Part 5 (1/2)
The two shook hands with great heartiness and Lannes joined in the reunion. He too at once liked Weber, who always made the impression of courage and quickness. He wore a new uniform, olive in color with dark blue threads through it, and it became him, setting off his trim, compact figure.
”How did you get here, Mr. Weber?” asked John.
”I scarcely know,” he replied. ”My duties are to a certain extent those of a messenger, but I was caught in the last battle, wounded slightly, and separated from the main French force. The little company which I had formed tried to break through the German columns, but they were all killed or captured except myself, and maybe two or three others. I hid in a wood, slept a night there, and then reached Paris to see what is going to happen. Ah, it is terrible! terrible! my comrades! The Germans are advancing in five great armies, a million and a half strong, and no troops were ever before equipped so magnificently.”
”Do you know positively that they have a million and a half?” asked Lannes.
”I did not count them,” replied Weber, smiling a little, ”but I have heard from many certain sources that such are their numbers. I fear, gentlemen, that Paris is doomed.”
”Scott and I don't think so,” said Lannes firmly. ”We've gained new courage today.”
Weber was silent for a few moments. Then he said, giving Lannes his t.i.tle as an officer:
”I've heard of you, Lieutenant Lannes. Who does not know the name of France's most daring aviator? And doubtless you have information which is unknown to me. It is altogether likely that one who pierces the air like an eagle should bear messages between generals of the first rank.”
Lannes did not answer, but looked at Weber, who smiled.
”Perhaps our trades are not so very different,” said the Alsatian, ”but you shoot through clouds while I crawl on the ground. You have a great advantage of me in method.”
Lannes smiled back. The little tribute was pleasing to the dramatic instinct so strong in him.
”You and I, Mr. Weber,” he said, ”know enough never to speak of what we're going to do. Now, we'll bid you good night and wish you good luck.
I'd like to be a prophet, even for a day only, and tell what the morrow would bring.”
”So do I,” said Weber, ”and I must hurry on my own errand. It may not be of great importance, but is vital to me that I do it.”
He slid away in the darkness and both John and Lannes spoke well of him as they returned to the house. Picard admitted them.
”May I ask, sir, if there is any news that favors France?” he said to Philip.
”Not yet, my good Antoine, but it is surely coming.”
John heard the giant Frenchman smother a sigh, but he made no comment, and walked softly with Lannes to the little room high up that had been a.s.signed to him. Here when he was alone with his candle he looked around curiously.
The room was quite simple, not containing much furniture, in truth, nothing of any note save on the wall a fine picture of the great Marshal Lannes, Napoleon's dauntless fighter, and stern republican, despite the ducal t.i.tle that he took. It was a good portrait, painted perhaps by some great artist, and John holding up the candle, looked at it a long time.
He thought he could trace some likeness to Philip. Lannes' face was always stern, in repose, far beyond his years, although when he became animated it had all the sunniness of youth. But he noticed now that he had the same tight lips of the Marshal, and the same unfaltering eyes.
”Duke of Montebello!” said John to himself. ”Well, you won that t.i.tle grandly, and while the younger Lannes may do as well, if the chance comes to him, the new heroes of France will be neither dukes nor princes.”
Then, after removing all the stiff pillows, inclines, foot pieces and head pieces that make European beds so uncomfortable, he slipped between the covers, and slid quickly into a long and soothing sleep, from which he was awakened apparently about a minute later by Lannes himself, who stood over him, dressed fully, tall and serious.
”Why, I just got into bed!” exclaimed John.
”You came in here a full seven hours ago. Open your window and you'll see the dawn creeping over Paris.”
”Thank you, but you can open it yourself. I never fool with a European window. I haven't time to master all the mechanism, inside, outside and between, to say nothing of the various layers of curtains, full length, half length and otherwise. Nothing that I can conceive of is better fitted than the European window to keep out light and air.”
Lannes smiled.