Part 6 (2/2)
”It's French. There cannot be any doubt of it,” he said, ”and only one man is in it. As he's hidden by his flying-suit I can't tell anything about him.”
”Watch him closely, John, and keep your hand on the b.u.t.t of your automatic. I don't like that fellow's actions. Still, he may be a Frenchman on an errand like ours. We've no right to think we're the only people carrying important messages today.”
”He's gaining pretty fast. Although he keeps below us, it looks as if he wanted to communicate with us.”
The second aeroplane suddenly shot forward and upward at a much greater rate of speed. John, still watching through his, saw the man release the steering rudder for an instant, s.n.a.t.c.h a rifle from the floor of his plane, and fire directly at Lannes.
John uttered a shout of anger, and in action, too, he was as quick as a flash. His automatic was out at once and he rained bullets upon the treacherous machine. It was hard to take aim, firing from one flying target, at another, but he saw the man flinch, turn suddenly, and then go rocketing away at a sharp angle.
Blazing with wrath John watched him, now far out of range, and then reloaded his automatic.
”Did you get him, John?” asked Lannes.
”I know one bullet found him, because I saw him s.h.i.+ver and shrink, but it couldn't have been mortal, as he was able to fly away.”
”I'm glad that you at least hit him, because he hit me.”
”What!” exclaimed John. Then he looked at his comrade and saw to his intense horror that black blood was flowing slowly down a face deadly pale.
”His bullet went through my cap and then through my head,” said Lannes.
”Oh, not through my skull, or I wouldn't be talking to you now. I think it glanced off the bone, as I know it's gone out on the other side. But I'm losing much blood, John, and I seem to be growing numb.”
His voice trailed off in weakness and the _Arrow_ began to move in an eccentric manner. John saw that Lannes' hand on the rudder was uncertain and that he had been hard hit. He was aghast, first for his friend, to whom he had become so strongly attached, and then for the _Arrow_, their mission and himself. Lannes would soon become unconscious and he, no flying man at all, would be left high in air with a terrible weight of responsibility.
”We must change seats,” said Lannes, struggling against the dimness that was coming over his eyes and the weakness permeating his whole body. ”Be careful, Oh, be careful as you can, and then, in your American language, a lot more. Slowly! Slowly! Yes, I can move alone. Drag yourself over me, and I can slide under you. Careful! Careful!”
The _Arrow_ fluttered like a wounded bird, dropping, darting upward, and careering to one side. John was sick to his soul, both physically and mentally. His head became giddy and the wind roared in his ears, but the exchange of seats was at last, successfully accomplished.
”Now,” said Lannes, ”you're a close observer. Remember all that you've seen me do with the plane. Resolve to yourself that you do know how to fly the _Arrow_. Fear nothing and fly straight for our destination.
Don't bother about the bleeding of my wound. My thick hair and thick cap acting together as a heavy bandage will stop it. Now, John, our fate rests with you.”
The last words were almost inaudible, and John from the corner of his eye saw his comrade's head droop. He knew that Lannes had become unconscious and now, appalling though the situation was, he rose to the crisis.
He knew the immensity of their danger. A sudden movement of the rudder and the aeroplane might be wrecked. And in such a position the nerves of a novice were subject at any time to a jerk. They might be a.s.sailed by another treacherous machine, the dangers, in truth, were uncountable, but he was upborne by a tremendous desire to carry the word and to save Lannes and himself.
In the face of intense resolve all obstacles became as nothing and his hand steadied on the rudder. He knew that when it came to the air he was no Lannes and never could be. The solid earth, no matter how much it rolled around the sun or around itself, was his favorite field of action, but he felt that he must make one flight, when he carried with him perhaps the fate of a nation.
The _Arrow_ was still rocking from side to side and dipping and jumping.
Slowly he steadied it, handling the rudder as if it were a loaded weapon, and gradually his heart began to pound with triumph. It was no such flying as the hand of Lannes drew from the _Arrow_, but to John it seemed splendid for a first trial. He let the machine drop a little until it was only six or seven hundred yards above the earth, and took wary glances from side to side. He feared another pursuer, but the air seemed clear.
Lannes had sunk a little further forward. John saw that the bleeding from his head had ceased. There was a dark stain down either cheek, but it was drying there, and as Lannes had foreseen, his hair and the cap had acted as a bandage, at last checking the flow effectively.
His breathing was heavy and jerky, but John believed that he would revive before long. It was not possible that one so vital as Lannes, so eager for great action, could die thus.
Now he looked ahead. Their landmarks as Lannes had told him before the fight, were to be a high hill, a low hill, and a small stream flowing between. Just behind it they would find a great French army marching northward and their errand would be over. He did not yet see the hills, but he was sure that he was still in the pathway of the air.