35 Silver Wolf King (1/2)


The howl of the silver wolf king signaled the started of the battle. The trio separated in all three directions before Shesmu gave his orders.

”I'll evasion tank! Leo, you offtank when I'm out of gas!”

By the time Shesmu finished his orders the boss was already in front of him, ready to swipe him with his paw.

Shesmu immediately rolled on the ground dodging the attack before getting back up. At the same time, both Leo and DepressedRyan attacked with their own skills.

The wolf king, being attacked from both sides no longer focused on Shesmu and was about to hit Leo when Shesmu attacked with a skill of his own.



Shesmu slashed at the Wolf King's neck using his Empowered Slash Cancel. Red Blood gushed out from the wound painting Shesmu's right-hand red. With this attack that dealt more damage than both of his teammate's attacks combined, the boss' attention was fully Shesmu's.

Silver light gathered on the Silver Wolf King's right paw emitting a calm an elegant aura. He will Dash! The monster vanished from Shesmu's sight, and a black shadow appeared in front of him.

Without even turning around, Shesmu Dashed out, appearing above the boss that was a moment ago behind him. The wolf's attack shattered the ground, leaving debris that catapulted in all directions.

Shesmu activated Demon's Slash and threw a black energy crescent towards the boss before gravity took over.


Shesmu's ranged skill dealt insane damage to the wolf forcing it to fall down on one paw. Shesmu didn't waste any time and activated Empowered Thrust as he was falling. He performed an aerial Empowered Thrust Cancel and his target was the Wolf King's neck.



While Shesmu was fighting with his life on the line, DepressedRyan and Leo weren't sitting idly either. Whenever Shesmu landed a successful hit, or when the boss' attention wasn't on them, they would sneak an attack or two, making the Wolf King accumulate damage.

Shesmu was out of gas, all of his skills were on cooldown. Leo understood this and immediately changed his playstyle to a more aggressive one. Before the Wolf King could even recover from Shesmu's attacks, Leo jumped in and slashed at the poor thing. A couple of normal attacks and an Empowered Sword Slash was all it took for the boss' attention to fixate on Leo.


The wolf stood up. It raised its right paw and gathered silver energy. Leo knew the destructive potential of that technique, so he braced himself. With his new armor and high vitality stat, he expected that he would at least not get one shotted if he blocked the attack with his sword.

The Silver Wolf King's paw struck down Leo like lightning from the heavens. The impact was so strong that even after hitting the ground, Leo's body was thrown five meters in the air like a ragdoll. His sword was catapulted to the other side of the room, leaving him weaponless.

Shesmu used inspect on Leo and breathed a sigh of relief.


HP: 150/950

That one attack can kill any of us but Leo in one shot. This monster really is scary.

However, Leo's sacrifice hasn't been in vain. Even though he was only able to save five seconds by distracting the boss, these few seconds were enough for Shesmu to have his Empowered Slash off cooldown again. Before going in battle once again, Shesmu used Inspect on the boss.