Part 14 (1/2)
”Then I'll find him.”
Caumartin resumed his place in his machine. John looked longingly at the aeroplane. He would gladly have gone with Caumartin, but feeling that he would be only a burden at such a time, he would not suggest it.
Nevertheless he called to the aviator:
”If you see Philip Lannes in the heavens tell him that his friend John Scott is here behind a low ridge crested with trees!”
Caumartin nodded, and as some of the soldiers gave his plane a push he soared swiftly away in search of General Vaugirard. John watched him a moment or two and then turned his attention back to the German army in front of them.
The thudding of the heavy guns to their left had become so violent that it affected his nerves. The waves of air beat upon his ears like storm-driven rollers, and he was glad when Bougainville's regiment moved forward again. The Germans seemed to have withdrawn some of their force in the center, and, for a little while, the regiment with which John now marched was not under fire.
They heard reserves now coming up behind them, more trains of motor cars, bearing fresh troops, and batteries of field guns advancing as fast as they could. Men were busy also stringing telephone wires, and, presently, they pa.s.sed a battery of guns of the largest caliber, the fire of which was directed entirely by telephone. Some distance beyond it the regiment stopped again. The huge were pa.s.sing over their heads toward the German lines, and John believed that he could hear and count every one of them.
The remains of the regiment now lay down in a dip, as they did not know anything to do, except to wait for the remainder of the French line to advance.
Something struck near them presently and exploded with a crash. Steel splinters flew, but as they were only one man was injured.
”They're reaching us again with their sh.e.l.l fire,” said John.
”Not at all,” said Bougainville. ”Look up.”
John saw high in the heavens several black specks, which he knew at once were aeroplanes. Since the bomb had been dropped from one of them it was obvious that they were German flyers, and missiles of a like nature might be expected from the same source. Involuntarily he crouched close to the ground, and tried to press himself into it. He knew that such an effort would afford him no protection, but the body sought it nevertheless. All around him the young French soldiers too were clinging to Mother Earth. Only Bougainville stood erect.
John had felt less apprehension under the artillery fire and in the charge than he did now. He was helpless here when death fell like hail from the skies, and he quivered in every muscle as he waited. A crash came again, but the bomb had struck farther away, then a third, and a fourth, each farther and farther in its turn, and Bougainville suddenly uttered a shout that was full of vengeance and exultation.
John looked up. The group of black specks was still in the sky, but another group was hovering near, and clapping his to his eyes he saw flashes of light pa.s.sing between them.
”You're right, Bougainville! you're right!” he cried, although Bougainville had not said a word. ”The French flyers have come and there's a fight in the air!”
He forgot all about the battle on earth, while he watched the combat in the heavens. Yet it was an affair of only a few moments. The Germans evidently feeling that they were too far away from their base, soon retreated. One of their machines turned over on its side and fell like a shot through s.p.a.ce.
John shuddered, took the down, and, by impulse, closed his eyes.
He heard a shock near him, and, opening his eyes again, saw a huddled ma.s.s of wreckage, from which a foot encased in a broad German shoe protruded. The ribs of the plane were driven deep into the earth and he looked away. But a hum and swish suddenly came once more, and a sleek and graceful aeroplane, which he knew to be the _Arrow_, sank to the earth close to him. Lannes, smiling and triumphant, stepped forth and John hailed him eagerly.
”I met Caumartin in an aerial road,” said Lannes, in his best dramatic manner, ”and he described this place, at which you were waiting. As it was directly on my way I concluded to come by for you. I was delayed by a skirmish overhead which you may have seen.”
”Yes, I saw it, or at least part of it.”
”I came in at the end only. The Taubes were too presuming. They came over into our air, but we repelled the attack, and one, as I can see here, will never come again. I found General Vaugirard, although he is now two or three miles to your right, and when I deliver a message that he has given me I return. But I take you with me now.”
John was overjoyed, but he would part from Bougainville with regret.
”Philip,” he said, ”here is Pierre Louis Bougainville, whom I met that day on Montmartre. All the officers of this regiment have been killed and by grace of courage and intuition he now leads it better than it was ever led before.”
Lannes extended his hand. Bougainville's met it, and the two closed in the clasp of those who knew, each, that the other was a man. Then a drum began to beat, and Bougainville, waving his sword aloft, led his regiment forward again with a rush. But the _Arrow_, with a hard push from the last of the soldiers, was already rising, Lannes at the steering rudder and John in his old place.
”You can find your cap and coat in the locker,” said Lannes without looking back, and John put them on quickly. His joy and eagerness were not due to flight from the field of battle, because the heavens themselves were not safe, but because he could look down upon this field on which the nations struggled and, to some extent, behold and measure it with his own eyes.
The _Arrow_ rose slowly, and John leaned back luxuriously in his seat.
He had a singular feeling that he had come back home again. The sharp, acrid odor that a.s.sailed eye and nostril departed and the atmosphere grew rapidly purer. The rolling waves of air from the concussion of the guns became much less violent, and soon ceased entirely. All the smoke floated below him, while above the heavens were a s.h.i.+ning blue, unsullied by the dust and flame of the conflict.