, down at the earth, and at the line where they met. The sun was now low, but mighty terraces of red and gold rose in the west, making it a blaze of varied colors. In the east the terraces were silver and silver gray, and the light there was softer. The green earth beneath was mottled with the red and silver and gold from the skies.

The German army was yet invisible beyond the hills, although the cannon were flas.h.i.+ng there, but to the west they saw vast of infantry, some stationary, while others moved slowly forward. Looking upon this wonderful sight, Wharton and Carstairs forgot that they were high in the air. Their hearts beat fast, and their eyes became brilliant with enthusiasm. They waved hands at the _Arrow_ which flew near like a guiding friend.

”Wonderful, isn't it?” shouted John.

”I never expect to see its like again,” Carstairs shouted back, and then, lest he should not be true to his faith, he added:

”But I won't desert the automobile. It's my best friend.”

”British obstinacy!” shouted John.

Carstairs shouted back something, but the planes were now too far apart for him to hear. John saw that the _Omnibus_, despite her awkward look, was flying well and he also saw through Lannes' four aeroplanes bearing up from the east. He did not say much until he had examined them well and had concluded that they were Taubes.

”Lannes,” he said, ”German machines are trespa.s.sing on our air, and unless I'm mistaken they're making for us.”

”It's likely. Just under the locker there you'll find a rifle, and a belt of cartridges. It's a good weapon, and if the pinch comes you'll have to use it. Are your friends good shots?”

”I think they are, and I know they're as brave as lions.”

”Then they'll have a chance to show it. The _Omnibus_ carries several rifles and an abundance of ammunition. She might be called a cargo boat, as there's a lot of room on her. I'm going to bear in close, and you tell Caumartin and the others of the danger.”

The _Arrow_ swerved, came near to the _Omnibus_, and John shouted the warning. Carstairs and Wharton instantly seized rifles and he saw them lay two others loaded at their feet. With the prospect of a battle for life air-sickness disappeared.

”You can rely on them, Philip,” said John as the _Arrow_ bore away a little, ”but I don't like the looks of one of those German machines.”

”What's odd about it?”

”It's bigger than the others. Ah, now I see! It carries a machine gun.”

”That's bad. It can send a hail of metal at us. It's lucky that aeroplanes are such unstable gun-platforms. When platforms and targets are alike swerving it's hard to hit anything. We're going to rise and dive, and rise and dive and swerve and swerve, John, so be ready. I'll signal to Caumartin to do the same, and maybe the machine gun won't get us.”